
How dangerous are Painkillers?

Let's first learn how painkillers work inside the body.

When you pop a pill to stop that pain, what it does primarily is to deaden the nerves so that they cannot transmit pain signals to the brain. Therefore you do not feel the pain after you swallow a painkiller. The minimum time it takes to work is at least 30-40 minutes after you've taken it.

While almost every painkiller has some kind of proven side effect, Paracetamol is voted by experts as being the safest and the only one that can be taken without medical supervision. This painkiller can be given even to a new born baby without the danger of any side effects. And that is the only one that you should pop when you are in pain.

While a Disprin (containing aspirin) can lead to blood thinning, peptic ulcers and even Reyes Syndrome (multi organ seizure) in children alone with precipitating asthma in patients, a Voveran (containing diclosenac) can cause liver and kidney damage and even bleeding in the stomach.

Some like Nimesulide are the most dangerous because they can cause toxic liver failure among others. Most developed countries have banned them but in some countries it's a different story.

Another common painkiller like Ibuprofen is to be avoided during pregnancy because it can cause gastro intestinal bleeding, skin reactions and also peptic ulcers. Pain is a day to day problem and it's a good thing because it's a kind of warning mechanism that the body uses to tell you that all is not well inside you. That's when you should see a doctor to find out the reason for the pain.

And from what sales of OTC drugs show, you are clearly not alone in trying to play doctor. It's a fallacy that only the uneducated misuse painkillers.

So if you don't want to land up in a sick bed, think before popping that easy to reach painkiller.

Possible Side effects of painkillers

Aspirin: Intestinal hemorrhage, peptic ulcer, precipitates asthma.
Ibuprofen: Stomach ulcer, vomiting, skin reactions
Novalgin: Blood disorder
Voveran: Liver and kidney damage, water retention leading to high BP
Nimesulide: Toxic liver failure, kidney damage, blood in urine
Paracetamol: None

Note: Prescription painkillers can be highly dangerous if taken without medical supervision.


What is a Mini Tummy Tuck?

A mini tummy tuck, also known as partial abdominiplasty, was developed by plastic surgeons to help people with lesser fat and loose skin compared to people who require a standard tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck addresses the problem caused by loosening up of lower abdominal wall. This obviously need not require a standard tummy tuck or abdominiplasty but it sure needs more than liposuction. The mini tummy tuck is ideal for you if you have a bulging abdomen, excess fat or sagging skin, it is also used to correct muscle weakness.

The mini tummy tuck only involves removing additional fat and skin, while a standard one involves removal of fat, skin as well as tightening of muscles. Which means, if you get a mini tummy tuck done, you recover faster and undergo a less complicated operation compared to a standard tummy tuck.

The mini tummy tuck is also known to addresses the problem which mostly pregnant women face after the delivery. During pregnancy a pregnant women's body automatically adjusts itself by redistributing fat, then involution as well as lactating breasts, these changes, after the delivery lead to unexpected fat deposits in the most unwanted places along with disfigured breasts. A conscious woman will do whatever exercise it takes to wear the fat off but the genetically deposited fat is not that easy to get rid off, that's where mini tummy tuck comes in. However, men can also benefit from the mini tummy tuck procedure. Men can address problems such as, loose skin around the lower abs, which mostly happens after a gastric bypass surgery or after they loose a lot of weight, by a simple operation.

Pregnancy is worth anything in the world, but the loose roll of skin and fat left after pregnancy can be demoralizing for many, a mini tummy tuck can help you win it all back safely, you'll be your usual self in a matter of days. A mini tummy tuck will cost lesser than a standard tummy tuck you might need after some more time and it leaves only a small scar atop the pubis. However, like any other surgical procedure mini tummy tuck also involves inherent risks, only your surgeons can tell if a mini tummy tuck procedure is safe for you.


7 hormones for a happy life

We are presenting you a female "hot hormonal seven", from which our health, mood, appearance, sleep, appetite, will-power and even intellect depend!

The most well-known female sex hormone that makes a woman to be a woman. It is produced in ovaries. Due to estrogen, our figure gets lovely female circularities, and our character gets pliability, softness, emotionality. It quickens cells renewal, keeps skin's youth, shine and thickness of hairs, protects vessels from cholesterol remains.
Excess of estrogen often leads to excessive plumpness of thighs and lower part of belly, development of uterus myoma (non-cancerous growth). Lack of estrogen leads to intensive hair growth on unwanted places: hands, legs, face, and also to quick wasting away.

Testosterone is produced in adrenals in small amounts and turns a sluggish doll into a lively and passionate lover of men. It makes us feeling sexual attraction, being persistent and purposeful, able not only to wait for a male to come, but also prepare traps for him, and some women even go hunting for him. The more testosterone woman has, the quicker she can pump full her muscles and the more she's addicted to outdoor activity. Excess of testosterone makes woman's character hasty and aggressive, blackheads appear on skin. If a woman feels deficiency of testosterone, she has no wish to make sex.

This is a hormone of tender long affection and care, it's also produced by adrenals. In huge amounts it comes in blood after childbirth during uterus tractions, making us loving a tiny creature we gave birth to. Female organism produces oxytocinum , as a reaction to different stresses. That's why we search for rescue from melancholy and anxiety feeding up our husband and children, taking care of an old lonely neighbor, taking home a stray kitten.

A hormone of figure and mind. It regulates speed of metabolism and thinking, and so, both plumpness and ability to think. It makes our body slender, skin - smooth, motions - adroit and graceful, reaction to man's interested glance -immediate! It is synthesized in a thyroid gland, situated on the front surface of neck. Excess of thyroxin makes us growing thin. Thoughts are jumping, it's impossible to concentrate, constant anxiety torments us, we cannot sleep at night, heart thumps and escapes from chest. Lack of thyroxin leads to adiposity, languor, drowse. Plus absolute frivolousness of mind and impairment of memory.

A hormone of courage and fury. It is produced in adrenals during stress. Many heard about its workmate � fear hormone that is responsible for escape from danger. So, noradrenalin induces us to the opposite; it enlarges vessels, blood rushes to a head, bringing brilliant ideas, face becomes rosy, wrinkles smooth down, eyes are sparkling, and a woman, looking like some stern and wonderful Goddess, says: "I'm blossoming because of stress!" She rushes to the attack against troubles, solves all the problems successfully and, with all that going on, looks wonderful and sleeps well at night. We wish all of you to have enough noradrenalin for overcoming any stresses!

A hormone of "sweet life". It comes from pancreas, controls a level of glucose in blood. It's insulin that breaks up all carbohydrates you ate, including sweets, and sends glucose (source of energy), taken from them, to the tissues. As a result, we're satisfied and have powers to live.

Some women have little less insulin produced since birth or it's not so active. When more farinaceous and sweet foods comes to organism, than insulin can process, surplus glucose starts "idling about" organism and severely damages all his cells and blood vessels. A disease of diabetes develops, the risk of having diabetes is high, if some of your relatives suffered from it.

A hormone of beauty and slenderness. It is produced in hypophysis, internal secretion gland, situated right in cerebrum. If you visit gym, do fitness and body-building, then, you probably heard of somatotropinum � an idol of sports instructors and body-building trainers. It's responsible for the growth of muscles and fat burning, elasticity and strength of chords. By the way, including the ones those support breasts.
Excess of somatotropinum, in childhood and youth, leads to extremely high height. In grown-up age, nose, chin, bones of fingers are still growing. Natural abundance of somatotropinum hormone during pregnancy leads to some enlargement of features, feet, hands, but after childbirth all changes go away. Children's lack of this hormone is fraught with stunted growth and full stop of growth. If you don't have enough sleep constantly, overdo and overeat, then the level of somatotropinum will come down, bust will lose its shape and sag, and no intensive trainings and aerobics will repair the situation.


Common S.T.D. Symptoms and Treatment for Chlamydia, Herpes and Hepatitis

Diseases like Chlamydia, Herpes and Hepatitis are a growing problem in the United States. High risk behaviors and lack of disease information and resources have had a profound effect on the spread of such diseases. Some of these diseases have little to no symptoms yet can be extremely harmful if not treated and can spread without knowing so. Getting proper education in dealing with such diseases can help you as an individual protect yourself from infection.

Chlamydia - Chlamydia is one of the most common STD's today. Chlamydia is easily spread through sexual activities hence they are a sexually transmitted disease. Clamidia treatment is usually pretty easy and uncomplicated. Chlamydia can cause sterility in both men and women. At least three million individuals are infected with Chlamydia each year. Common symptoms of clamidia include: discharge from lower regions, painful urination, painful intercourse, abdominal pain, nausea, fever, swelling and bleeding from lower regions (specific symptoms for men or women). Symptoms usually occur with in 21 days of infection. Treatment of Chlamydia is usually taken care of with an antibiotic, usually doxycycline, taken for a week.

Herpes � Herpes is also an extremely common sexually transmitted disease. Most adults have some version of the disease. Many do not know they even have the herpies virus. Herpes is often associated with sores on the mouth (cold sores) and genitals (genital herpes). There is no cure for herpes however herpies symptoms and breakouts can be treated with medication prescribed by your doctor. Someone using these medications can lead break-out free lives. Generally, herpes is usually the most problematic during the first breakout and lessons with age.

Hepatitis � There are many versions of hepatitis. Hepatitus B for example can be prevented with a vaccination, other versions of hepatitis cannot. Hepatitis can be spread via sexual activity or by eating food handled improperly as a Food-Bourne illness. Hepatitis is a serious illness that affects the Liver and may cause jaundice. All symptoms associated with hepatitis should be directed to a medical professional for immediate treatment. Hepatitus can be very serious and it is important to get the facts and resources immediately for treatment. Other symptoms of hepatitis can include : extreme fatigue, headache, fever and hives. Hepatitus may be invisible during its most contagious stages.

Proper knowledge and safe practices can help you extremely reduce the risks of getting infected with a sexually transmitted disease. For more information on sexually transmitted diseases visit your local health department, your primary physician or a pregnancy resource center near you.


Our Baby: The Grape

My wife and I are only about six weeks into this pregnancy thing and we're still trying to wrap our heads around this whole idea of having a baby, though we have wildly different thoughts on the subject. I'm worried about whether or not we'll be able to handle the financial and moral responsibilities of bringing a child into the world. My wife is mostly worried about passing something the size of a watermelon through her hoo-ha.

And so far the worry has been all our own. We haven't told anyone else about our impending baby because, quite frankly, I don't think either of us fully believes that my wife is actually pregnant.

Sure, she's moody all the time and has had an inexplicable food cravings and she's taken to complaining about how bloated and fat she feels, but really, that's no different than how she's acted for the for the five years that I've known her. And I still married her.

Right now our baby is not really a "he" or a "she" as much as an "it" in our minds. We've been reading a lot of these baby websites and a lot of these sites compare our baby's current size to various pieces of fruit. The message eventually changes as the pregnancy moves forward, so one week the baby site will proclaim "Your baby is now the size of a sesame seed!" and a week or two later we'll read "Your baby is now the size of a raisin!"

If these baby sites had their way we'd all measure our own size compared to various items from the produce aisle. I'd stand 8.4 carrots tall and when I stepped on the scale it would read like a slot machine and report my weight as in at 250 pumpkins, two oranges and three cherries.

So every day I check these sites and every day I'm reminded that our baby is only the size of a grape. I don't mind telling you that it's hard to feel very attached to a grape...and it isn't even a fully developed grape. It's not like my wife has a little grape-sized person in her. No, right now she has a little pink squishy thing that, really, looks kinda like a...well....a squished grape.

Our baby is only beginning to grow organs, so it's not like we have a whole lot in common with our very, very, very little offspring. I mean, I'm a not a very complex guy but I still like to relax with a TV remote in one hand and a beer in the other. Right now our baby doesn't have hands to hold the remote or even a liver to process the beer.

This is all still so unreal to us that my wife and I are also still trying to find the best way to even talk about the whole idea of being pregnant. The phrase "we're pregnant" makes it sound as though we're some sort of bisexual Siamese twin sharing one body and committing unspeakable acts of fornication on ourselves. She's the one who's pregnant and I'm the guy who did it (or so she claims).

We've struggled with ways of referring to the pregnancy situation and so far we've used phrases like "knocked up," "expecting," "got a bun in the oven," "infiltrated," "violated," and even "been slimed." I think we'll have to filter out a few of those when it finally comes time to announce the news to our families.

So that's where we are in this whole baby-making process. The baby has been made, but it's still a pretty gooey, tiny thing that doesn't really have much personality and even less mass. I'm sure this whole fatherhood thing is going to change my life, but right now I'm just not feeling it.

I have, however, sworn off eating grapes. At least until our baby grows up... to be the size of a lime.


Diabetes and Your Eyesight

What does diabetes mean to a common man? Sugar? But it's not that simple. Diabetes is a multi-organ disease that affects almost all parts of the body simultaneously and eyes are most commonly affected. The side affects of diabetes can be prevented or delayed by being in touch with doctors.

Early diagnosis and treatment goes a long way in preserving good eyesight throughout life. Sometimes, diabetes may be first detected by manifestations in the eye like infections, boils, styes, recurrent redness, mild haziness of vision, double vision, frequent change of glasses for reading, difficulty in focusing near or distance, difficulty in driving especially at night, glare etc. as these signs also appear in established diabetic patients. In the presence of these suspicious symptoms or when in doubt it's wise to have detailed eye testing from a specialist.

The main affect of diabetes on eyes is a matter of concern since it can cause permanent untreatable blindness - diabetic retinopathy. In simple terms it means diabetic affects or deposition on retina of the eye. In early stages diabetic retinopathy many not have any symptom to warn you of it happening inside the eye. This can only be detected by detailed, meticulous examination of the retina. This early detection is only possible by awareness and understanding of the disease, regular eye examination, minimum once a year, unless told otherwise by the eye surgeon, early referrals by diabetologists, endocrinologists, treating physicians and general doctors, all of whom need to get their diabetic patients cleared of diabetic retinopathy, off and on, as they do to rule out other complications of the disease.

In fact, in this early stage, when there may be just a thickening of the retina or presence of tiny blood clots due to diabetes, called CSME, even in the presence of normal 6/6 vision, laser treatment benefits the patient the most. If diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed at a later stage, it progresses to severe stage with abundance of hemorrhages, exudates and fluids and formation of new blood vessels, ultimately leading to complete blindness due to total bleeding inside the eye, which requires major eye surgery to retrieve a little bit of vision that could have been almost 100 percent in earlier stages.

Uncontrolled diabetes and diet, blood pressure, excess weight and cigarette smoking are not good associations. It is absolutely necessary to get your eyes tested when your treatment is shifted from oral drugs to insulin because the latter can cause start/worsening of diabetic changes in the retina, and that too at a fast speed. Diabetic retinopathy in pregnancy should be carefully monitored. Cataract surgery can worsen the retinal condition and get it checked immediately after the surgery. Diabetes can also cause fast maturation of cataract.


Secrets to the Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Sarah is a pregnant mother of three who continues to breast-feed her 18-month-old. After each of her pregnancies, she has had difficulty losing weight. With all of her responsibilities, weight loss isn't a priority. Still, she wishes that, once this pregnancy is over, she will be able to return to her pre-marriage weight.

The average woman gains more than 25 pounds during her pregnancy. The procedure of childbirth may result in a weight loss of up to 14 pounds, which means that new moms still have considerable weight to lose once they leave the hospital. However, some women simply assume that this "baby fat" will never go away. Yet, it is entirely possible to lose weight during the post-partum period.

A number of medical experts recommend easing into a weight loss program after the birth of your baby. This means that you will not start dieting until about three months following birth. You should combine a low-fat diet with moderate exercise in order to achieve weight loss.

Don't expect instant results. It will take you a good nine months to get back to your weight prior to pregnancy. A go-slow approach is best because you need to give your body time to recover after childbirth. Certainly, you might be able to lose weight faster, but you might be sacrificing valuable nutrients as a result.

Interestingly enough, breastfeeding actually enhances weight loss. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has found that breastfeeding leads to the release of hormones which enable your uterus to return to its normal size. However, breastfeeding alone won't bring down your weight. You need to combine it with a sensible diet and a moderate exercise program. Keep in mind that you need to have at least 1800 calories a day while breastfeeding in order to keep yourself and your baby healthy. Still, stay clear of junk food during this period. You should rely on food with high nutritional value to maintain the proper level of calories each day.

There are many good reasons to exercise during the post-partum period. In addition to helping to accelerate weight reduction, exercise can help alleviate post-partum depression, improve your mood, and boost your confidence. Exercise can also "clear your head" so that you're better able to meet the demands of motherhood. You might consider joining a "Mommy and Me" exercise class so that your baby can exercise right along with you. Another helpful hint is to enlist the help of a friend or relative to act as your exercise buddy so that you'll have some emotional support while exercising. An added bonus of exercise is that it should boost your energy level, which is quite important when battling the fatigue which comes from caring for a newborn.

Your diet should generally be low-fat but not fat-free; vitamin rich; and high-fiber. Under no circumstances should you go on a fad diet. Such a diet could be quite harmful to your health and could actually slow your recovery from childbirth. It's a good idea to set weight-loss goals, but don't go overboard. Recognize that there's a limit to the amount of weight you can lose during a given period of time.

You may see a number of actress-moms gracing the covers of magazines shortly after the birth of their children. They appear svelte and elegant, totally devoid of baby fat. In the accompanying article, they may even talk about exercising right after childbirth. Such articles send new mothers a dangerous message: that you must do all you can to become thin as quickly as possible after your baby is born. Such a philosophy is not only ridiculous, it's also unhealthy. As a result, you'll need to "tune out" such messages from the media and stay the course with your own gradual weight loss plan.

The time right after the birth of a child can be quite challenging, taxing both your physical and emotional strength. While it is certainly a good idea to eat healthy, you'll need to pace yourself as far as weight loss is concerned. Over time, you should be able to lose the weight you gained during your pregnancy. In fact, you might find that you're actually healthier after your baby is born.


Why Do You Have Asthma?

Asthma is an inflammatory condition where your bronchiales constrict causing breathing difficulties. Your bronchioles become inflamed for a variety of physical, emotional and environmental reasons. It is not contagious so, you cannot catch it from another person.

But what is the real cause asthma? Why do some people develop asthma and why is asthma more common in the western world?

Inheriting Asthma

However, you can inherit the asthma tendency from your parents, although people with asthma should not worry about their future children on this score.

Studies show that children whose parents smoke are twice as likely to develop asthma as children of non-smoking parents. Also, children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy tend to be born with smaller airways, which greatly increases their chances of developing the disease.

The "westernised" environment and lifestyle in developed countries has a lot to do with the chances of whether a person will develop asthma or not.

Many people believe air pollution has something to do with asthma, although the evidence, at this stage, is surprisingly very weak.


Causes of asthma include allergies to house dust mites, cats, dogs, and moulds.

Childhood infections and exposure to substances from bacteria in a dirty environment seem to protect against allergies, and this seems to be the main reason why richer populations have more allergic disease.

So the causes of asthma are complicated. They include genetics, exposure to chemical irritants and pollution, a low immune system, emotional or mental problems, allergies to certain foods.

Almost all asthma in young people is cause by allergies. This means that if you have asthma you probably have inherited genes which make it possible for you to get asthma. Add to this, allergy-producing things in your environment, such as house dust mites, cats, or dog and your asthma get worse.. The allergies and the genes are the causes for developing asthma, because if either of them were not present you would not developed asthma.

But, what about colds, exercise, laughter, or tobacco smoke, which are asthma triggers?

You can't cure your asthma by not doing exercise, or by not laughing. Quite simply, these are not causes of asthma, though they can be causes of an attack.

The type of interior house paint can apparently make asthma worse. Glossy oil paints used for home decorating can bring on asthma attacks. The good news is that emulsion paints don't seem to do this.

Polyurethane paints, usually recognisable because they come in two packs which need to be mixed together before use, can cause occupational asthma in people who use them regularly. However, they probably cause no great risk in people with asthma who use them infrequently. As always, when using chemicals and paints, it is surely a good idea to ventilate the area well during and after use.

Emotional issues

Now, deep seated emotionally issue can be the cause of asthma. When emotion is embedded into the body, it has to express itself in a way that its electrical charge can be released. This release happens over and over as outside situations trigger the memory.

The way an embedded emotion issue choses to express itself is by the path of least resistance. If your heart is weak, the emotional issue will pound your heart. If your joints are weak, it will pound your joints. If your bronchia or lungs are weak, it will pound them and eventually weaken those more, leading you to asthma or other respiratory diseases.

Early on everyone should be aware of their family illness history. This is something that is seldom considered. If it were, you could take preventative measures if you knew you were prone to asthma. Choosing the right foods and keeping specific body organs or systems strong, with the right nutrients early on, would definitely prevent you from having to suffer with asthma as you became older.


Pregnancy Fitness After the Baby is Born

What happened to that pre-pregnancy body you once had? After nine months of your body going through numerous changes, many of which you do not like or enjoy, your newborn is here and it's time to lose the excess weight you have most likely gained. You can speed the process of regaining your pre-pregnancy shape by exercising regularly.

While it may not help eliminate any stretch marks you may have, exercise will help you regain the body you had prior to becoming pregnant. Some of the most common questions asked by new moms are: How soon can one begin postpartum exercises? How long will it take to regain my pre-pregnancy shape? And what are the best exercises to help me achieve my goals? Keep in mind one of the most critical factors that help determine the answers to these questions is how healthy you were during your pregnancy - both physically and mentally.

Have you ever wondered how celebrity moms lose their baby weight so rapidly? One of the most common reasons is because they exercise strenuously prior to and during their pregnancy. Celebrities have been known to lose up to 60 pounds in what seemed like a few days. However, please keep in mind that this is not considered as the normal time frame. These individuals are also quite careful (almost to the point of obsession) about the types of foods they eat. They are also quite able to afford personal trainers and nannies so that they can perform their exercise routines 5-7 days a week for many hours at a time.

Because most new moms have the regular everyday tasks to contend with such as work, errands, families, losing that excess weight after childbirth is not quite so easy. Hopefully you found the time and the desire to engage in some kind of exercise during your pregnancy, even on the days you just wanted to simply crawl back in bed. If you did, you will find that the process of losing that extra baby weight will be a lot easier for you than for new moms who did no exercise at all while pregnant. Exercising regularly during your pregnancy will have given you the opportunity to become familiar with what will motivate you, give you the best results, and identify the types of exercise that you find the most enjoyable.

Walking, jogging, aerobics, yoga, and many other types of exercise will allow you to lose the extra weight more quickly and you will feel better at the end of each day. Having a new baby can be an exhausting task and the simple act of exercising regularly will undoubtedly increase your energy and stamina when you need it most. Most doctors will say that it is safe to start a post-pregnancy exercise routine six weeks after the birth of your child. Walking and swimming can be started shortly after your baby is born if you do so in moderate amounts at a slow pace. Work up slowly to the more strenuous exercises to ensure your safety and reduce the risks of any complications that could arise from over-exerting yourself before your body has had adequate time to recover.


Pregnancy Exercise and Diet Tips - Sensible Advice for Expectant Mothers

Mothers-to-be have many questions about pregnancy nutrition and exercise. The tips and advice below will help you get started on a healthy pregnancy.

A diet containing the essential nutrients and vitamins are vital to the development of both mother and child. Vitamins are imperative to the health of a developing baby and the well being of the mother. Choosing foods that are rich in vitamins and other nutrients are a critical part of a healthy pregnancy nutrition plan and supplemental vitamins are necessary as well.

Follow a well-planned pregnancy diet to help avoid complications such as morning sickness, fatigue, anemia, and constipation. Your healthy diet must continue after pregnancy if you plan to breastfeed your baby.

Pregnancy food recommendations

* Your pregnancy diet should include plenty of complex and unrefined carbohydrates as they contain important B vitamins, trace minerals, and fiber that are essential to a fit, healthy pregnancy.

* Appropriate quantities of yellow and green leafy vegetables are vital for the growth of the baby and the health of the mother.

* Dairy products contain calcium that will assist in the developing baby's teeth and bones. If your diet is lacking calcium your body will draw calcium from your bones to meet it's increased need.

* Avoid excessive amounts of fat must be avoided during pregnancy, as it will only serve to add excess pounds, which will be hard to lose after the birth of your baby.

* Vitamin C in generous amounts is crucial to a healthy pregnancy, bone growth, and various metabolic processes. Including berries, citrus fruits, raw broccoli and cabbage can help provide you with the Vitamin C that you need.

Ideally, your pregnancy diet should include 3-4 servings of protein and meat, 2-4 servings of fruit, 6-11 servings of grains, 4-6 servings of dairy products, and 6-8 glasses of water, milk, and juice. A pregnant mother must follow a healthy diet that will benefit the developing baby but that will also maintain her general health as well.

Exercise recommendations during pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy will promote strength, muscle tone, and endurance. Regular activity during your pregnancy will help alleviate swelling, fatigue, and backache. If you expect to remain fit during your pregnancy you will need to work your heart and major muscle groups. The type of exercise you do during your pregnancy will depend on your fitness level prior to pregnancy. Walking, pregnancy yoga videos, and swimming are excellent pregnancy exercises combined with stretching and other low-impact activities.

Exercises that involve a risk of falling or injury should be avoided such as bicycling, racket sports, horseback riding, and skiing. You will need to alter your exercise routine from trimester to trimester to accommodate your growing body. Avoiding over-exertion is necessary to avoid complications such as faintness, dizziness, vaginal bleeding, and premature contractions. Also, make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising to reduce the risk of dehydration, which can raise your body temperature and cause harm to yourself and/or your baby.

A regular exercise program is beneficial to both mother and child, but check with your health care provider to make sure you have no conditions or risks that will prevent you from participating in a regular exercise routine or could cause potential harm to yourself or your child.


Fitness While Pregnant - Is It Safe?

For many years it was believed that once a woman became pregnant she should just lounge on the couch and rest for hours on end, each and every day. After numerous clinical studies it was found that most women should do quite the opposite.

In most cases, women should continue with their daily routines, and if they are not doing so already, they should begin a regular daily fitness regimen.

It has been found that exercising during pregnancy has numerous beneficial effects. Exercising will give you more energy and stamina, increase your confidence, and give you the extra strength you need for delivering your newborn.

A daily fitness regimen performed by the mother-to-be during pregnancy has also been found to produce a healthier and stronger baby.

An added bonus for those of you dreading those long hours of child labor is that regular exercise during pregnancy has been known to reduce the time frame for this process by about a third. This in itself is a great motivating factor, since every hour spent in labor can seem like a much longer period of time.

While exercise will undoubtedly help you obtain all these wonderful benefits, there are some guidelines you should follow:

Always consult our physician before beginning any diet and/or exercise regimen. This is to ensure you will be able to do this without causing harm to yourself and your recovering body.

Always start out slowly. Try several activities and do not attempt to perform very strenuous exercises or spend too much time at the gym. Find some exercises or activities you like and enjoy and do them regularly, but try not to exceed more than 30 minutes at a time. If you begin to feel exerted or worn out, stop exercising immediately and rest for a while. The whole purpose of exercising is to help maintain good health and self esteem, not injure or endanger yourself or your unborn.

Avoid high altitudes, extreme humidity, or especially warm temperatures when exercising. Getting overheated is not beneficial to you or our baby, and it could actually cause harm. Be sure you drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated.

Monitor your heart rate, your breathing, and your pulse. This will allow you to observe your progress and notice any limitations you may need to be aware of. Knowing this information and making a note of it while exercising could assist your physician in diagnosing any problems or potential hazards you may face.

While you are in your final trimester, try to avoid any bouncing, jumping, or running. These activities can potentially cause injury to you or your unborn child.

Pregnancy causes many changes for any woman, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Be sure you communicate openly with your partner and your doctor. Keep all of your limitations in mind and never try to exercise more than is reasonable for your stage of pregnancy.


Fitness While Pregnant - Information You Should Know

Pregnant women can and should exercise in moderation unless there are health factors or risks that prevent them from participating in a fitness program. This should consist of intervals of no more than thirty minutes at a time, several days each week if not every day of the week. Exercising has been proven to help pregnant women feel and look better, and also will help in minimizing the amount of weight gained during pregnancy.

Keep fit during pregnancy can help prevent or avoid problems such as gestational diabetes, a common form of diabetes that sometimes develops during pregnancy. It will also help increase stamina, which will be needed for labor delivery and increase your physical and emotional well being before and after delivery. Staying in shape will also help speed your recovery after the birth of your baby. Always be sure to consult with your physician before beginning any type of fitness program while you are pregnant.

Fitness programs that are appropriate for pregnant women include walking, swimming, low or no-impact aerobics (done at a mild pace), yoga, and Pilates for as long as you are able to complete the required moves. You should always avoid activities that can put you at a high risk for injury. Forms of sports or exercise that may cause you to be hit in the abdomen or are performed lying flat on your back are considered high risk. This is extremely important after the third month. Another sport you will need to avoid during pregnancy is scuba diving. While this may seem completely harmless, especially since being in the water makes you feel lighter and more agile, it can cause dangerous gas bubbles to form in an unborn child's circulatory system.

There are numerous benefits that exercise can bring to a pregnant woman. You will burn calories, which will help prevent any excessive weight gain. If you work out on a regular basis, you will improve the condition of your joints and muscles, which will be very helpful during the birth of your baby. The long-term effects will also continue after giving birth and will also help you lower your risk of heart disease and many other serious illnesses.

Staying in shape will help to relieve any anxiety and stress you may feel. It will also help to prevent the "baby blues" that many new mothers experience after the birth of their child. This is valuable information since so many new mothers worry if postpartum depression will affect their lives and the lives of their family. Participating in fitness programs while pregnant gives many emotional as well as physical benefits.

Once your doctor give you the go ahead to begin a fitness program, decide on a program that fits both your likes and schedule. Keep in mind that it is best if you do not exceed a 30-minute period of time while exercising. If you are finding it difficult to pick a program, try several different types of exercises that are appropriate for pregnant women then decide which you enjoy the most. You may want to incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine to help prevent boredom and discouragement. Exercising while you are pregnant is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your unborn child.


Maximize Your Chance for Conception

One of the joyful times, in a relationship or marriage, deciding to have or conceive a baby. Either, that moment in time or sometime, in the near future, reality comes to fruition. Assuming, male and female, are in good health, conception is achievable. Once a month, female hormones, from the pituitary gland, stimulate ovaries, releasing an egg (When two eggs are released, non-identical twins) or ovulate. Unfortunately, irregular periods may decrease fertility. Fertility declines as a woman, gets older. According to National Center of Health and Statistics, women less than, twenty-five years old, have a 96 percent chance of conceiving. Women twenty-five to thirty-four years old, have an 87 percent chance of conceiving, and women, thirty-five to forty-four years old, have a 78 percent chance, for conceiving. Certainly, many methods increase odds of conception, by scientific and medical technology. There are many, pregnancy test kits available, provide almost 100 percent, accurate indication, when a woman, has become pregnant.

Suggestions: Increasing the Odds of Conception

Between, the time, a women has her period or menstrual cycle, a woman can get pregnant. Simply, count the number of days, until the cycle, has ended. Every woman has a different number of cycle days. The cycle days are usually 21 to 35 days. Day one is the observation of red blood, and last day, observing brown or pink spotting. Take total number of days, and subtract by 14 days. Calculated number should be remembered. However, when total number of cycle days, change, from one month to another, harder to calculate. From the calculated number, prior four days and two days afterwards, is the optimal time for conception. However, intercourse every other day (during this time), gives time for the male, increasing sperm supply. Using, an ovulation predictor Kit, provides a more accurate time, when intercourse, should occur. Starting a day early, then calculated, reduces the odds of miscalculation. Sperm can live, in the reproductive tract, up to seventy-two hours. Thus, starting intercourse, beginning days of optimal time, increasing odds of conception. During the morning hours, sperm count is the highest. During that time or within time frame of days, couple should put aside, their busy schedules or agenda, spending quality time together. Certainly, creating a relaxing and seductive environment, in a peaceful, moment of time. Creating setting, by aromatic candlelight, soft music, and any additional, pleasurable ambiance. According to WebMD.com, 'The Overachiever's Guide to Getting Pregnant Fast': "Approximately 60% of couples who are actively trying to conceive (having intercourse two to three times a week) will conceive, within the first 6 months of trying, 75% within 9 months, 80% within a year, and 90% within 18 months." Certainly, able to predict the ovulation period of time, helps couples, predetermine the month, child will be born (or multiple births), but certainly, there is no guarantee. According to the Chinese calendar, predicting the birth of boy or girl, high percentage rate of accuracy. Beware, a regimental conception, may cause stress upon woman or male, creating an infertile development. Obviously, exact length of pregnancies, does vary. Often, conception seems to occur, between February and May. Cold climate changes, seems to bond couples, closer and frequently together.

A woman's temperature is higher, during the period of ovulation. A Basal temperature thermometer measures minute changes, in temperature, and has range of a few degrees. When the Basal temperatures, is 96 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit, considered normal period for ovulation. Temperatures 97 to 99 Fahrenheit, time after ovulation. However, basal temperatures are not always accurate. Time for ovulation, will not always, indicate an increase in Basal temperature. Many pharmacies, sell Basal temperature thermometers, and available for sale, on the Internet.

Pharmacies, and Internet websites, sell male infertility tests kits. These measure sperm concentration. Test determines, a certain threshold, for a male fertility. Advance tests for male infertility, consulting a physician, for a semen analysis. Recommended, males should not wear briefs or Speedo bathing suits, may reduce sperm count.

Professor A.F. Haney, Obstetrics/gynecology, and chairman of obstetrics/gynecology, at the University of Chicago, Illinois, invented a watch, has a sodium monitor on the back. When sodium level increases, reflects the timing of ovulation. This occurs, when cervical mucus increases, and creates a more pliable and slippery area, facilities ease of more sperm, entering the female reproductive tract. During this time, prevolulatory rise in estrogen, lasting several days. The watch, referred to as OV Watch.

During intercourse, missionary position, conception is more likely. The woman should be, either laying down or kneeling. In this position, deepest penetration, places the sperm closer to the cervix. This maximizes amount of semen. Lying side-by-side, achieves the same results. However, provides a better relaxing position, when one of the partner's, is overweight or has back pain. After intercourse, the woman should remain in bed, laying on her back and elevating her pelvic region with a pillow, for at least half an hour. According to some experts, in this position, force of gravity, provides sperm additional travel time, reaching the fallopian tubes. However, those women, more likely, getting urinary tract infections, should avoid this position, and go to the bathroom, after intercourse. During intercourse, no conclusive evidence, a woman having an orgasm, will become pregnant.

Smoking Tabacco, changes the cervical mucus, may prevent, sperm from reaching the egg. Also, smoking increases potential, for miscarriage and causing birth defects. Second hand smoke or spending time, near someone that smokes, equally unhealthy.

Women, deciding to discontinue, taking a birth control pill, about half of those women, starting conception, will get pregnant, within first three months, and majority, within twelve months. Women having discontinued, using patches or rings, for birth control, have similar or shorter time to wait, than the pill. Discontinuing the use of Depo-Provera shot or progrestin-only hormonal method, (Delaying fertility), within six months, pregnancy is likely, through normal conception. When Intrauterine devices (IUD) are removed, usually, following first menstrual cycle, pregnancy is feasible.

Fertility institutions provide, advice treatment and alternative solutions, for conception. These alternative solutions include: Egg donation, surrogacy, ovulation induction, vasectomy reversal, and other suggestions. Also, drugs are available to stimulate ovulation, including Clomiphene Citrate, an oral fertility pill, and hormone injections. This technique is "Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation" ("COH") or "Super-Ovulation." Side effect, taking Clomiphene Citrate, women slightly increase their chance, getting ovarian cancer. Another drug, Pergonal induces or corrects abnormalities of ovulation. Fertility National Directory lists (www.Fertilitydirectory.org), facilities located, in United States. Opened since 1999, are 399 facilities. Also, directory provides information, regarding companies and organizations, helping to secure, financing or credit options. Monarch Alliance offers affordable, and financially suitable plans, for fertility treatments. Contact information: Monarch Alliance - 5015 Birch St. Suite 121, Newport Beach, California 92660,

Telephone: 949 - 612 -6099, and E-mail: customerservice@monarchfinace.com



The history of birth control

Throughout many years people tried to find ways to control fertility and prevent pregnancies. Even though in the earliest times people had little or no idea how women became pregnant, there were many mechanisms and various methods used in many ancient cultures to avoid pregnancies. Many of these methods had nothing to do with sexual intercourse or the act of conceiving a baby and, obviously, had little if any effect on birth control. Such methods were dances, amulets and rituals. Some methods, however, even if they were used without any knowledge about how to get pregnant, were ancient modifications of modern methods of birth control used even today.
In the times when pregnancy was believed to be controlled by spirits, the moon or the sun, rituals, myths, dances and amulets were popular means to control fertility. Those were the times when pregnancy and childbirth were dangerous to women's lives. The death rate during childbirth or after it was high, and women tried to avoid pregnancy especially when they had already many children. The birth control methods were passed on from woman to woman quietly. It is known that in cultures where the moon was believed to be the power of conception, women tended to sleep out of the reach of moonlight in order to avoid pregnancy. In some other cultures throwing corn kernels, apples, or nails into a well or springing at a magical hour was believed to help a woman to stay un-pregnant for a month. Another ritual that was thought to help prevent unwanted pregnancy was walking over graves of dead female ancestors.
Ancient Roman women put a leather pouch filled with cat's liver on their left foot during sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. Some women believed that spitting three times into a frog's mouth was a good method of birth control. European women thought that they could prevent pregnancy by turning backwards a wheel of a mill at midnight. And in many cultures women constantly wore various necklaces and amulets, which were supposed to have the power of controlling the act of conception.
Some time later natural family planning techniques came into the minds of ancient women. The rhythm method, known and used by some women even nowadays, was introduced by a Greek gynecologist Soranus in the second century CE. He suggested that women should avoid sex during the days when ovulation occurred because he thought they were then most fertile. However, he was absolutely wrong assuming that ovulation occurred during the days of menstrual bleeding. In addition to the rhythm method, Soranus advised women to hold the breath and draw their bodies back during sex in order to stop the sperm from entering a woman's body. He also suggested a woman to jump backwards seven times after sexual intercourse or sit down on bent knees to cause sneezing. These methods had no scientific basis and thus were not effective in birth control.
Another method, with the knowledge of ovulation and its effect on conception was continuous breast-feeding until a child was three years old. Somehow women knew that breast-feeding had to prevent ovulation and therefore they were not able to conceive.
The only method that had then and still has now a hundred percent efficiency in birth control was abstinence. Therefore many women had joined the monasteries and became nuns. For other women complete abstinence was not possible on a long-term basis but some religions and ethical groups had periods when sex was prohibited, such as during Lent or different religious or ethical holidays. However, these had no effect on birth control.
One of the oldest birth control methods, that had something to do with the knowledge of how women became pregnant, was used in Egypt around 1500 BC. It is thought to be the oldest contraceptive. Suppositories made out of crocodile dung or honey, were used by women. It was believed that the sticky substance could stop the white fluid from a man entering a woman's body. This probably only discouraged a man from having sexual intercourse with a woman who used these suppositories.
Nowadays medical progress and modern technologies have made a lot of differences in sexual lives of men and women. Women have a lot of birth control methods they can choose these days in order to protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Scientists are about to introduce a new method of contraception for men � the male birth control pill. However, there are a lot of people in the world today, who still use various old birth control methods to avoid unexpected pregnancies. How far have we really come from ancient times?

Use of this article is permitted as long as there are clickable links back to us at: Birth Control
and all credit is given to the author.


Emollients and Lubricant Drugstore Laxatives

Stool Softener Laxatives - Emollients

Stool softeners and emollients work by absorbing water into the fecal matter. This makes the fecal matter softer so it can pass easier through your colon and out the rectum. Two of the chemicals used in stool softener laxatives are docusate sodium and docusate calcium.

Don't use these types of laxatives since they have chemicals that can produce side effects. Docusate sodium has been found to increase the toxicity of drugs when taken at the same time. In addition, they affect liver function.

You can find some of these laxatives at your local drugstore under the names,

* Colace � contains docusate sodium

* Dialose � contains docusate sodium

* Surfak � contains docusate calcium

Other products that contain docusate sodium and docusate calcium are:

* Senokot-S, Correctol 50 plus, Fleet Stool Softener, Phillips Liquid-Gel

Avoid using docusate with mineral oil since this increases the chances of absorbing some mineral oil into the body. Mineral oil in the body tissues can form tumors.

Pregnant women should avoid using this type of laxative.

Lubricants Stool Softeners

Lubricants stimulate a bowel movement by coating your colon walls and fecal matter. These lubricants also help keep water in the fecal matter, preventing them from becoming hard and difficult to pass through your colon and rectum. One such lubricant is Mineral oil � (not recommended)

Avoid laxatives that contain mineral oils. These oils can cause a pneumonia that is difficult to clear. They interfere with intestinal absorption of food nutrients, and fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin A, and collect in the lymph nodes when used often.

Mineral oil is not a food. It coats food and prevents it from being digested and prevents absorption of vitamins and nutrients.

Dale Alexander, author of Arthritis Common Sense, 1981, reminds us that,

"Crude mineral oil was discovered, by Indians, on top of stagnant water in the oil fields. Today, mineral oil is refined into pure from petroleum. Refineries could not sell mineral oil for automobile use, so their representatives educated people to pour it into their bodies. Just the way mineral oil does not pass qualifications for a car carburetor, it forms puddles of useless oil in your intestinal loops."

Mineral oil passes from the mouth, all the way through your colon, and out the rectum without being absorbed. However, it sometimes passes through the intestinal walls in small amounts and poses a health hazard in the body. It also leaks out of the rectum, if too much is used.

Some of the lubricant drugstore laxatives are:

* Alin plus phenolphthalein �

* Dioctyl sodium sulfosucciante � a detergent type substance that lowers the surface tension of your colon walls and fecal matter.

* Docusate potassium

* Magnesium hydroxide � brings in more water into your colon. When too much is taken, it can create embarrassment for you.

* Osmolak plus lactulose (lactulose is a synthetic sugar that pulls water out of the body and into your colon to soften stools.)

* Sokol plus mineral oil

Dioctyl sodium Sulfosucciante belongs to a family of chemicals that reduces the surface tension of the fecal matter in your colon allowing water and fat to penetrate and make the fecal matter softer. These chemicals are known as,

* Dioctyl sodium succiante (also known as docusate sodium)

* Dioctyl potassium succinate (also known as docusate potassium)

* Dioctyl calcium succinate (also know as docusate calcium)

If you are pregnant, do not use mineral oil or other oils to get relief from constipation. During pregnancy you need good absorption of minerals and nutrients to provide for your newborn. Excessive use of mineral oil during pregnancy can cause bleeding in newborns.

In her book, Linda Clark's Handbook of Natural Remedies for Common Ailments, Linda writes about mineral oil,

"The message has finally got through to the public and the medical profession that mineral oil is one of the most damaging of all laxatives. It robs the body of Vitamins A, D, E, K: interferes with absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and can actually lead to other diseases."


Babies: How to Get Your Children Excited About the New Arrival

The sudden appearance of a new baby can be rough on the other children in the family. Daily routines are disrupted and suddenly mom and dad are too busy to pay attention to older siblings. Worst of all, the new baby is the instant star of the family - the center of attention. The adorable baby is the big attraction for everyone from mom and dad, to visiting relatives, to casual acquaintances bumped into at the mall, right down to strangers on the street. Everyone is talking baby talk, cooing at the new baby, and making a fuss over the newborn. The older kids may feel shunted aside and resentful. This is especially true for the displaced former baby of the family.

Given these natural reactions, anything that you can do to prepare your other children for the new arrival will ease the transition. Everything you can do to involve your kids in advance and to get them to actually look forward to the birth will make a big difference in how they experience it. It might even help establish a stronger brother or sister bond with the new baby that will contribute to the lasting closeness of a positive sibling relationship.

Here are some simple ideas that expectant parents might try, to smooth the road ahead for their other children. Most are common knowledge or simply common sense, but sometimes too easily forgotten amid all the excitement and activity surrounding the birth of a new baby. A few might be new ideas that are worth a try. A little advance thought and preparation may go a long way towards making the "blessed event" a blessing for the ENTIRE family. Hopefully, you'll be inspired to try some of these ideas, so here goes.

Let your other kids in on the secret as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed, well before it is obvious just by looking at mom. Even with your youngest children, try to give them some understanding of the changes that mom is going through and what they mean. Check out your local public library. It should have books geared to all different ages that can explain, in terms that children can understand, the biological process of having a baby. Picture books about baby animals may also help crystalize the concept and relate it to something your kids have already experienced, like watching newborn kittens, for example.

The library or local bookstore should also be able to guide you to works of fiction, including picture books for preschoolers, that focus on the arrival of a new baby in the family and such issues as jealousy and feelings of neglect. Quiet parent-child story reading times can provide an ideal opportunity to prepare young children for changes that are on the way and to reassure them of their own importance and irreplaceable position in the family. Discuss things openly and answer your kids' questions.

Encourage your children to think about life with the new baby and how family routines will be altered. Coax your kids to develop their own lists of things that will be fun about having a new baby in the house - for example, they can push the baby carriage and help dress the baby. Help them think about all the things that they'll be able to share with and teach the baby as he or she grows up and how important their role will be as a "big brother" or "big sister."

At other times, let them focus on coming up with ways that they can help care for the baby or have them think of things they can do around the house to ease the burden on mom and dad. Also, take this opportunity to make your kids aware that babies require gentle handling and a quiet environment. You might even use a baby doll with your younger children to role play baby's diaper changing and feeding.

Nurture the feeling that every family member is of equal importance and that each occupies a special niche and has special contributions to make. No one is being replaced by the baby and the family cannot be whole unless EVERYONE is a part of it. If your kids internalize this belief, you may be able to avoid some of the trauma and the understandable resentment toward this little stranger who has stolen mommy and daddy's hearts. The better your children are prepared for the impending event, the better they'll be able to cope with it emotionally.

As part of that preparation process, from time to time plan special activities with your kids that relate to babies. For example, they might draw pictures of babies or collect baby photos from magazines and create a collage. Sit down and go through photo albums of your kids' baby pictures and reminisce with them about their own arrivals into the world. Re-tell any family anecdotes surrounding their births. Teach your children lullabies that they can sing to the baby, plus finger games and "peek-a-boo" games to entertain their new brother or sister.

Arts and crafts projects can furnish a special parent-child discussion and sharing time and may sometimes revolve around preparations for the new baby. Kids can make pictures to hang in the baby's room, or create a baby-safe mobile to hang over the baby's crib, or draw scenes in which they imagine their lives with the new baby - rocking the baby in their arms, and so forth.

Let the kids be involved in every facet of the preparations that you yourself are making for the baby's arrival. Your kids can help you repaint the nursery or paint a mural on the nursery wall, and help you pick out baby furniture, bedding and nursery decorations. They can choose baby clothes that appeal to them. All of these things can later give the children pride and a sense of importance and inclusion in the baby's life. When grandma says "What a cute bib the baby's wearing," your preschooler can say "I picked it !"

In addition, make your children key members of the family committee that chooses a name for the new baby. Keep the kids involved and actively participating and then, as the birth becomes imminent, dad and the kids may even conspire to prepare some extra, special, secret surprises for mom and the baby, like buying or creating a special keepsake item or putting together a "welcome home" party.

In short, it's always worth the effort to do as much as you can to get your kids involved in and excited about the arrival of a new baby. Include them in every step of the process. The more they feel that it is THEIR baby, too, the more positive their attitudes will be towards the baby. In this way, you can try to minimize the natural insecurities and feelings of jealousy that go with the territory.

The suggestions mentioned in this article can help lay the groundwork for good sibling relationships but, of course, you can't rest on your laurels once the baby is born. After the baby arrives, try to do everything you can to set aside some special time each day that's just for you and each of your other children. Offer them special little treats or outings or surprises, and encourage grandma and grandpa to do the same. To reduce jealousy, give your kids pride in the things that they CAN do that the baby can't do, like dressing themselves or enjoying a movie or reciting their ABCs. Continue along the path that you started on months earlier - reassure your kids that each of them is just as important as the baby is, so that they won't feel that they must compete for your love and attention.

Good luck and oh, by the way, congratulations !


Ten great tea Facts.

A major Chinese ruler by the named Shen Nung was the first to discover Tea. The tale goes that in the year 2,750 bc the emporer was sitting under a tree having some water boiled for him when some leaves from the tea plant fell into the boiling hot water. The emporer decided to taste the fresh brew, enjoyed it and thousands of years later the same brew is enjoyed every day by millions of people all over the world.

We now know that consuming between a half and two cups of tea each and every day may help promote fertility by inhibiting abnormalities in our human chromosomes. In a recent test two hundred and fifty women drank as little as half a cup of tea per day and their pregnancy rates were twice those who did not.

In recent Australian studies CSIRO experts discovered that the occurrence of skin cancer in laboratory animals was greatly lowered when they were given black tea. It is thought that polyphenols which are very strong antioxidants and are contained in the tea are probably the most likely reason for this phenomenon.

The most expensive teabag in the world was commissioned for the 75'th anniversary of the UK PG TIPS tea corporation. The bag was filled with two hundred and eighty perfect diamonds and expensive rare edition tea leaves. The bag cost seven thousand five hundred pounds and was sold at auction in aid of a Children's hospital in the United Kingdom.

Tea is a great wart remover. The tannic acid that is in tea is thought to be just as effective in killing warts as most wart removers that you can bought over the counter at the local drug dispensary! Soak a black tea bag in boiling water, and then place the soggy bag on the wart itself for about 15 minutes at least twice every 24 hours. In time the wart will shrink and eventually dissolve.

In recent Dutch tests it was found that men who consumed black tea which contains catechins are fifty percent less likely to die of ischemic heart disease. This is when our arteries become clogged and are unable to fucntion as they should because of them becoming narrow.

To get rid of puffy eyes lie on the floor or wherever is suitable and place either a moist teabag or tea compress over both of your eyes and leave for about twenty minutes. Swelling around the eyes will disappear and your eyes will return to their former sparkling glory.

For a large number of years it has been known that men in Asian countries who consume green tea have very low instances of prostate cancer. Many prominent researchers think that this is due to green tea containing many powerful antioxidants and preventative anti-cancer agents

Tea comes from the leaves of a tree named Camellia sinensis. The 3 main types of tea are Black, Oolong and Green. Herbal tea does not come from the leaves of a tea plant, therefore, is not considered to be real tea. Roots, stems, flowers and parts of plants are used to make herbal tea.

Did you know that the nation of Turkey are mainly Tea drinker? In fact Turkey is now the globes number one country when it comes to consuming tea. Most Turks drink an amazing twenty to thirty cups per day each and tea is now practically their national drink.