
crying baby


Crying is a normal event in the lives of all babies.When a baby comes out of the woomb the first thing to do is crying.By the first cry he will take some air in to the lungs for the first time in their life.After delivery if the baby doesnot cry then it should be initiated by slightly pinching or gently strocking the feet.From this it is clear that the healthy baby should cry and it is a normal physiological event ,still some times it can upset the mother or family members.

We all know that a baby can't tell his needs or troubles in words. The only way for him to communicate with others is by crying.Babies show some other signs like feet kicking,hand waving and head turning ect.But the best way to take the attention of others is by crying.

Excessive crying may not have a firm definition because the crying habit changes from baby to baby and some babies can be calmed easily but some are difficult to sooth.If crying is distressing for the mother and home nurse it can be called excessive.Many a times baby become quiet by giving breast milk or by carrying with a gentle rocking.Sudden onset of excessive crying means baby is distressed and needs attention.The causes of crying extends from simple reasons to life threatening conditions.Hence crying of a baby should not be ignored.

Most of the time it is difficult to find the cause of the cry .Common causes are discussed here for awareness.

Common reasons for crying:


A hungry baby will cry till he gets the milk. Here the old saying comes true'crying baby gets the milk'.


Urination and defecation causes some discomfort and results in crying till his parts are cleaned and made dry .


Majority of the kids need somebody near. If they feel lonely they cry.When their favourite doll slips away from the grip they cry for help.


When the baby is tired after a journey and unable to sleep just cry simply.They feel tired in uncomfortable sourroundings and due to unhealthy climate.

5,Heat & cold:--

If they feel too hot or too cold they become restless and cry. Child is comfortable in a room with good ventilation.

6,Tight cloathing:--

Tight cloaths especially during warm climate is intolerable for kids.Tight elastic of the the dress can also produce soreness in the hip region.

7,Dark room:--

When the baby wakes up from sleep he needs some dim light.If there is darkness he will disturb the sleep of parents by crying.Ofcourse he will be irritated by strong light resulting in cry.


Yes,these creatures disturb the sleep by their blood sucking and make the baby to cry.

9,Nasal blocking:--

Child may not be able to sleep when there is a cold and go on crying till the passage is open.

10, Phlegm in throat:--

This also causes difficult breathing resulting in cry.Often a typical sound can be heard with each breath.

11,General aching:--

Generalised body ache with restlessness is seen in flu and prodromal stages of some infectious diseases can result in continuous cry.

12,Habitual cry:---Some babies cry without any real cause ending the parents in agony.Many a times doctor is called for help.

13,Nappy rash:-- If a tight and wet nappy is kept for a long time results in this conditon.
Rash can also be due to some allergic reaction to the elastic material of the nappy. When the rash appears it causes soreness and baby become sleepless and cry. All other skin lesions like eczema,ecthyma ,candidiasis ect also causes same problems.


Ear infection is common in wet climate.The infection may spread from the throat.Ear infection can result in rupture of ear drum causing discharge of pus.Eareache usually becomes worse at night when lying down.Child will become restless with cry and may not allow you to touch the ear.Some children with earache rub the affected ear frequently.


When the baby cry continuously most of us diagnose it as colic.This roblem is still a topic for debate because exact cause for colic is not known and diagnosis is also difficult to confirm.Colic may be associated with rumbling and distention of abdomen.Child often feels better when lying on abdomen.Some children may not allow you to touch the abdomen.If the child cries continuously doctors help is needed.


All infections causes some kind of pain or irritation resulting in cry.Infection may be anywhere in the body.Usually it is associated with fever, redness and swelling.

17,Reactions to certain food:--

It is said that one man's food is another man's poison. Some food articles can produce some allergic reactions.Allergy is manifested in the form of redness, breathlessness,gastric symptons and continuous cry.

18,Hard stools:--

Constipated babies with hard stools may cry when they get the urge for stool.Some children hesitate to pass stool because of pain .

19,Gastro esophagial reflex:--

Here baby cries with spilling of food after feeding.If this continues it may be due to gastroesophageal reflex.This is due to failure of the lower part of esophagus to close after food causing regurgitation from the stomach.It is difficult to diagnose this condition and can be confirmed by giving antireflex medicines.

20, Dentition:--

During dentition child becomes restless with crying.Often associated with gastric troubles and diarrhoea.

Some rare reasons

1,Bowel obstruction:--

Bowel obstruction is associated with severe pain and vomiting.Abdomen is distended with rumbling sound.Baby is constipated with absence of flatus.


Invasion of pathogenic micro organisms in to the blood is called septicemia.Fever is associated with this condition.

3,Torsion of testes in male kids:--

When a male baby cries continuously his scrotum should be examined.Torsion of the testes produce severe pain which will be worse by touching the affected testes.When the testes is pressed upwards pain is releived.If this is not treated properly it can damage the affected testes due to lack of blood supply.


Initially there may not be fever,hence crying baby with alternate vacant stare and irritability should not be ignored.Fontanel is bulging. Neck rigidity and seizures may appear later.

5,Retention of urine:--

Children with retention of urine will have agonising pain making them restless.

7,Major injuries:--

Major injury to any parts of the body causes pain.Occasionally children will fall while arrying and results in head injury.Head injury is associated with reflex vomiting and convulsions.


5 Top Things Baby Boomers Must Do Before Starting A Home Business

Don't quit your day job just yet. If you are a baby boomer looking to start a home business, there are 5 essentials things you must do first before starting your home business.

Leaving the security of a job with established 401(k) plans, health insurance or other benefits can create a real tug of war for baby boomers who want to pursue their dreams of owning their own business.

Analyze Your Exit Strategy

At the time of this writing, the youngest of the baby boomers are turning 42 and the oldest are turning 60. No matter where you fall into this group, analyzing and preparing your exit strategy from your job will be crucial to your long-term success as a home business entrepreneur.

Create a Financial Plan

How much is your salary now? What are your fixed, variable and frivilous expenses? Creating a solid plan so that you and your family will know exactly what the financial picture will be until your business gets off the ground.

Choosing a Business Model and Legal Entity

There are several business models to choose from; home party plans, consulting, and affiliate marketing to name a few. Choosing a legal entity for your business should be discussed with a tax accountant or your attorney.

Set Business Benchmarks

You wouldn't travel across the country without a road map, your business is the same. Setting benchmarks will help you to create a focused plan that will help you to reach your success.

Get a Physical

What does getting a physical have to do with your business? Once you leave your job, most likely your health insurance will change. While pursuing your dreams of a home business is something you are probably very passionate about, it you do not have good health to enjoy the rewards of your efforts, then not much else is important.
The baby boomer generation is like no other before it or after it. Technically, we are considered middle-aged, but we are anything but middle-aged in mind, body and spirit. We know there is more meaning to life than a commute to an unrewarding 9-5 job, but there are also important steps we must take first


6 Things to Consider When Naming Your Baby

Have you ever considered the immense responsibility in choosing a name for your child? This is not just something that sounds good at the time but it is the choice of your child's identity for life. A name, though not necessarily unique, reflects how your child is known. Hence, the importance in taking your time and choosing just the right name for your baby. Read on for some tips on how to provide that best baby name for your little angel.

1. The first thing you need to do is to ignore family tradition unless the traditional names are something that you see as providing the right identity for your child. The name doesn't always need to be one that your elderly relatives deem to be the right one. They already have their identity, this is your child's identity. Once your baby is born he will be stuck with that baby name for life. That means it's not wise to just settle for any baby name that will suit your grandma's or auntie's taste.

2. Think of your child's future. You don't want your child to be ridiculed because of what you have named him or to allow his playmates to make him the butt of all the jokes, do you? Research the meaning of the baby name you are thinking of giving to your baby. Don't consider a particular name as a prospective baby name just because you heard it from a TV show and you find it cute. Don't name him after an actor just because you consider him a hunk or after something else just because it is very unusual.

3. Be careful of the initials of your child's name. Make sure they don't stand for anything funny, disturbing or something utterly stupid. Sometimes, the initials of the child can spell something really derogatory or hurtful that others can use against them. Can you imagine the sickening situation you may put your child into when he or she grows up?

4. Go check your family tree once and for all. Some can't still get away from some traditions regarding baby name decisions, especially when they have a special bond with a certain family member that they want that person's name to be a part of their baby's name. If your planning to still follow the tradition of putting a part of your elder relatives' names on your baby's name, you have to know whether anybody else in your family use that name too. You don't want to confuse people when they're calling a name that's owned by two.

5. Don't go for the overkill. Being too creative on thinking of a baby name can backfire, I'm telling you. Examples are too unique spellings. It will be hard for the child to keep on spelling his or her name to people who only know the common spelling of such a name.

6. Decide with your partner in coming up with the best baby name for your sweet baby. It wouldn't be nice to be always blamed when people ask who chose that awful baby name, right? Sharing on this kind of decision-making is a good way of furthering your bond as a couple, not to mention the possibility of coming up with a better baby name. Remember that the "two heads are better than one" thought also applies to dealing with the troubles of finding the most suitable baby name for your baby.

Sound, appeasing relatives and friends and avoiding embarrassing initials and discovery of disgusting meanings are some of the major concerns that should be considered in your quest for the perfect baby name. You might find them a bit taxing. But in the long run, you'll see that doing your homework will make your baby thank you when the right time comes. Happy baby naming!

Anne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. She is the owner of http://www.mummansun.com, a discount retail outlet, and a co-director of http://www.betterhealthshoppe.com which is an information portal with many interesting medical articles. She is also an associate of http://www.timzbiz.com which features many articles on internet marketing and resources.


If your baby is in hospital

Baby sickness � is always a hard trial for family, and if the matter concerns baby's hospitalization, then you can become panic-stricken only at the thought of the fact that a baby will be estranged from his family, painful procedures expect him, and strangers will surround him.

Because of hospitalization, a baby can get the whole complex of serious psychological problems, caused by sickness, isolation from home and conditions of hospital. Even adult person experiences stress, when he needs to apply to a doctor and moreover, while necessity of long staying in hospital. Needless to say about baby's stress! Strange atmosphere, strange people, new, constantly renewed children collective, forced separation from parents, fear of medical procedures � all this is quite enough for psychological discomfort. And all these factors accompany symptoms of disease.

However, you shouldn't dramatize situation. Of course, disease and necessity of hospitalization - are traumatizing factors. But for majority of children staying at hospital can become an important stage in formation of personality, bring lots of new impressions and knowledge, and give possibility to try themselves in difficult life circumstances. This experience will be useful in further life of a child.

Processes of adaptation are individual for each child. This depends on many reasons: whether he had diseases earlier, stage of disease, is he staying at hospital for the first time or not, baby's age, whether he was separated from his family before etc. Often everything passes quite smoothly, due to presence of inner reserves of a baby and correct behavior of parents.

It's quite normal, if period of adaptation at hospital lasts during 3-5 days. There're no reasons for anxiety, if a baby is rather careless during first days of hospitalization, asks to take him home, gets into contact with coevals not at once. Excess care and parental inclination for dramatizing situation can only damage. On the other hand, you shouldn't leave a baby alone with his problems. He shouldn't feel abandoned and lonely.

Quite often parents of sick children need more psychological help, then children themselves, as it is their correct behavior that influences a baby's mood for recovery.

Here're several recommendations of experts. Never frighten your baby with hospital. Don't create future problems, as there's hardly any baby, who hasn't been at hospital for his life. During conversations with other people avoid such phrases, like: "There doctors hardly understand something, I wish only they don't harm my child" etc.

In case of baby hospitalization do your best to reduce stress and melancholy because of coming separation from home and parents. Adults themselves should be confident in future, calm and wise, so that a baby would treat staying at hospital calmly. If hospitalization is planned and you have at least 1-2 days for preparation, involve baby in preparations, as if he would be going to health centre or camp.

Try to dispose your baby to optimism. Children have great intuition, and it's almost impossible to persuade them in things, which you don't believe yourself in. So, first of all you should analyze your own emotions and forget about affirmation: "Hospital � pain, fear, danger". Replace it by "Hospital � help, relieve, recovery". You confidence and peace of mind will be passed to your daughter and son. Talk to your child about coming hospitalization softly-softly. You can explain to schoolchild, that sickness is not a catastrophe, but a peculiar exam for courage and firmness. Tell your child that you will be thinking of him constantly and you're always ready to help him. Think and discuss ways of your contacts.

During separation avoid touching scenes, restrain excessive emotions. Try to behave the way, so that a baby would treat hospital not as punishment, but as a place, where he will be helped to recover sooner and return to usual life. Form positive attitude, both to improvement of health and doctors' work. Explain your child an objective necessity of medical assistance.

Don't persuade him that he is guilty of his sickness, trauma etc. himself. By doing this, you will increase sense of guilt and fear, which can cause undesirable psychological complications. Of course, there're situations, when it is important to discuss wrong behavior of a child, which caused disease. But it is also very important that a result of your conversation would be not a sense of guilt, but understanding of cause and effect connection between wring behavior and disease.

Discuss schedule of visiting a child with relatives for sure, to avoid situations, when there're several visits per one day and no visits at all other day. This is very important, as excess of visitors can lead to emotional overloads of a sick baby, and their absence � to increase of longing for home and relatives.

Try not to hung up on topic of disease and treatment. Life goes on. Ask your child about his new friends, news, what he does in spare time. Keep all your doubts concerning effectiveness of treatment inside of you. Don't overload patient with your doubts and fears. As medicine, which you doubt, will not help, as doctor, whom you don't trust, won't be able to help. Try to avoid unpleasant topics, wait a little with information about bad news: sick baby need not to know that his favorite doggie eats bad or that cat ate hamster. While talking to a baby, pay attention to positive moments of staying at hospital. Think about things you can compliment him for: he bears procedures with fortitude, doesn't play about, could make friends with somebody, drew a good picture etc.

Unfilled spare time increases feeling of loneliness, longing for home. So you should definitely worry about things your child should do. Bring him an interesting book, meccano, some new game, paints, crayons etc. Bring a toy for a small baby surely. You can tell that a new "friend" came to him specially to protect him at nights (if a baby is predisposed to night fears). It will be very good, if you bring him a toy bear, elephant, lion, tiger, i.e. any big animal, which will be able to personify power and protection (size of toy is not important).

After discharge talk to your baby about time he spent at hospital. Ask him about things he learned to do, what he understood about himself and his relations with other people, help him to realize value of experience he gained.


Baby Care Tips

The mother of a baby is the most busy person on earth, when she is not very gathered about her daily routine vis-�-vis the baby.

Breast feeding

Everyday she has to bother about the baby's feeding, sleeping, clothing, changing and bathing. It is the best to feed your own milk to the child. Please do not forget to give her the first milk of yours because that would contain colostrums, which is vital for the immune system of the child. Mother's milk will always create the body resistance and the child will be a healthy one in future.

When you are breast feeding your child, the food that causes problems in your body may be communicated to the baby as well. Foods that cause gas or cold should be avoided or the baby will have uncomfortable state or congestion.

Bottle feeding

If you are bottle-feeding your baby for some reasons, then make sure that the bottles are well sterilized and clean. Scrub them with washing liquids. Boil them for 25 minutes to kill unwanted organism that may have developed in it due to the fermenting milk. Steam sterilizer and cold sterilizer methods are also there, about which one has to consult with an expert and should see to it that those are readily available in the market.

Baby sleeping

The materials needed to put the baby to sleep are a good, firm mattress, sheets and blankets. Keep one feet distance from the nostril range of the baby if you are lying along with your baby on the same bed. There should not be unnecessary clothing or clothes around the baby's body and bed which may cause temperature rise and heating. The baby is not going to talk about it, and you should be sensitive enough to remove the body coverings as much as possible. There should be a mosquito net, or at least a netted covering around the baby to keep away the flies and the mosquitoes.


Summer clothes should be light cotton ones. When the baby is taken out, make sure that his head does not get the direct sun. In winter, there may be sweaters, trousers and other woolens.


The baby's diapers should be regularly changed. The intervals should be fixed according to the baby's routine of potting and wetting. Despite the routine, the baby may need changing because of untimely nature calls at times. It is the baby's right to feel dry at every moment. See to it that the bed is not wetted and the smelly clothes and bed sheets are removed.


The baby needs a mouth washing with cotton. A bath tub large enough to hold it and is easy to wash should be made available. The baby should enjoy the water which can be assessed if leg splashing which is very distinct. The baby should be rubbed with baby oil and baby cream. The nail clippers should be used at bath time. After bath, the baby should be thoroughly dried and should be applied with a baby powder.


The baby should be immunized against Small Pox & Measles with BCG within 3 months of its age. The first DPT (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Psertussis, Polio, HIB, Meningitis C) is due within the first 2 months followed by the 2nd and the 3rd one at one month intervals. The MMR vaccination against Measles, Mumps and Rubella should be done within 1 years of age. The boosters should be taken after the baby is 4 years old.

Training and Education

Though regular training and teaching should not be started before the age of three years, the child's habits and sense of discipline is cultivated through the discipline the mother maintains. When the mother is calm against odds like the baby fever, or baby dysentery while making sure of the treatments, the child gets the idea to be calm against disastrous times.

The most important babycare tip

The parents should find enough time to spend with the baby.


About the risks that infertility can bring

There were made some researches, and it was reached to the result that couples with fertility problems are three times more predisposed to have a child with conditions like autism and cerebral palsy. It is possible that fertility treatments, such as IVF to contribute to the risk as well.
Researchers suggest it is very important that before undergoing fertility treatment, couples to be encouraged to improve their health and counseled about the risks that can appear.
A study revealed that women with fertility problems were at a greater risk to develop other health problems such as heart disease and diabetes; they were also more at risk at pregnancy and labour complications.

A study also discovered that children of women who experienced fertility problems were at an increased risk of autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, seizures and cancer. In fact, this risk was 2.7 higher in those children then in the children of women with no fertility problems.
Couples who have problems conceiving are 40% more common to give birth to children with moderate developmental problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or serious sight or hearing disorders.
We can say that there is sure the fact that those who have difficulties with their fertility have difficulties conceiving and carrying pregnancies, but it has not been shown if infertility is causing the problems.

It is known that around the world there are clinics that pay women to donate their eggs. For example, in many cases US clinics pay women up to $10,000 per IVF cycle, and in comparison to this, British clinics can offer �250 plus travel and childcare expenses.

In conclusion, we must know that there were made studies comparing couples who did and did not seek fertility treatment, and it was seen that couples with fertility problems were more likely to have a child with serious conditions. Seems that the extra risk is caused by the health problems that make it difficult for the couple to conceive.
However, the experts believe that the overall risk is still relatively low. But this doesn't mean that the risk does not exist. That is why discussions with the doctor are very important, couples with fertility problems must know all the risks that can appear and all the possibilities they have. They must be counseled about the risks, and, an important thing they should be encouraged to improve their health before undergoing fertility treatment.


Drug risks when pregnant

In the cases of women risks, problems and complications can be very sever if any narcotic drugs are used. The amount of drugs that can create dependence is very small in their cases. This is why a lot of second thoughts must be given to the simple fact of drug usage; by the time the woman may decide to seek help their addiction may have already installed being very difficult to treat. Drug usage in women can cause a lot of nasty side effects like health problems, sexual transmitted diseases and mental problems like depressions.

In the cases of women a remarkable discovery has been made: studies have shown that many of them who decided to use drugs have lived a very troubled life. As a fact, it has been discovered that most of he women that decided to take up drugs have been sexually abused at some point of their lives, but most often before the age of sixteen. Again a tendency to start using drugs and alcohol has been found in women who have had one or both parents abusing the same things.

From the psychical point of view, a certain pattern has been found to stand out dorm the other: this way we see that people who have low self�esteem or very little self-confidence tend to be more likely to be using drugs than normal people. With the beginning of using drugs or alcohol the feeling of not having the power to do anything installs creating even more problems for the person and making rehab even tougher. A feeling of isolation and loneliness installs in the patients mind. Certain women from minority groups or the ones not knowing proper English could find it difficult to seek and get good medical help.

Problems and risks are even grater in the cases of pregnant women; not only are they seriously endangering their lives but they are also putting at very hi risks the life of the un borne child. Serious health problems may occur during the pregnancy if any drugs or alcohol are abused of. We all know that the mother and child are very tightly linked together so f the mother uses or takes any drugs it's more certainly sure that the child is going to suffer from them to. This way we see a lot of risks that are brought upon the un borne child; he may be infected with HIV if the mother gets it, AIDS, may suffer a premature birth, low birth weight or may even end up dying in the mother's womb. Further continuing to abuse drugs after the child's birth may also lead to neglect, malnutrition and in very often cases physical abuse.


Get the support you need during your pregnancy with memory foam pillows!

Lately, pregnancy products have appeared on the market in hundreds of versions, aiming at helping expecting mothers deal with all the inconveniences of pregnancies, but one of the most important inventions is in the form of memory foam pillows. Any expecting mother deals with lack of sleep and discomfort when lying down. This is because as the baby grows so does the tummy of the mother. During sleep, the tummy needs upholding and pillows specifically designed for this purpose lessen back pain and diminish soreness during side-sleep.

NASA invented memory foam to help astronauts in combating gravity, but nowadays we have transformed it to adjust a number of common products to help people get better rest. The material belongs to the same family as the synthetic polyurethane foam (conventional foam in mattresses and seats) with extra chemicals, which put in weight and density, and which create a special molecular makeup as compared to the traditional foam. Good quality foam maintains the impression of your body for a few seconds and not longer, because elsewhere it would weaken quickly.

Pregnancy products made with such foam include regulating memory pillows, banana pillows and easy-feed pillows. Adjustable foam pillows can help you from the beginning to the end of the pregnancy, sustaining the belly throughout side sleeping and lessening any pain. Banana pillows also covered in this type of foam have many uses, helping you sit up in bed or get rest that is more comfortable by sustaining your spine. You can hold banana pillows between your knees to support the spine and alleviate any strain.

Once the baby is born, it is a truly good idea to purchase an angled feeding pillow that helps the baby breathe and swallow safely, and helps alleviate tension in mother's arms, shoulder, neck and back allowing her to relax.

Undoubtedly, memory foam is not useful only for pregnant women, but also for anybody because pillows made from such foam reduce any discomfort while sleeping or just sitting back and relaxing. Such pillows are very useful in hospitals for recuperating patients, because they reduce pressure on certain areas and make available great quality relaxation.

Memory foam pillows reduce snoring and even back pain caused by sitting at a desk for long periods. Such products can be used anywhere and are designed to keep your spine straight and relaxed, and reduce any pressure soars caused by bad mattresses or chairs. These products include some mattress tops that help you get better rest and guarantee that you will never wake up stiff and soar again.

Memory foam pillows and mattress tops have a high-quality finish and come in different colors and materials. You can find satin slipcovers for pillows or products with a water-resistant finish to help cleaning. Good quality pillows can help you reduce snoring or do away with back pain, edema and swelling and improve circulation and support. In addition, these several pregnancy products and mother & baby items will make your life a lot easier and happier.

Such products are both soft and firm, and pillows have a shape that gives good support to your neck while offering support to the natural bend of your spine. Getting a good rest is vital to everything you do. You will be happier and more aware of things around you if you have benefited from genuine relaxation. It is also very important to feel relaxed and rested during pregnancy; in this manner, pregnancy products will improve your life significantly.


General baby facts and baby shower info

Baby Showers:

By convention, a baby shower is intended to help parents get items that they need for their baby, such as baby clothes. Minority groups in the US, such as African Americans, and Native American groups also have baby showers but might include an emphasis on their cultural heritage, such as employing rituals from tribal-ancestral African and Native American traditions, respectively. Among Hindus in India, religious rituals resembling modern baby showers are held during the seventh month of pregnancy.

As well as gifts, another focus of a baby shower is to play games and party. There will often be things to eat and drink as well so it can become quite a social event. The men usually give the daddy-to-be diapers only because the mommy-to-be is getting other items at the shower. Among Americans, there is great variance in practices and themes of baby showers.

Here are some practical baby shower actions:

- Guess the birth date or guess the sex.

- Opening the gifts in front of the guests.

- A baby shower game that can be played is tying a string around her abdomen, and if it breaks for one person, it's expected she or he's the next new parent.

Toys/Gift ideas and Toy info:

Toys can aid in the development of physical and mental skills which are necessary in later life. Dolls are usually miniatures, but baby dolls may be of true size and weight. Children have not yet learnt to judge what is safe and what is dangerous, and parents do not always think of all available situations, so such warnings and regulations are important on toys.

There are many different types of puzzles, for example a maze is a type of tour puzzle. Children, especially very small ones, often put toys into their mouths, so the materials used to make a toy are regulated to prevent poisoning. In recent years many toys have become more complicated with flashing lights and sounds in an effort to appeal to children raised around television and the internet.

Baby details and info

While still inside the mother, the infant could hear many internal noises, such as the mother's heartbeat, as well as many external noises including human voices, music and most other sounds. The average weight of a full-term newborn is approximately 7 � pounds (3. As infants age, and their appetites grow, many parents choose from a variety of commercial, ready-made baby foods to feed the child, while others adapt their usual meals for the dietary needs of their child.

The baby's temperament may make him or her highly sensitive to the environment, and he or she may react to normal stimulation or changes to the environment by crying. Babies cannot walk, although more mature infants may crawl or scoot; baby transport may be by perambulator (stroller or buggy), on the back or in front of an adult in a special carrier, cloth or cradle board, or simply by being carried in the arms. It has been noted by researchers that, "Children as young as 18 months display sex-stereotyped toy choices".


Pregnancy Marks - Get Rid of Your Stretch Mark Treatment

Perhaps before we begin to consider the question of how to get rid of stretch marks we should gain some understanding of just what stretch marks are and what causes them to appear. Then we can consider appropriate treatments.

Today, something like 90% of women are prone to stretch mark problems arising during the course of their pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not the only cause of stretch marks on your skin. Stretch marks can also be due to puberty or obesity, however this article will focus primarily on pregnancy stretch marks arising when your abdomen gets stretched suddenly and loses its elasticity. This gives rise to fine lines appearing on your skin. They can appear anywhere � on your stomach, thighs, breasts, or on your buttocks. The distension of your breasts causing stretch marks usually appears during pregnancy because during this period the breasts become enlarged and heavier.

In the early stages these stretch marks appear as red or purple in color but with time these lines fade and turn whitish, irrespective of whether they are treated or not. Stretch marks have their origins in the middle layer of our skin from which our skin receives nourishment.

There are many treatments available for removing stretch marks like laser treatment, lotions and dermabrasion or chemical peel. But do realize that pregnancy stretch marks are not at all harmful and fortunately they can be treated easily with some very safe home-made formulations. These also include some very effective herbal recipes.

First and foremost though, you should attend to the basics. Start by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day so as to hydrate the skin. Also avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee and cola as much as possible, as these can result in an undue amount of fluid being flushed from the body.

Ensure you get plenty of fresh air and exercise and eat fiber rich meals such as fish and nuts which include zinc; and foods rich in Vitamins A, C and D such as carrots and milk. Your meals should also include liberal portions of green leafy vegetables and fruits.

A good friend of mine had no idea where to start when it came to getting rid of her stretch marks. But she soon had the problem solved after acquiring a quite remarkable publication she'd found on the net. This showed her how to solve her problem using nothing more than common everyday household ingredients - which if not found in the kitchen cupboard can be easily obtained from your local supermarket or health food store.

She'd heard about many of the common herbal treatments which included daily massage with the likes of cocoa butter, olive oil, wheat germ oil and so on. But this took things to another level altogether. As she explained to me .. "This was just something else".

Besides these herbal stretch mark treatments, there are many lotions for pregnancy stretch mark removal. These creams contain vitamin C and vitamin E, which moisturizes your skin. Again - while not completely eliminating stretch marks these can also be used effectively to fade the appearance of lines.

Laser surgery is of course an option, if you are seeking how to get rid of stretch marks completely. Today, technology relating to laser surgery has advanced and has resulted in dermabrasion, an effective way of getting rid of unwanted ugly stretch marks. But it should be noted that such treatment does not come cheap. In the first instance you might like to take a look at the other alternatives.


Pregnancy - Maternity Bras and Nursing Bras

For successful breastfeeding you should buy the best nursing for you. Breastfeeding a baby � especially outside of the home - can be difficult at the best of times, so it's worth spending a little time and thought before you buy the nursing bra that is right for you.

Nursing bras are not the same as normal bras. When breastfeeding, the shape and size of the breast changes throughout the day and a good nursing bra can be easily adjusted to provide the support you need. Nursing bras also allow for the discrete insertion of breast pads, the cup linings are designed to avoid irritating already sore nipples and they allow for the flow of milk � blocked ducts can lead to mastitis. There's no doubt that a correctly fitted, good quality nursing bra can make breastfeeding a whole lot easier. Here are some tips on choosing the best nursing bra for you.

The best time to buy a nursing bra is during mid to late pregnancy. By all means continue to wear pre-pregnancy bras until they are no longer comfortable, then go out and buy. Make sure the nursing bra you choose fits properly. This seems like obvious advice but most women don't buy conventional bras that fit them correctly! Also, the nursing bra should allow for the insertion of breast pads. The nursing bra should be made of a stretchy material so that it moves with you. Finally, all good brands of nursing bras are very adjustable at both the strap and cup.

The nursing bra you buy should be easy to use. A good nursing bra will allow easy opening using just one hand � make sure you can close it one-handed. Most good quality maternity bras come with plastic clips or hooks and eyes - both are easy to open with one hand, though hook and eye can be trickier than plastic clips to redo.

The nursing bra should give you good support, especially if you need a plus size nursing bra. You can avoid back strain by getting a bra with good support.

Try to buy a nursing bra where the cup is lined with cotton - although many synthetic materials nowadays do let your skin breath. The material of the cup should let your skin breathe as sweat combined with breast milk can cause rashes and mastitis.

Many large-breasted women use under-wire bras as they like the support such bras provide. When breastfeeding it's best to avoid under-wire nursing bras especially in the early postpartum weeks. Under-wire maternity bras can put pressure on milk glands and may lead to less milk production or blocked glands. Many modern nursing bras give ample support without using under-wiring. If you do want to buy an under-wire nursing bra, then it's vital that it fits perfectly.

If you're planning on pumping often, you should consider buying a nursing bra that will work well with a hands free pumping system.

At nighttime you can wear a light nursing bra that that is made of stretchy material. These bras simply open by stretching and lifting the cup over your breast. Nighttime nursing bras are much more comfortable than day wear nursing bras.

Take care of your nursing bra. Following the manufacturer's instructions on how to wash and dry it.

Buy as many nursing bras as you can afford; you need to change your nursing bra every day.

Nursing bras can be sexy. There are now many pretty, stylish and sexy nursing bras on the market. Investing in one of these can be a real �pick-me-up' especially on special occasions.

Buying the best nursing bra for you is not about buying an expensive or brand-name nursing bra: it's about buying a nursing bra that fits you perfectly, gives you the support you need, functions well and is pleasing to wear.


Pregnancy Tips, Pregnancy Dos and Don'ts

It must be lovely to find out that you have a baby inside your womb. Imagining how to give birth to him/her, searching for the right name, shopping for cute baby outfits, baby shower party. Oh yes, those are very lovely.

However, it is necessary for you to keep yourself alert�without having to trim your excitement down.

There are 7 NO's in pregnancy that you have to know:

1. Smoking. Do not smoke or be around those who do. Smoking raises the levels of carbon monoxide in your bloodstream and cause dropping off on the amount of oxygen available to your baby. Nicotine constrains the blood vessels on your side of the placenta, which means oxygen is less efficiently released to the baby.

2. Medicines. The problem caused by medicines taken by the mother is that they can cross the placenta and enter the baby's bloodstream. This might cause problems in the development of the baby. Medicines can also indirectly have an effect on the baby by interfering with the environment within the womb. Some medicines can trigger contractions of the womb, lessen the blood supply to the baby, cause early, delayed or even prolonged labor.

3. Alcohol. Babies born to mothers who drank alcohol during their pregnancy are usually small and underweight. And, they might suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome. It is the leading cause of mental retardation in the US.

4. Stress. Try your best not to be stressed out. It might make you find it difficult to sleep, get headache, back pain, etc. It might also influence your baby's mood. Worse, it might cause early birth.

5. Chemical. Be careful with the chemicals you use at home such as cleaners, paint, thinner, or pesticide. If you work with those chemicals for such a long period during your pregnancy, your baby is exposed if the chemical passes from your blood. This will harm your baby and slow down your baby's growth and intelligence.

6. Hot tub. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) affirms that becoming overheated in a hot tub is not recommended during pregnancy. ACOG also recommends that pregnant women never let their core body temperature rise above 102.2� F. Hot tubs are often factory programmed to maintain a water temperature of approximately 104� F. It takes only 10-20 minutes in a hot tub to raise your body temperature to 102� F or higher.

7. Animal feces. Make sure you don't clean up your dog or cat's poo. It contains an organism called Toxoplasma gondii which is very dangerous for your baby. It might cause a miscarriage, stillbirth, blindness, deafness, or learning disabilities.

For your own and baby's good, be very careful wit your pregnancy.


Pregnancy - Have a Natural Childbirth

Natural childbirth is believed by most to be much better for both the mother and child. Some women who opt for natural childbirth choose to have a home delivery in a setting such as a birth center, where natural child birth is a primary focus. Natural child birth is referred to as having a baby without the use of medicine. This is a great goal to have if you have no expectations of any complications. The choice of natural child birth is, of course, a personal choice and not for everyone and not always possible. Your safety and the safety of your baby is first and foremost but if doing it without medication or surgery is important to you it is a good idea to make a birth plan and speak with your doctor or midwife.

Lamaze is one of the most common childbirth teachings and are taught to many women in their third trimester. Lamaze teaches you how to cope for childbirth pain. There are several books on natural child birth as well as online forums and web sites that will allow you to chat to other pregnant women and moms who have experienced natural child birth. Your child's birth is an experience that should be left up to you if everything is moving along smoothly with your labour. If natural childbirth is your goal, be sure that you choose a physician, midwife and hospital that will help you reach your goals.

The first step is to choose what kind of childbirth experience you want. Some women opt for a hospital birth while others want a home delivery. Some choose a midwife while others are fine with a doctor. Several women are interested in water birth. Several child birthing centers will offer many options and are a good choice for women who want to experience natural child birth but be close to an operating room in case of an emergency.

Become knowledgeable with classes and ebooks on natural childbirth that cover the whole process and scope of everything from conception to pregnancy, childbirth, and then parenting and be sure that your spouse and physician or midwife are aware of your preferences. While your ideal child birth experience may not be possible, there are several ways to ensure that your experience is as pleasant as possible for both yourself, your spouse and your child.

Some women also opt to hire a doula for their pregnancy who will help them. Writing a birthing plan, researching your options and working closely with your medical professional will all bring you the best results possible in your aim for natural childbirth.


Pregnancy Skincare - Discover The Powerful Healing Capabilities Of Natural Skincare Products

There are a number of concerns a woman has during pregnancy including various pregnancy skincare issues she may encounter. During her pregnancy, she must not only be cautious about what she eats, but she must also avoid certain bad health habits such as drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. It is important that pregnant women practice a healthy lifestyle, not only to maintain her own health, but also to maintain the health of her unborn baby.

Most pregnant women apply a number of different cosmetics to their skin, hair and nails each day, however they should always take into account the ingredients contained in these products. Some of these commercial products may contain coal tar derivatives, talc, synthetic colors and fragrances, propylene glycol (which is not a problem if it is naturally derived), and the synthetic preservatives methyl and propyl parabens. In addition, some commercial toothpaste may contain toxic ingredients and should be avoided by women during pregnancy.

Most women use cosmetics to not only enhance their appearance, but also to highlight certain features of their face, such as their eyes, lips, and facial skin. Many women use soaps, moisturizers and toners on a daily basis in order to help maintain the integrity of their skin. Additionally, they may also use cosmetics in the form of blushes, mascaras, lipstick and lip gloss.

A particular class of chemicals found in cosmetics is phthalates. These chemicals are often found in nail polish and other skin care products that contain fragrances. Whenever possible, these chemicals (phthalates) should be avoided. Consumers can do this by using only those skin care products that are chemical free and organically derived. Avoiding these chemicals is especially important during pregnancy as there have been claims that they may affect reproduction and possibly damage the heart and lungs. If you use conventional cosmetics, you may wish to have a blood test to determine if you have phthalates in your system. You should also consider switching from conventional cosmetics to mineral cosmetics and organic cosmetics. This simple change will help you avoid the harsh synthetic chemical colorants found in these products.

During pregnancy, women are often faced with unique pregnancy skincare conditions. There are a number of different treatment options available for treating these conditions. One skincare issue that may arise is a condition called Herpes gestationis.

A major symptom of Herpes gestationis is abdominal blisters. When we hear about herpes, we normally associate it with fever blisters found on the lips or genital area. It should be noted that Herpes gestationis is not related to herpes simplex. H. gestationis may develop at the end of pregnancy and will eventually subside after delivery.

As with all skin and health conditions encountered during pregnancy it is important to discuss with your family physician any and all side effects associated with any pharmaceutical or natural medicines that you are taking since some of them may cause harm to your unborn baby. The medications that normally are prescribed for Herpes gestationis are corticosteroids. The side effects associated with these medications include: increased blood pressure and the possibility of hypoadrenalism in the child. It is important to weigh the risks and benefits of this treatment against the skin condition. You should also ask your doctor is there are safer treatment options that you can use. It should be noted that even though this skin affliction does occur during pregnancy, it is a rare condition.

Occasionally, hair loss may occur in women during pregnancy. Fortunately for most women, their hair will grow back naturally. Some doctors may prescribe multivitamin and mineral supplements to help facilitate hair growth. Women should consult with the doctor if their hair does not begin to grow back.

The onset of psoriasis may be noticed by some pregnant woman. Psoriasis is not contagious and will improve for some women and worsen for others during pregnancy. While there are different forms of this skin condition, the most common type is characterized by red patchy skin with white or silver scales. Fortunately, this type of psoriasis is usually located on the parts of the body that can be concealed by clothing; however, it can also appear on the scalp. There are a number of different medications that can be used to treat this condition, but some doctors advise their patients not to use these prescription medications during pregnancy.

It is often because of these dangerous side effects that many people today are taking a more holistic approach to their health care needs. The use of certain natural compounds has been shown to be beneficial in treating psoriasis, and it does this without the harmful side effects that may take place with chemical products and medications.

Aloe Vera is widely known and has been used for centuries as a healing agent for the skin. When applied topically it helps soothe the pain from a burn. This botanical has been tested on patients suffering from psoriasis, and a topical cream was shown to be helpful in treating this skin condition. Other aloe preparations were applied to those patients who suffered from plaque psoriasis, but those compounds did not produce any better results when compared to the treatment administered to the placebo group. It should be noted that there are several species of aloe, and it may be true that certain species of this plant produce more beneficial medicinal properties than other varieties of this plant. In order to evaluate the true effectiveness of this botanical compound, more scientific studies are needed to determine its value in treating psoriasis.

The results of these studies conducted on the aloe vera were published in the Tropical Medicine and International Health Journal.

Many of us like spicy foods and have added cayenne pepper to our foods to give it an extra kick. This spice has been added to topical creams and a study has confirmed its effectiveness in reducing the scaling and red patchy skin encountered by those suffering from psoriasis. Discuss with your family physician if this natural food substance can be added to your pregnancy skin care treatment program to help control or possibly alleviate this skin condition.

The above are only a few of the pregnancy skin care issues that women must face. It is always best to discuss your problems with your gynecologist or family physician and follow their advice. Each and every day, there are more and more pharmaceutical and natural compounds being researched to help treat the various skin care conditions that arise during pregnancy. As we have seen, the use of natural botanical compounds has been shown to be helpful in treating some of these conditions. A qualified holistic physician can prescribe the most appropriate treatment choice for your needs.

Keep in mind that some herbal compounds have drug-like effects, and they may or may not be suited for you during pregnancy. Utilizing the services of a qualified alternative physician can help combine the best of western and complimentary medicine in order to help relieve the discomfort and unsightly appearance of the skin conditions that occur during pregnancy.


Pregnancy Nutrition and Diet

Pregnancy is the most beautiful and memorable phase in a woman's life. However, it is also a time of increased nutritional needs in order to support the developing fetus and to allow for the changes occurring in the mother's body. The growing baby gets all its nourishment from its mother through the umbilical cord, so what you eat throughout pregnancy really does matter. Not only are you what you eat, but now - so is your baby.

It is often said that a pregnant woman should eat for two people, but this is not exactly true. You see, eating for two does not mean eating double. While it is unhealthy to eat too little during pregnancy, it is also unhealthy to overeat. Poor diet can leave lifelong consequences on the physical and mental health of the baby.

It is crucial that the body has the necessary strength and stamina to make it through pregnancy with good health. You need to make sure that your diet is providing you with enough energy and nutrients for the baby and for the body to deal with all the changes.

The ideal is a balanced diet with enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. A well-balanced diet should contain something from all food groups: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain products like breads or cereals, meat, fish or other protein alternatives, milk and diary products. A good diet will help the mother and the baby to stay fit, healthy and in good condition for the birth.

While most foods are safe to eat, there are certain foods that should be avoided during pregnancy, because they might harm the baby. These include: raw seafood, such as oysters or sushi, raw or undercooked beef or poultry, deli meats (including hot dogs), fish high in mercury such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, liver and liver products, unpasteurized milk, raw eggs, or foods containing raw eggs, such as Caesar dressing, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream or custard, some types of cheese, especially soft cheese such as blue cheese, feta, Brie, Camembert, artificial sweeteners, such as can be found in diet soda, and alcohol (when pregnant, it's best to cut down or stop drinking alcohol altogethe). Cutting back or skipping caffeinated beverages is also advisable.

It is important to remember that everything you put in your mouth over the nine months of pregnancy will play an important role in the development of the baby. Therefore it is vital to do everything to ensure that you and your baby get adequate nutrition.

Remember - Eat well, be well!


Teen Pregnancy and It's Effects

Talking to your teen about the causes and effects of sexual intercourse is a very important preventative measure you can take. Sometimes parents find it hard to talk to they're children about sex, maybe there is another friend or family member that the teen would feel more comfortable talking with about this issue. Making sure the issue gets talked about is the main objective.

Keeping track of what your teenager's interests are and spending some time together every week is also a very good idea for prevention. When the teen knows you are genuinely caring about her thoughts and feelings she will be less likely to rebel against what you say.

If your teen has a serious boyfriend, talk to her about they're relationship and make sure she is aware that if they truly love one another, it is important to wait for something as serious as sexual intercourse takes place between them. Most of the time the boyfriend will respect that she wants to wait until the right time. Also, monitoring alone time they are spending is a good idea considering that teens have raging hormones.

If you suspect your teen of having sexual relations, and these options are not working, maybe you should consider birth-control. There are many birth control options. Condoms and the birth control pill is only just a couple there are many different options in birth control.

Drugs and alcohol can also be a problem associated with teen pregnancy. These things lower your standards and morals causes the teen to be easily influenced. Of course these aren't the only causes from the use to drugs or alcohol. Talk to you child about the effects of substances on they're mind and body. A lot of girls also get slipped drugs in they're drinks at parties; this is called "date rape". Just reminding your child that this can very easily happen to them is a big prevention.

The more knowledge your teen can have about teen pregnancy the more they can see the causes and effects are. Sometimes knowledge is power. Power for prevention, which can make a huge difference!


Pregnancy and Insomnia

Pregnancy may be one of the happiest moments in a woman's life. Some pregnant women however may also come to experience physical pains and discomforts as their tummies expand. One such common complaint is pregnancy insomnia.

The Figures

It is believed that at least 78% of women experience insomnia during pregnancy. Although some may not experience this sleeping problem throughout pregnancy, at least 97% of pregnant women experience temporary pregnancy insomnia near the end of pregnancy or at the last trimester. Aside from common pregnancy insomnia, 30% of pregnant women also develop snoring habits that could be a sign of sleep apnea.

Pregnancy Insomnia

Pregnant women may experience pregnancy insomnia because of pregnancy induced pains and discomforts. A woman may have trouble sleeping simply because a big tummy makes nearly all sleeping positions uncomfortable. Pregnancy insomnia is more commonly experienced during the last trimester because the swollen uterus presses against body parts and organs and creates pressure in some parts. This results in common pregnancy complaints like nausea, cramps, heartburn, body aches and the need to frequently urinate. Fetal movement and psychological anxieties may also contribute to the incidence of pregnancy insomnia.

Other Sleep Problems

Aside from pregnancy insomnia, sleep apnea may also be a harmful condition that may develop during pregnancy. Nasal passages may increasingly swell in pregnant women which may block airways. Snoring which may accompany this kind of apnea may result in high blood pressure. The lack of oxygen could also potentially harm the fetus. In some women, this sleep apnea may also be the cause of pregnancy insomnia since a pregnant woman may wake up suddenly because of gasping which may follow snoring.


There are numerous ways to help reduce pregnancy insomnia. The following may be helpful tips:

� Experiment with sleeping positions like sleeping on your side. Avoid sleeping on your back to avoid pressure on your diaphragm and bladder.
� Drink a lot of water in the morning but reduce fluid intake before bed time to curb frequent urination.
� Perform pregnancy exercises to reduce painful night leg cramps.
� Add comfortable pillows on your bed. You can hug a long body pillow or use special pregnancy pillows for your head and back.
� Take a warm bath and have a soft massage before sleeping.
� Drink warm milk or water with honey before sleeping.
� Make sure that you are comfortable with your room's temperature and that the room is well ventilated
� Play relaxing music or turn on the TV to a boring show.
� Read a boring book.
� Avoid spicy or acidic foods to avoid heartburn.
� Eat bland crackers to reduce nausea.
� Practice deep relaxation breathing techniques like the method taught in pregnancy classes.

Find What Works

Pregnancy aches and pains are usually unique to an individual. You may therefore need to find your own personal solution to pregnancy insomnia by experimenting on which of the above mentioned tips will work for you. One thing is certain though; you should consult your doctor if you plan to take anything for your insomnia. What you put in your body could be harmful to your baby. It is generally a bad idea to take alcohol, sleeping pills, sedatives and other sleep medication while you are pregnant. Ask you doctor for a safe sleep supplement.


Pregnancy Weight loss - Six rules of postnatal exercising

There is a common misconception that post pregnancy weight loss is not possible and that after pregnancy you will never regain your pre pregnancy figure again. This is a fallacy that should have been squashed a long time ago, but it still prevails. One look at the Hollywood wives of today should tell you that it is possible to regain your figure very soon after pregnancy. It doesn't need to take months but in just weeks you can be back looking at your prenatal best.

What does it take? It simply takes a regular commitment to exercising regularly and eating properly. But it isn't just about the exercise, you have to do the right exercises that will have the biggest impact on you but that will not over strain your body.

There are a host of changes that your body has to go through during pregnancy. Things such as: Increased blood volumes, an increase in body weight and posture problems are just a few of them. On top of that, if your body was not prepared for these changes then it might have reacted in a negative way and you might have had to endure such things as significant lower back pain, fatigue, urine leakage and constipation. Sound familiar?

However, all is not lost, don't despair, following the simple rules below could help you to actually enjoy your pregnancy instead of dreading it.

Firstly follow the six rules of postnatal exercising below.

1. Always consult your Doctor before starting any sort of regular exercise routine.
2. Don't over do it, especially when first starting out, you need to get to know your bodies limits build up the intensity gradually over time. Exercise should be enjoyable, if you don't enjoy doing something, it is unlikely you will stick at if for very long, so it is vital that you enjoy it.
3. If you feel breathless, dizzy or pain, stop and rest and if you are very concerned see a Doctor.
4. Focus on doing the exercises correctly; don't cut corners as this is often when injuries occur.
5. One of the worst things you can do, yet it is still one of the most common, is to hold your breath while you are exercising. Your body needs oxygen, especially while exercising, so make sure you breathe correctly.
6. Work out on the appropriate surface. It should be firm but soft.

The key areas for you to focus on are the ones that work the hardest during labor and delivery, as well as the ones that have put on excess weight during the pregnancy. Primarily the parts of the body that work the hardest during labor and delivery are the lower back, inner thighs, pelvic floor and of course the abdomen.

The pelvic floor muscles form the base of support for the pelvic organs and their contents. The Urinary sphincters, rectal muscles, vaginal muscles are all included here. These muscles had to work very hard during pregnancy and labor. They support much of the increased weight and enlarge uterus as well as having to stretch beyond belief to allow the baby to pass during delivery.

Exercises such as: the pelvic tilt � strengths both the pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles, this exercises should be the sort of exercises that you focus on. Other exercises such as partial sit-ups or full sit-ups are also important.

Exercises that are fun that you can do on a regular basis, that do wonders for you include: swimming, bicycling, walking, jogging (but this can be jarring on the knees for some people) and one of my personal favourite, dance.

As I mentioned earlier, one of the most important things post pregnancy weight loss about any form of exercise is that you enjoy it, so find an activity that you enjoy. One of the reasons so many people fail to exercise is because they see the word exercise as a bad word, they related it to hard work, stress and pain. You must change your thinking and start to think of exercise as enjoyable, and if you aren't finding it enjoyable then consider changing to an exercise that is more enjoyable for you.


Pregnancy - Nausea During Pregnancy

Unfortunately pregnancy nausea is to be expected when you learn that you are carrying a baby. This article will discuss the truth about nausea during pregnancy.

Pregnancy nausea is most common during the first trimester or the first four months of pregnancy, however, the condition and the symptoms do vary from one woman to another. One woman may experience severe vomiting in the morning, while another may experience vomiting at night. Other women may not vomit but feel nausea 24 hours a day every day of their pregnancy.

It is most common for this condition to end quite abruptly after the first few months, however, on some occasions it occurs for a while longer, or even the whole pregnancy.

As common as this condition is its true cause is not widely known. Most doctors put it down to the hormonal changes in a woman's body or a blood sugar imbalance.

Generally speaking, pregnancy nausea causes absolutely no damage to the woman or the unborn baby. However, in severe cases excessive vomiting can lead to dehydration in the mother and that will mean she will lose vital vitamins and minerals and in extreme cases hyperemesis gravidarum may result which requires immediate hospitalization in most cases.

How To Avoid Pregnancy Nausea

There are some things that you can do to try and avoid this occurring or to minimize its impact. I would recommend that you start by getting out of bed slowly every morning. If you usually feel nauseated in the morning then it is best to only have a very light breakfast as soon as you wake, even if it's some dry biscuits, before you even get out of bed.

It is also a good idea to avoid your stomach becoming empty and for that reason you should eat something very small, even dry biscuits or toast, every two hours or so.

Herbal teas, fruit juices and water are also highly recommended. It is best to avoid alcoholic drinks of caffeinated drinks. Sometimes spicy or fatty foods may also not agree with you and should be limited it not avoid altogether.

Ginger tea or ginger in tea form is said to reduce morning sickness.

It is also important that you get as much rest as possible, in a comfortable position with your legs elevated by a pillow and also your head. Also don't rush to get up after you have just eaten.

Some form of fresh air during pregnancy is also beneficial and if you are able to have a window open slightly while you are sleeping you will also benefit from this.

If you vomit up to four times a day, if you are experiencing dehydration or if you find blood in your vomit you must consult your doctor immediately. He may also prescribe tablets to help cure your nausea during pregnancy.


Biopsy And Use Of Clamed For Infertility

Endometrial Biopsy: What You Should Know

When a woman finds out that she is infertile, it can be devastating. Just the sensation of knowing that she can't conceive children is a very discourage experience. However, it is significant to know what causes the infertility because sometimes all it takes is a doctor's advice or the use of a medicine to change the woman's chemistry so that she can at last have the child or children she's always wanted. If a woman confirmed that she is infertile, usually the doctor will advice her to go for endometrial biopsy.

What Is an Endometrial Biopsy and How Is It work?

The doctor will collect a sample of the uterine lining thru an endometrial biopsy by inserting a catheter through the woman's cervix and into the uterus. The doctor will exam the sample of the uterine lining carefully to see if the uterine lining responds normally to progesterone, which is why endometrial biopsy and infertility have to go hand in hand. Sometime, the doctor also using an endometrial biopsy to test abnormal uterine bleeding. If you know you have infertile and an endometrial biopsy is arranged, make sure that you take ibuprofen before the process to alleviate some of the discomfort.

If the infertility is due to imbalance hormone, the endometrial biopsy will be able to detect that and the doctor will usually using prescribe progesterone to relieve it. However, it should be noted that not all women who are infertile and have an endometrial biopsy performed finally have kids. Infertility can be caused by a lot of things and you should not get your hopes up too high. An endometrial biopsy for infertility can be a very useful tool but it is not the only one.

The Use of Clomid for infertility

The use of Clomid and infertility drugs has gone hand in hand for thirty years or more. This drug is popular because it helps a woman's body to start to ovulate in the way it should. The Clomid stimulates the ovaries to produce mature eggs every month. This is essential for raising the chances of getting pregnant. Clomid is well-known in many countries. You can find it readily available in the United States, United Kingdom and many online pharmacies.

Is Clomid Work?

Clomid and infertility are made hand in hand also. Clomid stimulates the receptors that regulate the female hormone production and the release of those hormones. There are three hormones that Clomid and infertility problems need to study on. They are Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH), and the Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH). These hormones are absolutely vital to proper ovulation in the woman for pregnancy to occur. Clomid and infertility treatment work because this medication is very fussy in making the body think that the estrogen levels are low. The brain sees these low levels estrogen and starts to make the three hormones listed above. They cause the ovaries to produce mature and high quality eggs.

Clomid and infertility in woman seem to be the cause for many of the prescriptions written today. It helps to treat PCOS, an ovulation, and irregular periods in women. The recommended prescription is usually written for certain days of your period. You might need to consume the drug on days three to seven of your cycle or you may need to take the Clomid on days five thru nine. For begin, the doctor usually recommend to take Clomid at about 50 mg. you may need more than one cycle of the medication before you get the results. If you have not increased your ovulation, your doctor will need to discuss with you to rise in the Clomid and infertility drugs. The extent of the Clomid usually limited to six cycles and you will need to discontinue the Clomid and infertility treatments, and you will need to be assessed for other options.

Successful Outcomes

Clomid and infertility drugs are the choice of women for a successful treatment for ovulation difficulties. You may become one of the seventy or higher percentage of the women on Clomid and infertility drugs that will become pregnant. You will need to confirm with your doctor and fertility specialist about whether Clomid and infertility drugs are right for you.


Secured loans: Plan your baby's arrival financially

It's like you are in the seventh heaven waiting anxiously for that master event to take place. Dying to see and feel tenderly those soft little hands, holding your fingers gently. You feel completely satiated with that single glance of your little heart, your baby. Before that special day arrives in your life, you enthuse yourself in buying all items for your toddler.

While dashing out money in a state of excitement, no one wants their funds to get exhausted. If your plastic cards have been washed-out, don't get upset. Your requirements can be met with secured loans loaded with conducive offers. In presence of your home working as an asset to the lender, you get benefits at throwaway rates. Your finances are arranged at low interest rates with huge borrowings. Extending your benefits to minimum monthly repayments, time duration to clear off your debt is stretched to 25 years.

But the real challenge comes when you put your finances into usage. To avoid any pitfalls and save some money while shopping for your baby, make a little effort in reading ahead for consuming your secured loans wisely.

Make a good guidebook your shopping bible
One of the most important step that must be taken by all expectant parents is to buy a great book on baby bargains. There are plenty of books providing comprehensive information on do's and dont's for the tiny tots. Updating your knowledge immensely on baby furniture, clothes, toys, diet, maternity and much more, can save 20%-50% of your expenses.

Plan your budget
While planning for your baby's shopping list, keep in mind the amount to be spent. Probably, this would be new to you, buying toys and other baby items, and you might not have sufficient idea about the prices. For this reason, keep some money in your account for expenses that will come later. Keep money aside for hospital bills and day care in advance.

Add and accept necessary Donations
Don't always follow the policy of " all new-things for my first baby." Give a chance to your friends and relatives to rack up your baby's store with their outgrown baby items and clothes. By accepting and sorting out, you will be happy to save more money.

Shopping receipts can do the most
Don't tear off the shopping receipts of your baby's items. Babies usually grow quickly leaving many of the items untouched. You can exchange them with a bigger size, if you have the receipts.

Extra money to meet splurges
Many a times you tend to make splurges in excitement of your new born. Expect some splurges so as to avoid havoc on your budget. Parental splurges are also expected during this time of the year. Dining out often, taking pregnancy massages frequently can add on to your expenses. Don't be shocked to see money going on this. Expect them and prepare for it in advance.

Isn't it easy to save a bundle and make a wise use of your secured loans...!!!


Pregnancy Guide - Finding Relief During Your Pregnancy

Getting pregnant is one of the most wondrous times of any women's life. It can also be one of the most frustrating as well. Your body can go through some uncomfortable changes that you would rather not have to deal with. The good news is that many of these problems, such as headaches and back pain, are only temporary. To get some immediate relief you may want to try some of these rescue tips to help soothe you as well as bring back that warm mother-to-be glow. You may also want to consult with other mothers to get some tips about what they did and see if it will help you through the coming months.

One of the biggest complaints is that dreaded morning sickness feeling. It will more than likely pass after the sixteenth week of your pregnancy, but there are ways that may lessen the symptoms. Try to avoid spicy foods, or even some of your favorite meals that may have you feeling ill. Also eating more frequent meals on a regular basis throughout the day can help a lot. If you wake up feeling ill and are vomiting, you may experience dehydration during the day. Be sure to carry water with you throughout the day and sip on it at regular intervals.

Another common complaint amongst pregnant women is headaches. Some women may find relief by applying a cool cloth to the forehead. You may also want to rest and lie down in a dark room. Acetaminophen may bring relief, but be sure to take only the recommended dose.

Later into your pregnancy, you may experience heartburn. This is the result of your growing baby pushing more on your stomach and resulting in acid reflux. Try and set your upper body above your stomach when you are lying down. The foods you eat also give you heartburn, so try and control your portion sizes. A full bloated stomach and a baby are not likely to go well together. You can also ease some of your discomfort with medication. Maalox is one of the better choices and if you are not sure then contact your doctor.

Expectant mothers-to-be can also experience feeling hotter than normal. It is important to dress comfortably and in layers. This will allow you to put on or take of clothes as you see fit. Summertime can prove to be challenging for many pregnant women with the increase in temperatures. Try and stay in air conditioning or near a pool while you get through these hot months.

A soothing massage by your spouse or partner can help to alleviate some of your discomforts. Get them to give you a nice overall massage to help relax those tensed muscles or aching back.

Finally, ask your pharmacist about if there are any over-the-counter prescriptions that you can safely take to help in some of your discomforts, such as yeast infections. If you still don't find relief after trying these tips, or after consulting various websites and forums, then you should talk to your doctor to give you advice on what other things you can try.


Hair Loss In Pregnancy - What You Need To Know

Although it is not as common as after birth, hair loss in pregnancy is prevalent. Many of the prevention and treatment methods that can be applied to hair loss following pregnancy can be used during pregnancy as well. There are just a couple of precautionary measures you will need to take during pregnancy.

When hair loss is occurring after you have given birth, it is almost expected as almost 50% of pregnant women begin to lose hair. During pregnancy hair loss is not quite as common, which is why precautionary measures should be taken. It is vital that you do seek advice from your physician to make sure everything is alright with you and the baby.

Aside from the precautionary measures that should be taken, many of the prevention methods are similar to those you would take following giving birth. If you are experiencing hair loss in pregnancy, it may be a sign that you are not getting enough vitamins and minerals. It is important that you supply your body and the baby's body with vitamins while you are carrying the baby.

Some of the most crucial vitamins include Vitamin B, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Including a high amount of fruits and vegetables will supply you with many of these vitamins and minerals needed to maintain your health and prevent hair loss. You should also be taking a daily vitamin of some sort every morning.

While you do not always have complete control over hair loss and your body during pregnancy, taking care of your hair can help reduce the chances of you losing hair. Certain hairstyles should not be worn during pregnancy because of the stress it puts on your hair. Some of these hairstyles include braids, cornrows, and pigtails. You should also try to avoid getting perms and getting your hair colored.

The kinds of shampoos and conditioners used during pregnancy can also affect whether or not you lose hair and how much you lose. There are specific brands that are better than others, which you should ask a physician about. But it is recommended that you use shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica.

While it is not near as common to see hair loss in pregnancy as it is after, it still occurs quite often. The first step is to take precautionary measures and seek medical advice. From there, supplying your body with vitamins and taking care of your hair can help you prevent hair loss in pregnancy.


Early Symptoms of Pregnancy

These symptoms will help you know if you are pregnant. However, every woman is different. You may not have all of these symptoms. If you think you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test to make sure.

Amenorrhea- Amenorrhea is when you stop having your period. This happens the moment you conceive and it will continue until you give birth. If you decide to breastfeed, you may not have your period for a few months after the birth of your baby.

Morning Sickness- This includes nausea at any moment of day. Morning sickness can start one week after conception and can last throughout the first trimester. Only a couple women have morning sickness in the third trimester. Eating crackers or small frequent meals may help you feel better.

Frequent Urination- Do you feel like you constantly need to use the restroom? Frequent urination is something that most women experience in the early stages of pregnancy. When your uterus grows, pressure will increase on your bladder, giving you the urge to urinate more frequently. Frequent urination can begin the first week after conceiving and can last until you give birth.

Food Cravings- As a pregnant woman you'll need more nutrients to make up for the increased number of calories being used to create your baby. Consequently, you may crave certain foods.

Breast Changes- Your chest may become swollen and sensitive. You may also notice that your areola (area around the nipple) is darkening and you have blue and pink lines under the skin. These changes are caused by the hCG hormone that begins to be produced once you conceive. These symptoms can begin as early as a few days after conception and can last the duration of your pregnancy.

Exhaustion- Your body is now working overtime growing a baby, this can cause fatigue. You will also have a higher temperature due to the increased levels of progesterone. This also adds to your fatigued.

Light Bleeding- Light bleeding can sometimes happen when the fertilized egg implants into your uterus.

Other Pregnancy Symptoms:

-Sensitivity to Odors

-Food Aversions



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Buying Safe Toys for Your Baby

Buy toys that are safe for your kids. There are innumerable ways for them to get hurt when they are away from your watchful eyes.

Some toys that you should be wary of are :

� Toys with small parts: These can prove to be fatal to infants and toddlers who tend to swallow anything they can hold.

� Toys with sharp edges or parts that wear away and produce a sharp edge: Handling these toys may injure the child.

� Toys that are inflatable: Such toys can burst and pieces of rubber may pose fatal choking hazards.

It is always better to consider your options before you purchase any toy.

Here are a few tips to help you choose the right toy :

� Double check toys before they are bought to ascertain whether they are hazard proof.

� Read the labels carefully before purchasing and follow the age limits and safety regulations mentioned on them.

� Look for toys that are well built and have well secured parts like wheels, flags, etc. There is a risk of your child swallowing the smaller parts if they are not secured well.

� Avoid purchasing electric toys for toddlers�these tend to generate heat.

� Avoid buying puzzles that have a small magnetic base as it may fall out.

� Avoid soft toys with button-sized eyes and nose, as they are prone to come loose when pulled by infants.

� Know your child. If your child sticks everything in his or her mouth, you have to be even more vigilant with small toys at home and while out of the house.

For more information about Parenting Tips for Dads, please visit Greatdad.com


You can Exercise While Pregnant

Walking- Walking is a wonderful workout that you can do virtually anywhere. Be sure you buy comfortable walking shoes and that you stand up straight using your abdominal muscles to keep your back straight. Start with a five to ten minute warm-up then stretch and resume your walk. Always remember to stretch afterwards as well. Walk for at least 30 min. per day, three to five days each week.

Swimming- This is often one of the most relaxing and safest exercises to do while pregnant. Swimming relieves pressure in the joints with the light as air feeling of being in the pool. Swimming gives you a good cardio workout using your large muscle groups. There is also a reduced risk of injury during swimming, nevertheless, be cautious that you don't slip and fall while walking near the pool. Some things you can do in the pool include shallow-water walking, water aerobics, deep-water running and swimming. You can join a water aerobics class or simply swim twenty minutes a day for three to six days a week. Remember to refrain from getting to hot tubs and saunas since they can increase your body temperature to a dangerously high level and injure your baby.

Running and jogging- If you were a jogger before becoming pregnant, you can safely continue to do so. You will want to use common sense. If you start feeling tired, slow down or walk. Don't overexert yourself. As you get closer to the end of your pregnancy, you will want to cut back. If you have complications, it's likely that your practitioner will have you quit running for the rest of your pregnancy. Remember to consult your practitioner before beginning.

Aerobics- Low impact aerobics is okay to remain doing while pregnant. You shouldn't do jumps or high kicks (which are not usually done in low impact aerobics anyway). Modify your workout if you feel like you need to. You can always slow down your workout by doing the exercises at half speed. Join a low impact aerobics class at your local gym or you can purchase an aerobics video and workout at home. Some women find that joining a class at a gym helps keep them motivated to continue to workout.

Bicycling and spinning- Be careful when bicycling or spinning. You're more susceptible to falls now that your center of gravity is shifting. Avoid rough terrain when you go biking. As your abdomen grows larger, you'll probably have a difficult time reaching the handlebars. You may also find the bicycle seat to become very uncomfortable in your third trimester. Do not overwork yourself. Take breaks as needed. If you participate in a spinning class, lower the tension and slow it down if you feel tired.

Pilates- Pilates toughens your whole body, teaches you body awareness and helps increase your flexibility. Pilates is safe to do while pregnant. There are some gyms that have Pilates classes specifically for pregnant women or you can easily find prenatal Pilates videos to workout at home. You may take Pilates classes, just don't forget to stay away from movements that constrict your neck.

Yoga- The focus of Yoga is techniques to help you relax and breath. These techniques could help you breath properly as you go through labor pains. You can participate in Yoga classes throughout your whole pregnancy. However, you will want to avoid poses that involve lying flat on your back or inverted poses. As with Pilates, your local gym may have prenatal yoga classes or you can find prenatal yoga workout videos to workout at home.


Pregnancy rates after tubal reversal are higher than IVF pregnancy rates.

Many women choose to undergo a tubal ligation procedure at a certain time in their lives. The procedure is meant to prevent pregnancy by means of tying, sealing or attaching a clip to the fallopian tubes. This prevents fertilization because it stops the egg from reaching the uterus. Although it was meant to be a permanent procedure, nowadays it can be reversed. If a woman decides to have children again after having suffered a tubal ligation she has the option of having a tubal ligation reversal procedure. The Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is dedicated to helping women have normal pregnancies once more. Pregnancy rates after tubal reversal at the Chapel Hill center are extremely high, surpassing even the in-vitro fertilization pregnancy rates.

There are many reasons why women decide to have a tubal ligation reversal at a certain point in their lives. The most common reason is the desire of having children. However, sometimes a woman will decide to have the procedure because of the so-called post tubal ligation syndrome. The symptoms of this syndrome include painful periods, early menopause symptoms, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, severe premenstrual syndrome, anxiety, sleeping disorders and mood swings. No matter what the reason, a tubal ligation reversal can be of very much help. The surgical procedure consists in rejoining, unclamping or removing anything that is blocking the fallopian tubes. Because of the advances in microsurgery, the procedure can take less than one hour on an outpatient basis. Furthermore, local anesthesia is usually sufficient for the reversal procedure and therefore reduces the post surgery discomfort.

Probably the most extensive and accurate existent study on tubal reversal success rates is the one developed by Dr. Gary Berger at the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. The study included more than 3000 women who have been patients at the Chapel Hill Center. The conclusion of this comprehensive study is that pregnancy rates after tubal reversal surgery are even better than in-vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancy rates. The pregnancy rates after tubal reversal were compared with the latest national IVF statistics and were substantially higher than any IVF results. Another important advantage to the tubal ligation reversal performed by Dr. Berger is that it has less than half of the costs of a standard IVF cycle.

Dr. Berger's study reveals that pregnancy rates after tubal reversal vary according to different factors. The first factor that influences the pregnancy rates is age. Younger women have better pregnancy rates than older women. Women aged 30 and less have a success rate of around 82%. Older women, of 40 years and more, have a pregnancy rate of 41%. The tubal ligation method is another factor which influences the pregnancy rates. The highest pregnancy rates have been encountered in reversals of tubal ring or clip procedures (76%) while patients with fimbriectomy or unknown methods had the lowest rates (56%). Women who have had resection or coagulation procedures fall into the intermediary category, with overall rates of 68-69%. Fallopian tube length is also capable of swaying the pregnancy rates. The longer the remaining tube length, the better the pregnancy rates. Women with fallopian tubes of more than 7.5 cm have a success rate of 80%. 38% of women with very short fallopian tubes, of less than 2.5 cm, became pregnant. The Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Study performed at the Chapel Hill Center by Dr. Berger is the most comprehensive study on the subject available at this time.

A tubal ligation can be a solution for women who want to effectively control their ability to have children. However, women who have the procedure often want to have it reversed at a certain point, because of various reasons. A tubal ligation reversal is a microsurgical procedure which restores the ability to have children. The Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Study performed by Dr. Berger shows that pregnancy rates after tubal reversal are even higher than IVF pregnancy rates.


Ten Tips for Surviving an Overdue Pregnancy

Your belly is huge, your due date has passed, and yet little Susie or Johnny has shown no interest in moving out of his or her cozy home. Your due date is calculated by counting forward 280 days from the start of your last menstrual period. Your due date is only an estimate of when your baby should come and is often off by a number of days. It is very common to deliver past your due date particularly if you are a first time mom. Knowing that it is common provides little comfort when you are the one overdue. Below are our best tips for surviving an overdue pregnancy.

1. Talk to your doctor.

Women have varying opinions on labor and childbirth. Some prefer a natural, wait and see approach, while others are very anxious and eagerly interested in induction. In our mother's generation it was not uncommon to deliver at 42 or even 43 weeks. Presently many doctors will induce at 40 or 41 weeks if your cervix is favorable. If you would prefer the wait and see approach, or your cervix is unfavorable for induction, your doctor or midwife will monitor you and baby closely. You will likely have a non stress test or biophysical profile done once or even twice a week if you are overdue. By 42 weeks your doctor will most likely choose to induce regardless of whether you cervix is favorable or not.

2. Get lots of rest.

The last month of pregnancy is exhausting. You may not be sleeping well due to discomfort and anxiety about your approaching labor. Remember to keep taking your prenatal vitamins and rest as much as you can. Lack of sleep and fatigue can war on your mood. Use a body pillow at night to help you sleep. Take an afternoon nap if you are not sleeping well or just rest with you feet up if sleep is not possible.

3. Finish up preparations for baby.

Now is a good time to finish up those last minute things you need for baby. You may have packed your hospital bag weeks earlier and finished the nursery what seems like ages ago, so here are a few ideas you might not have thought of to keep yourself busy. Install your car seat and have it checked for safety. Many hospitals and insurance companies will do car seat safety checks. Purchase a lullaby CD and set up a rocking chair nearby to rock your baby to sleep. Lastly, if you haven't already now is a good time to buy your husband or partner to bring to work after baby's birth. It's a little old fashioned, but hey some men still do it.

4. Try relaxation and meditation.

If you've never done relaxation exercises or meditation this probably sounds a bit corny, but it can't hurt to try it. Purchase a CD if you don't have one already with relaxing music or sounds from the rainforest or beach. Try slow deep breaths relaxing your muscles one at a time. Alternatively, you can purchase a CD or video that gives specific instructions on relaxation exercises. Now would also be a good time to practice relaxation and breathing exercises form your child birth class.

5. Try natural labor inducers.

There are a few things you can try to induce labor naturally. Foods such as pineapple and eggplant have been suggested as labor inducers. Cooked in a yummy recipe, it's certainly worth a shot. Cinnamon tea made from cinnamon sticks steeped in hot water is another thing you can try. Walking is something else you can try. The verdict is still out as to whether walking actually helps, but a little exercise is good for the body and soul regardless of effectiveness in inducing labor. There are many other tips, tricks, and old wives tales you can try naturally induce labor. Check with your doctor or midwife before trying anything to naturally induce labor.

6. Check fetal movements.

It is very important when you are overdue to keep a close eye on fetal movements. There are variations on how to keep track of fetal kick counts, so talk to your doctor about how to track and monitor your baby's movements. If you notice a decrease or change in your baby's activity call your doctor.

7. Observe for signs of labor.

For some women keeping track of signs of labor will bring comfort and others it is plain out discouraging. As you pregnancy comes to an end your body will show sings or readiness for labor. Increasing Braxton Hicks contractions, pelvic achiness, backache, and increasing vaginal secretions are all early signs or labor. Early labor symptoms can begin weeks before labor, but all these signs are reassuring that your body is indeed getting ready for birth.

8. Keep busy.

Keeping busy will help keep your mind off of things. Here are a few suggestions to keep yourself busy. Take this time to freeze up a few meals for after baby's birth. This will allow you a little extra time and rest when baby is home. Make a belly cast of your pregnant tummy to commemorate your pregnancy. Start a scrapbook album for your baby. You can include mementos from your pregnancy and prepare pages for after baby's birth. Knitting, crocheting, or other hobbies can also be distracting.

9. Ask for help.

If you are having a hard time physically or emotionally ask for support from your family, friends, or health care provider. You may be shouting from the inside, but unless you tell someone they may not know how you feel. If you are having feelings of anxiety or depression talk to your doctor.

10. Do something nice for yourself.

A massage, manicure, or trip to the hair salon are all good ideas to treat yourself at the end of pregnancy. If you can't convince baby to come out and play, at least mommy should have a good time.