
Home Remedies to Prevent Foot Swelling During Pregnancy

Among the many changes that occur during the pregnancy months of the female is the swelling of feet. The whole feet may swell up, or just some parts like the ankles or the shins may swell.

Swelling of the feet generally starts becoming apparent during the fifth month of the pregnancy, though this time limit can vary from one woman to another. It occurs due to the accumulation of fluids in the feet of the woman. Swelling of the feet can be painful to some women, due to which they may not be able to move about or do their normal work as the months pass on. In some women, the swelling of the feet is very temporary; it subsides when the woman takes rest for a while, or massages the feet.

This article tells some of the home remedies you can use when pregnant to prevent the swelling of feet.

Simple Remedies to Prevent and Treat Swelling of Feet during Pregnancy

# Drink a lot of water when you are pregnant. You must drink at least six to eight glasses of water per day. Water is the most natural therapy to flush out the excess toxins from the body. Thus, the water will expel all the toxic fluids of the body which would otherwise settle in the feet and cause them to swell. Drinking a lot of water could increase the frequency of urination in pregnant women, but that is actually a good sign, as urination is a way to expel the wastes from the body.

# Avoid remaining in a standing position for long periods of time. This gives direct access for the fluids to enter into the lower parts of the body and cause the feet to swell up.

# Hot temperatures are not good during pregnancy. Hot temperatures can reduce the water content of the body, due to which the proportion of the fluids increase proportionately in the body. Therefore, going out when there is a hot climate must be avoided as much as possible.

# It is a misconception that swelling of feet during pregnancy is caused by excessive intake of salty foods. Though over-intake of salt is definitely not good, eliminating salt totally from the diet also does not help. Salt must be taken in moderation. The same idea applies to spicy foods also.

# Keep your diet well-balanced. This is extremely important for a pregnant woman. If the diet is deficient in any kind of food, or if the woman takes the wrong kind of food, then there is more chance of undigested toxic wastes accumulating in the body, and causing the feet to swell.

# Do not wear tight trousers or jeans when you are pregnant, as this would increase the pressure on the legs. Instead, you could wear somewhat loose stockings or pantyhose to give good support to the feet.

# While sleeping, try to change your position frequently. Lying in a single position for a long time will increase the pressure on one side of the body and increase the chances of the feet getting swollen up. You can put some elevated support for the feet, such as propping them up on cushions or pillows, so that the fluid does not accumulate into the feet region.

# Here's a recipe for preventing the swelling of feet during pregnancy. Take two cups of water and add a teaspoonful of palm sugar in it. Add two teaspoons of fennel seeds to it. Boil this mixture, till the volume reduces to half; i.e. only one cupful of water is left. Drink this mixture thrice in a day. It will help protect the feet from getting swollen.

# Add a few tablespoons of coriander in two cups of water. Boil this mixture till it reduces to half its quantity, i.e. to one cup. Drink this coriander decoction thrice in a day. It will prevent from swelling of feet during pregnancy. In order to improve the taste, you can add sugar and milk to it, so that it becomes like a herbal tea.

# The most important thing to prevent feet from swelling up during pregnancy is to keep them exercised often. Pregnant women tend to reduce their normal activities in the fear that it would harm the fetus. But in fact, the opposite is true. Walking for half an hour per day is ideal. Keep your feet moving about. This is a very sure way of preventing the accumulation of fluids in the feet.

# While sitting, do not press your legs by crossing them. Keep them free and separated so that there is no undue pressure on them.


Infection with the hepatitis B virus during pregnancy

In some countries, the infection with hepatitis B virus is most common during pregnancy. One can also be infected with the hepatitis B virus in his/ her early childhood. To gain some control over this method of transmitting hepatitis means to have a very good idea about the infection with the hepatitis B virus during pregnancy.

This knowledge of the infection with the hepatitis B virus when pregnant gives a good view on some of the following things:
- the mortality rate of the person carrying the hepatitis virus;
- the effect of the hepatitis B virus on the parturition process;
- most important, the capability of the hepatitis virus to be transmitted to the foetus;

There are tests that can show can show the seroprevelance of the hepatitis B virus in a pregnant women. The infection with hepatitis can be either acute or chronic. The acute infection with the hepatitis B virus means that this infection happened only during pregnancy and the person was otherwise healthy, whereas the chronic infection shows that the infection with the hepatitis B virus was previous to the pregnancy.

Studies have shown that the hepatitis B infection is not perdilect to pregnant women and the percentage of non pregnant women suffering from hepatitis B is almost the same of those pregnant. More, the acute form of hepatitis B does not have more severe symptoms in pregnant women than in the non pregnant ones.

The symptoms for viral hepatitis are the same: fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting. The last two hepatitis symptoms may be also mistaken for pregnancy symptoms in women that do not suffer from hepatitis. If hepatitis resolves before there is a great liver injury, the symptoms of hepatitis may also be passes off as flu symptoms or even as effects of the pregnancy itself. In most of the cases, the acute hepatitis symptoms will pass in about six weeks.

If a pregnant women suffers from acute hepatitis, this may induce a premature labour, especially if she is in the last trimester. However, this has little or no effect on the foetus.

Chronic hepatitis is a very serious condition that has no symptoms. A person may develop hepatitis symptoms when this disease has done many damage to the liver. Most of the women that become pregnant, find out that they suffer from chronic hepatitis after they go to an obstetrician.


How to Get Pregnant Fast

If you and your partner have decided that the time is right for you to begin your family, you may be thinking a lot about how you can manage to get pregnant as fast as possible. First of all, congratulations! Planning for a family is an exciting and commendable undertaking. You are in for an adventure that will last a lifetime.

When you are considering how you can best get pregnant fast, try to remember that pregnancy is very difficult to control or force. You ultimately are just going to have to wait for Mother Nature to help you along! Unlike many things in your life, getting pregnant is not entirely under your control. If you are a powerful woman who likes to get things done at your own pace, then this fact can be a difficult one to swallow. Don't worry; there are still plenty of things that you can do to help you on how to get pregnant fast.

Pregnancy occurs when you have intercourse during your ovulation period and one of the sperm manages to connect up with the egg that you have released. You only release one egg per month (unless there is some sort of irregularity, it which case you could release two eggs and conceive twins), so there are approximately twelve opportunities for you to get pregnant each year. The window of opportunity in each of these months may be as small as two or three days. This can be pretty alarming for couples who are wanting to know how to get pregnant fast, be it doesn't have to be that way.

The trick on how to get pregnant fast is to figure out when you are ovulating each month. If you can do this successfully, you will be able to have intercourse on these days in order to improve the odds that you will become pregnant that month. If you do not know when you are ovulating, you may miss these days and not have intercourse. This means that you will probably not become pregnant in that month, and you will have to wait until the next month for another opportunity.

In order to keep the monthly opportunity from passing without you taking advantage of it, you can do one of two things. The first technique you can use to get pregnant fast is to have intercourse every day of the month. Obviously, your partner will have to agree to this technique if it is to be useful. In this way, you will guarantee that you are having intercourse on the days that you ovulate.

The other, slightly less tiring approach on how to get pregnant fast is to use an ovulation detector to determine when you are ovulating. These can be purchased in the feminine care aisle of the grocery or drugstore and used at home to tell you when you are fertile. Then it is up to you to have intercourse on these days to conceive. No matter how you do it, good luck as you try to get pregnant fast!


Common methods to confirm a possible pregnancy

Nowadays, women who present pregnancy symptoms have various methods that may confirm them or not a possible pregnancy. Even though many women ask for medical help when they face the first pregnancy symptoms other women choose pregnancy tests in order to find out a proper result. In addition to this, pregnancy tests are easy to obtain, they are available in pharamacies, stores, local clinical and even at the doctor's office.

To begin with, there are two types of pregnancy tests, urine and blood pregnancy tests. Both of them have the same role, they may easily show without any hard procedures the presence of hCG and consequently the presence of a possible pregnancy. Moreover, women who use a pregnancy test should follow the instructions as closely as possible in order to have an appropriate result. On the other hand, pregnancy tests are not always 100% accurate and this thing depend on the brand and also on the way a woman use it. So, for an accurate result, it is important to wait for about a week after the period is due before the testing. Moreover for women who want a quicker and an accurate result, a clinical test seems to be the best choice.

Secondly, a pregnancy tests can be used by anyone and usually work by detecting human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). hCG is a hormone produced by cells in the uterus and is responsible for signaling the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone to help the unborn baby to grow up. Much more, hCG can be found only in pregnant women and tends to rise as the pregnancy develops.

One of the most popular pregnancy test is the urine test, it is a common test which can be found in any store and pharmacy and can be used by every woman in the privacy of their home. Moreover, home pregnancy urine test can be easily performed by any woman who face pregnancy symptoms. It is important to mention that a woman who is going to use a urine test should be quite careful in choosing a proper test and also in following the instruction, a single wrong step might change the result for sure. By reading the instruction women can easily see if the test indicates or not a pregnancy. In addition to this, most pregnancy tests come with a testing strip which, when exposed to urine should have changed the colours or be displayed a symbol that notice the presence or not of the pregnancy.

Furthermore, another method used in order to confirm a possible pregnancy is the blood test. Blood tests may be performed at the doctor's office or health clinics. In addition, there are two types of pregnancy blood tests: the Quantitative Blood Test which works by measuring the amount of hCG in the bloodstream and also can show the maturity of the pregnancy; and also the Qualitative Blood Test which confirms the presence of pregnancy.


Dangerous foods that should be avoided during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural condition and even though brings significant changes in women's life, it can be easily overcome by having a balanced lifestyle and support from the family. It is important to mention that a pregnant woman should be aware of her condition and should adopt a proper diet in order to mantain a good health for herself and for the baby. In addition to this, women should inform themselves regarding the foods that should present risks and should be avoided during the pregnancy and choose only the ones that aren't considered dangerous for the baby.

First of all, pregnant women should avoid undercooked meats because of their risk to be infested with harmful bacteria such as e.coli or salmonella. By eating undercooked meats, preganant women may face serious disfunctions like diarrhea or nausea and even more they can lead to other complications which may put the life of the baby in danger by causing miscarriage or preterm birth. Moreover this category of dangerous foods includes: deli meats, undercooked chicken, pork or read meat, sushi and raw seafood.

Secondly, another aliment which is not allowed in the diets for pregnant women are raw eggs. Due to their risk of carrying salmonella, raw eggs can cause food poisoning that may lead to severe diarrhea or sickness and even preterm labor. In order to avoid raw eggs, pregnant women should quit eating different foods such as eggnog, cookie batter, ceasar salad dressing and also homemade ice cream. Furthermore, other categories of dangerous foods during pregnancy are the unpasteurized food and beverages. Even though, milk is considered an healthy drinking bacause it provides calcium to the body, unpasteurised milk may consist a dangerous bacteria called listeria which is responsible for many illnesses every year. Foods which may contain listeria are :first of all raw milk, unpasteurised juice and also different kinds of cheeses.

Thirdly, even though many people consider that fish is an healthy food, the truth is that not all the fish is good for pregnancy. Moreover, fish is importnat for an healthy pregnancy by providing omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand there are certain fish which have very high levels of methyl mercury. In addition to this methyl mercury is very dangerous for the unborn baby by causing serious neurogical damages and also developmental problems. In the category of fish which contain high levels of methyl mercury are : the shark, the swordfish, the tilefish and king mackerel. Another category of dangerous fish is farm raised fish which contain polycarbonated biphenyls (PCBs), environmental toxins that may affect the health of the fetus.

Pregnant women should be quite careful when they choose their foods and drinks and they should always look on the labels in order to detect the substances that are considered dangerous for their pregnancy. A toxic substance which is found most of the times in soft drink and candies is aspartame, a chemical product that may lead to severe disease such as cancer. It is important to mention that alcohol during pregnancy may cause severe damages to the baby by preventing him from getting oxygen and nutrients and moreover heavy drinking may produce to the baby serious mental and physical disfunctions.


The dangers of smoking and pregnancy

Even though pregnancy is a natural condition, women should be aware of the risks that pregnancy may face and also they need to be always in touch with their doctor in order to have an uncomplicated pregnancy and a healthy baby. In addition to this, pregnant women should avoid certain things that may harm their baby's life.

For example, smoking is a dangerous habit that not only is harmful for adults but also the health of the unborn babies can be seriously affected. Moreover, smoking during pregnancy is related with premature delivery, breathing problems and severe disease among children, such as asthma.

Furthermore, a woman should think better before having a baby and try to quit certain bad habits, such as drinking alcohol, medicines which may harm the baby and moreover smoking. What is more is that pregnancy is a great moment for quitting smoking in order to prevent future tobacco-related health complications, such as lung and heart disfunctions and even cancer.

Even though, the future mother reduces the frequency of smoking, the danger is still present for the unborn baby. So, by reducing the number of cigarettes, a pregnant woman tends to inhale more deeply and take more puffs to get the same amount of nicotine as before.

Much more, by smoking, the nicotine and carbon monoxide reach not only to the mother's body but also the baby through the placenta. This nocive substances prevent the fetus from getting the nutrients and oxygen needed to grow. Much more, the baby can take the nicotine from the breast milk and in some cases, smoke can lead to severe complications.

Taking all these into consideration, a future mother should be aware and informed regarding all the things that may harm her pregnancy. A proper healty life and the lack of smoking and alcohol is important to preven the risks that dangerous substances may cause to the mother and the unborne baby.


Headaches During Pregnancy

Being a mother is the most blissful experience but the effect of pregnancy on the headache in particular is mixed. The chronic migraines disappear during pregnancy. This change in women is brought about by the hormonal changes inside the body, the effect indeed comes as a relief for women who suffer from chronic migraines and who have had to stop taking their regular medication because of possible complications it could have during pregnancy.

Other Types of Headaches

If hadn't experienced a severe headache till you are pregnant, you may start suffering form severe headache, no need to be vexed. Many women experience headaches during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester because of the onslaught of hormones caused by being pregnant. Typically, this type of hormonal pregnancy headache will disappear as you enter your second trimester and your hormone levels stabilize. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor to aver any other cause.

Finding Relief

Frustrating of all is that headaches during pregnancy have less treatment options. Women who have a standard medication that they've been using for years to combat migraines suddenly find themselves defenseless against their migraines as the medication that usually works for them is deemed unsafe for pregnant women. A doctor should be consulted. The only over-the-counter medication said to be safe is acetaminophen.

Other Options

Acupuncture, massage and aromatherapy may work for some women. Sometimes headache relievers like cold compress to the head and neck while sleeping in a darkened, silent room may work. This remedy works for many people, young and old, male and female, for everything from pregnancy headaches to sunlight and other eye-related headaches.
If you are plagued frequently with headaches during pregnancy, be sure to discuss it with your doctor even if you're managing it well on your own. While it's most likely that they're caused by hormones, fatigue or stress, other issues, such as preeclampsia, do exist and should be checked by your doctor to make sure that you, and your baby, are in good health.

For more information about please visit: Depression Duing Pregnancy
Being a mother is the most blissful experience but the effect of pregnancy on the headache in particular is mixed. The chronic migraines disappear during pregnancy. This change in women is brought about by the hormonal changes inside the body, the effect indeed comes as a relief for women who suffer from chronic migraines and who have had to stop taking their regular medication because of possible complications it could have during pregnancy.

Other Types of Headaches

If hadn't experienced a severe headache till you are pregnant, you may start suffering form severe headache, no need to be vexed. Many women experience headaches during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester because of the onslaught of hormones caused by being pregnant. Typically, this type of hormonal pregnancy headache will disappear as you enter your second trimester and your hormone levels stabilize. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor to aver any other cause.

Finding Relief

Frustrating of all is that headaches during pregnancy have less treatment options. Women who have a standard medication that they've been using for years to combat migraines suddenly find themselves defenseless against their migraines as the medication that usually works for them is deemed unsafe for pregnant women. A doctor should be consulted. The only over-the-counter medication said to be safe is acetaminophen.

Other Options

Acupuncture, massage and aromatherapy may work for some women. Sometimes headache relievers like cold compress to the head and neck while sleeping in a darkened, silent room may work. This remedy works for many people, young and old, male and female, for everything from pregnancy headaches to sunlight and other eye-related headaches.
If you are plagued frequently with headaches during pregnancy, be sure to discuss it with your doctor even if you're managing it well on your own. While it's most likely that they're caused by hormones, fatigue or stress, other issues, such as preeclampsia, do exist and should be checked by your doctor to make sure that you, and your baby, are in good health.

For more information about please visit: Depression Duing Pregnancy


What Guided Nutrition And Exercise Will Do For You, Your Pregnancy And Your Baby

In this article, my aim is to sensitize you about fitness, weight control and nutrition; make you aware of the health benefits in being fit, eating good food and doing regular exercises during pregnancy.

Sure, you may be aware that exercise brings about fitness, but do you willingly engage in exercise for fitness and healthy living? The benefits of exercise when you are pregnant are so huge, yet most women are disposed to abhor exercise routines at this critical stage of their lives, because of the age old myth that exercise is inimical to pregnancy.

The truth, however, is that exercise is beneficial for everyone including you, because it strengthens nerves and bones, regulates metabolism, ensures proper circulation of blood and nutrients to all the cells and tissues of the body, including the fetus .

Healthy Mothers, Safe Delivery And Healthy Babies

Fit pregnant women give birth, without delivery problems, to healthy babies. However, even though exercise is essential for fitness and good health, knowledge of suitable exercise is necessary because unhealthy exercise is counter productive.

Combination Of Good Food And Exercise

Good food is synonymous with good health only when complemented with regular healthy exercise, if not, weight gain becomes a risk, especially during pregnancy and afterwards. Conversely, eating right and exercising properly will ensure proper absorption of food nutrients, make you fit and able to control your weight gain rate during pregnancy and afterwards.

Expert Advice

You should be familiar with one type of exercise or the other, most of which you learnt in school and neglected, but the truth is that there are special exercise routines for different kinds of people, and today you can find online specific ebooks dealing with exercise regimen for children, old people, athletes, sick people, and pregnant women.

Recipe For Healthy Eating

Some of these ebooks combine both exercise regimen and healthy recipes that provide the level of nutrition for both you and your baby, because eating right during pregnancy will make you healthy. It is also essential for your baby's growth and development.

Exercise, Nutrition and Pregnancy:

Your nutrition, fitness and weight control during pregnancy can not be over emphasized if you consider the need to ensure the safety of both yourself and child. So look for that informative ebook that covers everything from the daily vitamin and mineral intakes needed, and foods that actually help with your pregnancy discomforts.

Finally, it is only if you are fit that you can easily go through labor and give birth to a healthy baby without delivery problems. And with good food and exercise for weight control during pregnancy, you will also be able to lose your pregnancy pounds and revert to your pre-pregnancy shape a few weeks after you give birth to your healthy baby.


Lupus in pregnant women

Lupus is an affection which usually affects women and oftenly it has been said that women who suffer from lupus cannot become pregnant due to their condition. Much more, specialists deny this affirmation, 50% of all women with lupus who become preganant can have a normal preganancy and deliver healthy babies. On the other hand, some women may face complications and lose their babies in the early stages of pregnancy.

Furthermore, even though many lupus pregnancies are totally normal, women risk to face problems during the period of their pregnancy. Pregnant women with lupus should be supervised by an obstetrician until the pregnancy ends and in this case the risk of the mother's health is diminished and normal babies can be borne. Moreover, women who suffer from lupus should follow the physician's instructions, they have to adopt a special diet and lifestyle and not in the last place, delivery must take place in a hospital.

First of all, even though, women in remission tend to have less trouble than women with active lupus, a good, healthy diet might help a lot during the pregnancy. So, some of the golden rules that a pregnant woman with lupus should follow are: proper medication, regulary visits at the doctor, an healthy food diet, no bad habits like smoking or drinking and also they should avoid pills that might put in danger the life of the baby.

Secondly, pregnant women may face certain symptoms such as lupus flare, rashes which ca appear due to an increased blood flow in the skin, new hair growth during pregnancy and also severe loss of hair after delivery. What is more is that 20% of lupus patients tend to have a sudden increase in blood pressure, protein in the urine, affections which are known as toxemia and require a serious treatment and even immediate delivery. Another serious complications that may occur to lupus pregnancies are the presence of antibodies which interfere with the function of the placenta. So, these antibodies also known as antiphospholipid usually cause blood clots, including blood clots in the placenta, exposing the placenta to high risks. it is important to mention that many lupus patients have an antibody known as anti-ro or anti-SSA which may affect the unborn babies and exposing them to a syndrome known as neonatal lupus. Moreover, in many cases women who suffer from a severe form of lupus have to pass through a caesarian section in order to save he premature baby.

Taking all these into consideration, pregnant women who suffer from lupus can have a normal pregnancy if they follow an appropriate treatment and have a balanced lifestyle. Furthermore, it has been considered that most medications taken by SLE are safe to use during the prganancy due to the fact that they don t get through the placenta and in this way the baby is not in danger. Moreover, these medications might help the unborn baby to mature and also they are used in order to fight against complications such as toxemia of pregnancy.


How Your Body Changes During Pregnancy

When pregnant, you will experience many physical changes to your body. While it is certainly true that women's bodies are made to adapt to these changes, knowing what to expect can make the difference between feeling helpless or getting a sense of control.

Some of the changes will include weight gain, stretch marks, or possibly increased acne. These are normal changes, and may be looked at in a positive way.

It does not mean you will definitely experience all these changes, You may experience a big weight gain or just gain enough weight that only from the growing baby inside you. Or, you may get a few pimples or have absolutely perfect skin. Every pregnancy is unique with each child, along the fact that it affects one woman differently to another. You body will make the necessary changes for whatever your particular child needs to grow.

During your day to day life, you will learn more about how these changes will affect you as your pregnancy continues. Whether it is the nausea, occasional acne,stretch marks, or stress, there are several ways to make it more comfortable and livable for you.


Most women feel nauseous during their first and second trimester. Typically, morning or nightime are the times in the day when it occurs. While this is normal, there are ways to help control feelings of nauseousness and vomiting by changing what you eat and how often you eat. Also, simply by relaxing the body through breathing and sleeping or napping can ease the strain on your system, besides making you feel better.


Women may notice that when they are pregnant that there may be increased acne on their face and their body. This acne is a result of chemical changes in the body and should not last after the pregnancy is over.

There a just a few easy things to do to help prevent and heal the acne. You will need to wash your face often, avoid certain foods, and drink more water during the day in order to keep it under control.

Many experienced mothers might tell you that drinking more than 8 glasses of water, or 64 ounces, helps to clean out the impurities within your blood that aid in causing acne. Also, avoiding foods that are greasy or extremely sweet, since these tend to produce the bacteria that acne loves.

Stretch marks

As women gain weight, they may notice lines forming on their abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, or arms. This is normal when pregnant and not to be feared. Certainly, physical changes can affect pregnant women emotionally but, it does not have to. There are numerous products especially made, to diminish and fade any stretch marks caused by pregnancy.

By understanding that these physical changes are necessary, you will have the means to be able to cope with your stress and concerns. Fear and worry can be lessoned if you know what is normal and to expect at each stage of your pregnancy. Then, you can relax and focus on the 9 month miracle, growing inside you.


Selecting a Free Pregnancy Test

Nothing will give a woman peace of mind if they think they are pregnant until the question is answered. When money is already tight pregnancy tests can be a costly purchase. However, when it comes to finding a free pregnancy test there are plenty of options. A woman has more time to make decisions and plans for her future and the future of her baby the sooner a pregnancy is confirmed.

Free pregnancy tests for women are offered all over the United States at clinics. Free counseling and resources for a woman who is faced with an unplanned pregnancy is also offered at many of the clinics and centers. A woman should wait until the time that her menstrual period is due before coming in for a free pregnancy test or a day or two later so the accuracy of the test can be ensured Recognising a Sign of Pregnancy.

Due to the hormone that is detected during the test the reason is important. Right after an embryo beings implanting into the uterine lining HCG is a hormone that is released. Through blood or urine tests this hormone can be detected and after it is released in multiplies in quantity. After ovulation, implantation typically occurs six to twelve days later and you should wait at least two or three weeks after ovulation to perform the test.

Other Types of Free Pregnancy Tests

Before making the call to a clinic to confirm the pregnancy through a urine or blood test, some websites offer a free online pregnancy test for a woman. These online tests typically have a series of questions that begin with how long monthly cycles usually run and when the date of the last period was.

Symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and weight gain or loss will be checked off a list on these tests. Other potential reasons for these symptoms will be questioned, including if a woman has more stress than usual. It may also ask about which birth control methods were used at the time of conception.

Beginning with the series of online free pregnancy tests a woman can get a better idea of whether they will benefit by making an appointment with their doctor or a pregnancy clinic to receive a urine test despite their less than accurate record.

It is important that you find out as soon as possible whether or not a pregnancy is indeed reality. Through the use of a free pregnancy test, the sooner a pregnancy is confirmed the sooner the expectant mother can begin to make plans for her and her baby Pregnancy Diary.


Pregnancy Exercise VIdeo

When it comes to physical fitness, the list seems to go on forever. There are just so many different routines, programs, opinions and exercises to choose from. Do you really know what's right for you? Well, if you have an idea of your goals, then you should know. Or at least you should have an idea of what to focus on. Contrary to old beliefs, even pregnant women require exercise. Now I'm not advising a woman in the third trimester to go run a marathon, but I am suggest a pregnancy exercise video. This little training aid may be exactly what you need.

Around 8 years ago, my wife was pregnant with our daughter. I must admit that I felt bad for the woman. Clearly being pregnant is no easy routine. There are many annoyances and hardships involved. Most of them are physical no doubt, but still relevant. By the way, are there any men out there who think they could carry a child? More importantly, if you could, would you? That's the real question. I recall my wife having night sweats. This was terrible for her since we both worked at the time. I remember when she getting those absurd cravings for the most random foods around. And most of all, I remember when how she had to urinate ALL THE TIME. It was crazy stuff. Now, the bad part of this time concerns exercise. She basically didn't do any. We really could have used a pregnancy exercise video or something to get her on the right track. I was already waiting on her hand and foot. I definitely would have helped her with it. The reason I bring this up is because she gained quite a bit of weight when she was pregnant and it was difficult to lose once our daughter was born. A mere pregnancy exercise video would have lessoned this burden. She would not have gained as much weight during her pregnancy and her muscles would have remained stronger throughout it.

Now, I know that exercise does not sound too wonderful when we're talking about pregnancy. On the contrary, it is what's recommended now days. Studies have shown that it benefits the mother during labor and after the baby is born. Therefore you

may want to consider a pregnancy exercise video if you're expecting a little one soon.


Salicyclic Acid and Safe Skin Treatments - Acne During Pregnancy

There are several acne treatments that are safe for pregnant women, some of them natural and or homemade. There are others that are manufactured which also have been deemed safe for use during pregnancy.

Of course there are some that are not to be used during pregnancy. Before we discuss any of these products remember that before you use any acne treatment consult with your obstetrician.

Benzoyl peroxide, an ingredient in some over the counter acne treatments, has been tested and deemed safe for use by pregnant women.

However salicylic acid, which is also used in some non-prescription acne fighting products, has not been tested on pregnant women and is not recommended for use by them.

Most acne breakouts in pregnant women occur during the first three months of the pregnancy while hormone levels are increasing, causing increased oil production in you skin which causes acne flare-ups. By the second trimester the acne begins to clear up.

Salicyclic acid, taken orally, has been known to cause complications of pregnancy and birth defects. However again there has been no testing of topical use.

Some "natural" remedies you can try are: keep your skin clean. After washing rinse your skin with luke-warm water to remove any remaining soap. Don't pick at your pimples or pop them, this can cause scarring.

Some products that are safe to use on your skin are tea tree oil, lavender essential oil and Echinacea to name just a few.

There are safe acne treatments, that reportedly work, as close at hand as your kitchen. A mask of lukewarm cooked oatmeal applied once a day for 15-20 minutes, is said to begin clearing your acne in a matter of days.

A halved lemon applied to each blemish is another. Garlic, mashed tomatoes, uncooked natural oatmeal, warm sugar water and olive oil are all natural acne treatments that are safe for use during pregnancy. If you are allergic to any of these items of course don't apply them to your skin.

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may prevent or reduce many acne outbreaks. Apples and blueberries are said to be particularly good to prevent acne outbreaks.

If you do a web search for natural acne treatments, you will get several links to natural acne skin treatments that can't all be mentioned here.

In addition to the salicylic acid some others that doctors want their patients to stay away from are: retinoid, a form of vitamin A. High doses of vitamin A can be harmful to unborn children and oral retinoid, like Accutane(an acne treatment), have been reported as causing birth defects.

While there is no evidence that retinoid applied to the skin causes damage to an unborn child, there is also no certainty that they are safe. The same is true of salicylic acid, no proof either way. Most physicians prefer to err on the side of caution.

If you are pregnant, whether you are interested in natural or manufactured acne treatments, you should consult with your obstetrician or dermatologist before beginning any acne treatment regimen.

As you can see, according to current information, salicylic acid and safe skin treatments of acne during pregnancy are incompatible.


The Causes For Fertility Decrease In The Last Years

It has become evident that the fertility of both men and women is decreasing in an accelerating pace, over the last few years. An increasing number of couples report having trouble getting pregnant, and many of them turn to a fertility clinic, and consult with a fertility doctor about their problem.

There is wide verity of Infertility Risk Factors for Men and Women. Let's cover a few of them:

Infertility causes For Men:

1.A man may suffer from infertility after having genital infection, or sexually transmitted diseases

2. Exposure to dangerous areas, such as areas with radiation or radioactivity. Also handling dangerous materials such as lead, ethylene dibromine, and vinyl chloride.

3. Smoking cigarettes or marijuana effects the fertility levels of men.

4. Heavy use of drugs and/or alcohol.

5. If genitals are exposed to high temperatures, than fertility may decrease temporarily or permanently.

6. DES taken by mother during pregnancy may cause giving birth to a sterile baby boy.

7. Taking prescription drugs for ulcers or psoriasis

8. Undergoing a hernia repair surgery

9. Having mumps after puberty

And as for infertility causes For Women - woman's reproduction system is more complex, therefore, woman's inability to ovulate, conceive, or deliver a child successfully, can come from the following reasons:

1. The age factor is a key player in woman's fertility. Women in their late 30s are about 30 percent less fertile than women in their early 20s

2. Irregularities with the function of the endometriosis may decrease fertility.

3. All kinds of chronic diseases (lupus, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis or asthma)

4. Hormonal imbalance - can be treated with medication, in many cases.

5. Environmental factors - smoking cigarettes, alcohol drinking, exposure to workplace toxins or hazards.

6. excessive or very low body fat

7. DES taken by mother during pregnancy may effect fertility

8. Sexually transmitted diseases

9. Fallopian tube disease

10. Multiple miscarriages

It's easy to observe that a few of the infertility factors have increased in the last few decades. For example, many couples get married in their 30s, thus having a statistically increased chance of infertility. Another factor is the increased environmental factors - today's world is polluted and more toxic than ever, and it affects the fertility or man and woman alike.
In today's hectic lifestyle, we are also much more stressed out than we were 40 years ago. This is another factor that effects fertility.

To conclude - the modern life style has it's price when it comes to men and woman's ability to conceive and bring a child to this world. This trend continues to grow, and some predict that in 100 years most men will be sterile. If we don't do something to better our world fast, our grandchildren will pay the price.


Pregnancy Test Blue Bank Account In Red?

Nothing is quite like parenthood. The birthing of a new life into the world is a wonderfully joyous occasion. That being said, lets get to the heart of the matter.

With a new child come new bills and new expenses. Medical bills, formula, baby clothes, diapers, cribs, blankets, strollers, car seats, day care, school supplies, toys etc. and that is just the start. Unless your baby is born at home and you are somehow blessed enough to have a special nanny with funds , extra expenditures are in your future. Many women are single mothers. Some are unemployed and some are just not making enough money to afford the expense of motherhood. So many expenditures come with the birth of a child that many mothers are compelled to leave their children in day care for long periods of time just so they can go to a second or third job.

This lack of necessary funding is widespread to say the least. With teen pregnancy and joblessness being 2 of the significant contributors to this trend, children having to do without and parents having to struggle is common. I am a single mother. says Janice Augusta, It is difficult to pay for the necessary items that my daughter needs on my current salary. This toolbar really helps to have a way to fill the gap between paychecks. I am sold. The most common method utilized to offset the effects of single parenthood, and low income parenthood is to get a second or third job. This method is an exhausting one and robs the parent of valuable bonding and teaching time with the child. Not to mention the parents potentially missing the irreplaceable firsts of the childs life such as first steps, first words etc.

Often times, job related issues take far too much away from parent child relationships. Nine out ten mothers polled would to spend more time with their children rather than work. 5out of 10 admitted taking more time off from work for their child than they had available as vacation days. In an effort to overcome the discrepancy between what they want to do and what they need to do, many mothers have turned to the internet to earn additional income . There are multiple online means to earn money. However, many dont provide much income for the amount of work required. Other detractors from some services is that they cost money to join and use.

One method that mothers are using in increasing numbers is the free Baby Names It Toolbar" at the dot com of the same name. The internet is riddle with errors, and the Baby Names It Toolbar allows mothers and fathers to earn money to pay for their childrens needs by finding and reporting the errors they notice online. With an average price being paid for locating and reporting errors hovering around $2.00 per valid reported error, it is extremely easy to see why it is an attractive method of making ends meet.

Most web surfers are frustrated by errors on websites and web documents anyway. They just seam to interrupt the natural flow of a document. Did you see that? I wrote seam instead of seem in the sentence just before this one. Most people see errors like that but never report them. This has led to an internet with substantially lower standards than the average document.

Now reporting an error like the seam instead of seem error above, can be money in a young mothers pocket

There are trillions of errors on the internet. Errors such as misspelled words, incorrect punctuation, poor grammar, missing graphics, broken links and many more types of errors are just waiting for someone to report them and at an average price of $2.00 per find, it is relatively easy for moms and dads to make a difference in their financial situations. Now, with the help of the Baby Names It Toolbar errors on websites are worth money to the person that reports them. Help clean up the internet.


The Different Types Of Twin Pregnancies

Twins can be the same (identical-monozygotic) or different (fraternal-dizygotic). Fraternal twins, triplets, or more develop when two or more eggs are fertilized by separate sperm. Fraternal fetuses have separate placentas and amniotic sacs (the bag containing the fluid around a baby).

Identical twins come from a single egg that has been fertilized by one sperm. For unknown reasons, the fertilized egg splits into two or more embryos during the first stage of development. Some identical twins share the same placenta. However, they usually grow within separate amniotic sacs in the uterus. In rare cases, identical twins share one amniotic sac (monoamniotic).

Fraternal multiples:
1. Can be of different sexes and may have different blood types.
2. They may look very different from one another, with different-coloured hair and eyes. They may also look alike, as siblings often do.
3. Tend to run in families.
4. They are more common in older mothers, African races and when there is a family history of twins. They are least common in Asian families. If you have already carried fraternal twins, you have double the usual risk of having twins. A history on your partner's side of the family does not increase your risk of multiple pregnancy.

Identical twins
1. Are always the same sex and blood type.
2. They do not necessarily look exactly alike. One may be right-handed while the other is left-handed.
3. They develop at random. They are not related to maternal age, race, or family history of twins.
4. Multiples that are conceived with infertility treatment are usually fraternal, rather than identical.

What are the causes of multiple pregnancy?
1. With increasing maternal age the chance of twins increases. To put it in perspective, your chance of giving birth to twins if you are less than 25 years of age is less than half of what it would be after the age of 35.
2. You are more likely to conceive twins in the first few menstrual cycles after stopping birth control pills.
3. Infertility treatment. Fertility drugs stimulate your ovaries to release multiple eggs, which can be fertilized at once. This may result in a multiple pregnancy. You are, therefore, more likely to have a multiple pregnancy if you use fertility drugs or assisted reproductive technology (ART - In Vitro Fertilization IVF).
4. ART is the transfer of embryos directly into the uterus. In the early days, when success rates were extremely low, several embryos were transferred in the hope of achieving a pregnancy. Nowadays, 25% to 30% of pregnancies from ART are twins; 5% are triplets and less than 1% are quadruplets or more. As techniques have improved, success rates from IVF/embryo transfer have increased and reasonable success rates are being achieved with single embryo transfer and this reduces the incidence of multiple pregnancies.

What is the prevalence of multiple pregnancy?
The natural incidence of twins is 1 in 80 pregnancies and for triplets 1 in 8000 pregnancies. The incidence is rising as a result of IVF and a tendency for women to deliver later in their reproductive years. Naturally occurring quadruplet births occur in 1 per 600,000 births. The UK would, therefore, expect one set of naturally occurring quadruplets each year. There are estimated to be approximately 125 million human twins and triplets in the world, and just 10 million identical twins.
One in two pregnancies with same sex babies are monozygous (identical twins). The rate of identical twins remains at about 1 in 333 pregnancies across the globe.


Pregnancy Basics - Body Changes

Almost everyone expects pregnancy to bring an expanding waistline. Many women, however, are surprised by the other body changes that pop-up. Get the low-down on stretch marks, weight gain, heartburn and other "joys" of pregnancy. Find out what you can do to make your spouse feel better.

Aches, pains, and backaches
According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, pains in the back, abdomen, groin area, and thighs often appear as your spouse's uterus expands. Many women also known for backaches & aching near the pelvic bone due the pressure of the baby's head, increased weight and loosening joints.

To ease some of these aches and pains try:
� Getting her to lie down
� Getting her to Rest
� Applying heat
If your partner is worried or the pains do not get better, call the doctor.

Breast Changes
A woman's breasts increase in size and fullness during pregnancy. As the due date approaches, hormone changes will cause your partner's breasts to get even bigger in preparation for breastfeeding. Her breasts may feel full and heavy, and they might be tender or uncomfortable. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, in the third trimester, some pregnant women begin to leak colostrums from their breasts. Colostrums are the first milk that your breasts produce for the baby. It is a thick, yellowish fluid containing antibodies that protect newborns from infection. If leaking becomes embarrassing, suggest putting nursing pads inside her bra.

Try to these tips to stay comfortable:
� Make sure she wears a soft, comfortable maternity or nursing bra with extra support.
� Get her to wash her nipples with water instead of soap. Soap can dry and irritate nipples. If she has cracked nipples, use a heavy moisturizing cream that contains lanolin.

According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, many pregnant women complain of dizziness and lightheadedness throughout their pregnancies. Fainting is rare but does happen even in some healthy pregnant women. There are many reasons for these symptoms. The growth of more blood vessels in early pregnancy, the pressure of the expanding uterus on blood vessels and the body's increased need for food all can make a pregnant woman feel lightheaded and dizzy.

To make your spouse feel better follow these tips:
� Help her stand up slowly
� When she is feeling lightheaded, lay her down on her left side
� Make sure she avoids sitting or standing in one position for a long time
� Take care she eats healthy snacks or small meals frequently.
� Protect her from getting overheated.

Call your doctor as soon as possible if she faints. Dizziness or lightheadedness can be discussed at regular prenatal visits.

According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, up to 50% of pregnant women get hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen and bulging veins in the rectum. They can cause itching, pain and bleeding. Hemorrhoids are more common during pregnancy for many reasons. During pregnancy there is a huge increase in the amount of blood in the body. This can cause veins to enlarge. The expanding uterus also puts pressure on the veins in the rectum. Plus, constipation can make hemorrhoids worse. Hemorrhoids usually improve after delivery.

Follow these tips to help your partner prevent and relieve hemorrhoids:

� Make sure she drinks lots of fluids
� Make sure she eats plenty of fiber-rich foods like whole grains, raw or cooked leafy green vegetables, and fruits
� Tell her to try not to strain for bowel movements
� Talk with your doctor before she starts taking any laxative
� Talk to your doctor about using witch hazel or ice packs to soothe her hemorrhoids.

Leg Cramps
At different times during your pregnancy, your spouse might have cramps in your legs or feet. They usually happen at night. This is due to a change in the way her body processes, or metabolizes, calcium.

Try these tips to help her prevent and ease leg cramps:
� Make sure she eats lots of low-fat calcium-rich foods
� Make sure she gets regular mild exercise, like walking
� Ask your doctor if she should be taking a prenatal vitamin containing calcium
� Gently stretch her muscle to relieve leg and foot cramps. If she has a sudden leg cramp, flex her foot towards her body
� Make sure she uses heating pads or warm, moist towels to help relax the muscles and ease leg and foot cramp.

Shortness of Breath
As the baby grows, your spouse's expanding uterus will put pressure on all of her organs, including her lungs. You may notice that she is short of breath or might not be able to catch her breath.

Tips to ease breathing include:
� Tell her to take deep, long breaths
� Take care that she maintains good posture so her lungs have room to expand
� Get her to use an extra pillow and try to get her to sleep on her side to breathe easier at night.

According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, most women develop mild swelling in the face, hands, or ankles at some point in their pregnancies. As the due date approaches, swelling often becomes more noticeable. If she has rapid, significant weight gain or her hands or feet suddenly get very puffy, call your doctor as soon as possible. It could be a sign of high blood pressure called preeclampsia or toxemia.

To keep swelling to a minimum:

� Make sure she drinks 8 to 10 eight-ounce glasses of fluids (water is best) daily
� Get her to avoid caffeine
� Try to avoid very salty foods in her diet
� Make sure she rests when she can with her feet elevated
� Ask your doctor about using support hose.

Teeth and Gums Problems
According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, a pregnant woman's teeth and gums need special care. Pregnant women with gum disease are much more likely to have premature babies with low-birth weight. This may result from the transfer of bacteria in the mother's mouth to the baby during pregnancy.

Pregnancy can be a challenging phase for your spouse. Maintaining a healthy posture will help her keep many problems away. Sometimes being a dad takes a little wise perspective�... You can exchange advice, tricks, tips, and solutions to common dad problems here.


Ectopic Pregnancy - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition in which a fertilized egg settles and grows in any location other than the inner lining of the uterus . About 1% of pregnancies are in an ectopic location with implantation not occurring inside of the womb, and of these 98% occur in the Fallopian tubes. In a typical ectopic pregnancy, the embryo does not reach the uterus, but instead adheres to the lining of the Fallopian tube. The implanted embryo burrows actively into the tubal lining. Most commonly this invades vessels and will cause bleeding. This bleeding expels the implantation out of the tubal end as a tubal abortion. Some women thinking they are having a miscarriage are actually having a tubal abortion. There is no inflammation of the tube in ectopic pregnancy. The pain is caused by prostaglandins released at the implantation site, and by free blood in the peritoneal cavity, which is locally irritant. Sometimes the bleeding might be heavy enough to threaten the health or life of the woman. Usually this degree of bleeding is due to delay in diagnosis, but sometimes, especially if the implantation is in the proximal tube it may invade into Sampson artery , causing heavy bleeding earlier than usual. An ectopic pregnancy can't proceed normally. The developing embryo can't survive, and the growing placental tissue may destroy important maternal structures. Without treatment, life-threatening blood loss is possible. About one in every 40 to 100 pregnancies is ectopic. Thanks to earlier diagnosis and treatment, the chance for future healthy pregnancies is better than ever before.

Ectopic means "out of place." An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy where the fetus is not growing in the usual location (the uterine cavity or the womb). Ectopic pregnancies can occur in a number of unusual locations, each with different characteristic growth patterns. Almost all ectopic pregnancies occur in fallopian tubes (tubes from uterus), so this is also known as "Tubal Pregnancy". Since the fallopian tubes are not large enough to accommodate a growing embryo, the pregnancy cannot continue normally. If identified early, the embryo is removed. In some cases, the embryo grows until the fallopian tube is stretched so much that the tube ruptures. Rupture of the tube is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention because it can result in severe hemorrhaging. An ectopic pregnancy is a potentially life-threatening condition.

Causes of Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is caused by a disruption in a woman's reproductive anatomy or the timing of specific reproductive events. Ectopic pregnancy is common in women age 20 to 29, but the cause is not always known. However, previous damage to one of the two fallopian tubes may obstruct the passage of the fertilized egg along the tube to the uterus. The egg then implants in the wall of the tube instead of in the uterus. This prior damage may have been caused by an unsuccessful or a reversed sterilization procedure or a fallopian tube infection. Ectopic pregnancies are more common in women using an intrauterine contraceptive device, partly because these devices increase the risk of a pelvic infection in women who exposed to sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptoms of Ectopic pregnancy

1. Nausea, vomiting.

2. Dizziness.

3. Low blood pressure.

4. Breast tenderness.

5. Frequent urination.

Treatment of Ectopic pregnancy

Medicine, surgery, or a combination of the two are usually used to end an ectopic pregnancy before it endangers the mother. In a few cases, very early ectopic pregnancies can be watched closely to see whether the pregnancy will miscarry on its own. Emergency medical help is needed if the area of the ectopic pregnancy ruptured. (Shock is an emergency condition.) Treatment for shock may include keeping the woman warm, raising her legs, and giving oxygen. Fluids by IV and a blood transfusion may be needed. Surgery (laparotomy) is done to stop blood loss (in the event of a rupture). This surgery is also done to confirm the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, remove the abnormal pregnancy, and repair any tissue damage. In some cases, removal of the fallopian tube may be necessary. A mini-laparotomy and laparoscopy are the most common surgical treatments for an ectopic pregnancy that has not ruptured.


Pregnancy problems: heartburn

During pregnancy many women may experience pain in their chest or heartburn. This condition is more common during the first trimester of a woman' s pregnancy. Preventing this conditions or curing them is very important in general and especially during pregnancy.

As the baby starts to grow during pregnancy, the pressure exercised on your internal organs increases. The food ans acid reflux from the stomach also increase and these are the main causes of a heartburn. Here are some of the most important steps that you can follow during pregnancy to relieve the symptoms of a heartburn, control the pain that you are having and maybe even prevent recurrence of these conditions:
- while pregnancy, do not limit yourself to three big meals; on the contrary, try to eat four five lighter meals so your body can digest the food and thus prevent heartburn;
- to prevent these conditions, even if you have cravings during pregnancy, try to stay away from foods that can cause a heartburn, such as: fried foods, fats, chocolate, citrus fruits or caffeine;
- the risk of acid reflux during pregnancy can also be reduced if you avoid eating just before you go to bed; if possible try to eat a couple of hours before you go to sleep so your body can digest the food;
- during pregnancy your body will go through a lot of changes and clothes that you bought just a few weeks back might not fit you anymore; in this case, give them away or throw them, but do not wear clothes that are tight especially during pregnancy; besides the fact that wearing them can cause heartburn or acid reflux, it can also damage the health of your baby;
- alcohol, smoking are very harmful for any person and especially for a woman during pregnancy; avoid them as much as possible;
- do not take any medication against a heartburn until you have asked your doctor; pregnancy is a very delicate time and every drug that you take can affect your baby;

Even if every pregnancy differs from a woman to another, these are some of the most important steps that you can follow to prevent or at least control your condition. When it comes to the causes of a heartburn or acid reflux, these too can be very different from a pregnant woman to another. Pregnancy is sometimes a difficult period and you must be very careful in the choices that you make.


All about home pregnancy tests(part two)

After reading the first part of this article, you should be familiar by now with how home pregnancy tests work. So after knowing how they can detect a pregnancy and how accurate are they, one should wonder how do you know which are more sensitive and which are not.
well, unfortunately this is not an easy question to answer. There are not many tests that can determine a pregnancy when hormone levels are very low. Some home pregnancy tests come with some information on their sensitivity. They tell you what is the lowest concentration of the hormone that the test can measure. This is found in ml of hormone per ml of urine.
So if one test claims to detect the pregnancy hormone at 30 ml/ ml an one 60, then the first one should be more sensitive. But this is only in theory. There are different kinds of telltale hormones, for different stages of pregnancy and the test does not say what kind of hormone it can detect that is the most relevant at the begining of the pregnancy.

Another thing to know about home pregnancy tests and maybe the most important is how to use it. First of all one must definitely look at the expiration date. It is critical that this test is valid. Another important aspect before using is the place where you kept the test. If the test gets worm or moist, it can deteriorate. If things are looking well until this point, the next thing to do is read the instructions. They may vary from a brand to another.
In some pregnancy tests it is only necessary to pee onto the pregnancy detecting stick, in other to pee in a recipient and then take a sample from there and use it, others can use both ways.

The second thing that can be different from one test to another is how they show the result. Some show plus or minus colored in red, others blue or pink. There is also the matter of how much time one must wait. This is why it is recommended to read the instructions very carefully.

If the first pregnancy test comes back negative, do not be hasty. Wait a day or two and take it again, in the morning for better results. If this two show negative, but you still don' t have your period, visit a doctor right away.

On the other hand, a test may show a positive result, and then your period could come a few days later. This happens because there was actually a fertilized egg that started to produce the hormone, but afterwards did not survive for some reason. This is a common this, that happens to almost a half of the fertilized eggs. This type of pregnancies are called chemical pregnancies.


Post Pregnancy Weight Control

All women tend to gain weight during pregnancy. It is quite natural for women to gain 15-30 pounds. Returning to their pre-pregnancy weight could take a few years. For many women, this becomes a source of constant concern following childbirth. Even though your spouse may be motivated to lose weight, the following reasons may make it difficult for her:
� Weight loss after childbirth is naturally a slow process that takes its own time.
� Complications during pregnancy may affect the process and prolong it considerably.
� Medications taken before or during pregnancy may pre-dispose some women to massive amounts of weight gain. In such cases, rapid weight loss may be extremely difficult.
� Due to inadequate research in the area of weight loss after pregnancy, doctors tend to play it safe and are reluctant to consent to any diet plans that aim at rapid weight loss.
It is better to put in place a long-term weight loss strategy rather than expect short-term results with dubious methods. Consider the following to understand why a long-term weight loss plan makes more sense than quick fix solutions.
� Rapid weight loss plans come with a level of risk of nutritional deficiencies.
� There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to diet plans. Individualized plans take time to develop as the dietician optimizes the plan to suit individual needs.
� Rapid weight loss is never permanent. Rational weight loss (1-2 pounds a week) can however be maintained with the right mix of exercise and nutrition


Home tests for pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods in a woman's life. After the conception each woman wants to be certain of its pregnancy. Women usually avoid seeing a doctor if they are not certain. That is why home pregnancy tests were developed.

First Response Early Result is believed to be most reliable pregnancy test because it delivers the earliest possible results. This test should be used starting with the first day of missed period because it detects an hCG, an early pregnancy hormone. This fact makes First Response the most likely pregnancy test on the market. More than that, recent studies say that First Response is able to detect low hCG levels, soon after implantation and even before a missed period. First Response is available in one, two and three strip kits. Specialists agree with most of the women that two strip kits are the best because most of the women want to test twice.

Later reviews come and disagree with the first opinion that says First Response Early Result is the best testing method. These reviews say that these test may be false positive because of the hCG levels might be from another birth giving or the cause of certain fertility drugs. That is why some specialists recommend less sensitive pregnancy test. Fact Plus Pro detects 100 mIU of hCG. It is available in one and two strip kits.

Another method that helps women realize if they are pregnant or not is the digital pregnancy test. It is supposed that this test will eliminate the guesswork when trying to read the lines from a regular pregnancy test. Clearblue Easy Digital pregnancy test displays the result whether it is pregnant or not. This method detects from 50 mIU of hCG and it is found somewhere between First Response Early Result and Fact Plus Pro.

As a conclusion we might say that a pregnancy test resumes to two criteria which are sensitivity and interpretation. For evaluation, studies were made and it was discovered that most of the pregnancy tests gave false positive results that were related to other factors independent of pregnancy. Even so women use these tests that do not always fail to give the right answer. Making a top of the most used and appreciated pregnancy tests we got to the following conclusion: first more effective pregnancy test is Fact Plus that detects a higher amount of hCG, about 10 mIU, that makes it a good test. Second it comes Clearblue Easy Earliest Result because is not as sensitive as First Response.


Asthma in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Asthma is perhaps one of the most common disorders that can develop during pregnancy. It is also one of the most serious disorders that can develop during pregnancy. Since it is state where the hampering of the most vital process of respiration is concerned it should never be neglected and adequate measures should be taken to relieve the situation.

There is no evidence that suggests any increase in incidents of spontaneous abortions or development of congenital deformities in pregnant ladies with asthmatic condition. Generally the available statistics show that the asthmatic ladies who get pregnant have worsening of their disease in about one-third of the cases. Anther one-third patients show no changes in their conditions and the last one-third show signs of getting better. It is a very rare incident that an asthma patient has complications due to her condition while child birth.

In most situations ladies come back to their normal condition of the disease within three to four months of delivery. This may be indicative of nature's way of supporting the sustenance of the human life. Some studies have an indication that asthma occurs in one percent of all pregnancies. Some studies also indicate that asthmatics may have a greater chance of giving birth to premature children or even run the risk of malformed infants or even infants with low birth weight.

It is generally seen that the asthmatic ladies have greater fear of showing signs of any untoward complications during pregnancy and delivery. There was marked increase in delivery of infant of premature birth and infants with low birth weight as a result of this. There are chances of increased bleeding during delivery. But there does not seem to be any concrete evidence of increased incidents of congenital malformations.

The condition of asthma needs to be treated wisely during pregnancy. This is because the condition of asthma causes a decrease in oxygen content in the blood of the mother and in return to the foetus as well. This may well lead to decrease in the growth of the foetus, which may lead to various degrees of malformations also.

The most common occurrence of asthma happens because of the triggers of simple cold or upper respiratory infections in pregnant ladies. It is therefore advisable to avoid situations of coming in contact with people having colds or respiratory infections for ladies who have a history of asthma when they are pregnant. The other pregnant ladies are also advised the same as there is always a risk of catching an infection and also because there are incidents of development of asthma even in the women who have never showed the disease before.

The drugs that are generally considered to be safe can be used to manage asthma during pregnancy. Most of the cases of deformities due to asthma arise because of improper management of asthma during pregnancy. Uncontrolled asthma increases the risk of acute respiratory failure which may put the life of both the mother and the child at risk.

Allergy tests are not recommended to be done during pregnancy. Although the allergy shots are considered to be safe to continue during pregnancy, the allergists or asthma specialists however do not recommend starting of allergy injections during pregnancy. The drugs should also not be self-administered without the doctor's prescription and constant monitoring. This is true with administration of other asthma drugs even the ones which are considered to be safe for different kinds of patients.

If the delivery has to be done with the help of a caesarean section the asthmatic mother needs to be monitored very closely. This is because the asthma patients undergoing surgery that requires anaesthesia have to be closely monitored especially the surgeries requiring general anaesthesia. All the specialists involved in the surgery should be very well aware of the asthma condition of the patient. There should be done all check ups and breathing tests before the surgery. For the patients of acute asthma it is advisable to select a hospital where respiratory care unit is available.

The mothers who are asthmatic also need to be careful while breastfeeding their child. Mothers who have allergic asthma should definitely breastfeed their child because statistics show that the children who are breastfed show lesser signs of developing allergies like eczema or allergic asthma in younger stages. The drugs taken by the asthmatic mother for her condition have to be carefully monitored because ten percent of the drugs taken by the mothers end up in the breastfed babies and are ingested in them. Some drugs may be more harmful than the others. Let the decision of which drugs to be taken be the prerogative of a competent doctor.

Pregnancy, childbirth and nursing the child are beautiful situations of a woman's life. It is therefore very important to be take ample care so that any effect of the mother's diseased condition should never reflect upon the child


Home pregnancy tests

The every day common home pregnancy test works by recognizing a certain hormone that is only present in the urine of woman; this hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin and it first appears in the human blood stream when the fertilized egg implants its self in the wall of to uterus to begin growing and development. It first appears at about a six day period since the fertilization has occurred and than rapidly increases in quantity doubling in amount in about every 2 days. The test is only able to give a good proper answer after an amount of 14 days has passed since the fertilized egg has implanted its self in the uterus; it is also the time most likely for the first period to appear after the sexual contact has occurred. Still not all the test are accurate enough to give a proper prediction after only this short of an amount of time. Research has come up with an answer to the question when the perfect time to do the test? Would be and that is a week after your expected period before testing.

In order to sell their products as best they can, farmaceutical companies claim that the tests are accurate as soon as the day the woman misses her period. Still, studies made have shown that this is actually not so true. The fact is that humans are so different one from another that the level of hGC can vary a lot from woman to woman especially in the case where a pregnancy is suspected. A study made on the top 18 test at this time on the market has shown that only one of them was sensitive enough to actually give a good correct answer in all the cases. The other ones were able to do just 16 % of the actual pregnancies. The best time to do the test is as said earlier a week after the period should have came.

Scientists have still to develop a truly accurate test in such a way that it is possible to confirm the pregnancy in a woman the first day after the period should have come. The best test was able to pick up only a very faint trace of hormones in the urine showing a very little positive chance that the woman was pregnant.

In order to use the test as correctly as it should certain things must be done. The first would be to actually check the expiring date on the test. Only after this has been confirmed to still be valid the woman may proceed to taking the test. She must also check to see if the test hasn't gotten in any contact with moist air or any water. If this is the case or suspicion do exist using a new one is the best next thing to do. Reading the instructions is a big must if the test is to be used correctly. Will some test require the women to pee directly on the test others may be more demanding requiring only a drop of urine to be placed at a certain spot on the test.


How depression affects pregnant women

We all know that pregnancy along with raising a child can be the if not the happiest some of the happiest times a woman can heave. Bringing in to the world a new and most beautiful being can mean a lot to a women. Motherhood is a very special time for women. Still besides all these happy times women can also encounter some harsh moments. A number of significant emotional and physical changes affect a woman as long with a lot of stress and worry for the child to come. It is not uncommon for women to become depressive during child carriage or after birth.

It has been found that the state or mood of the woman is very important for both the health of the baby and of the mother. As always man has found a way to combat this depressions during the pregnancy of women.

If it were to define depression we could say that it is a time when one feels extreme sadness. Feeling sad is not an unnatural part of our lives but in the case of a depression this is a whole other fact. The depression is a feeling so strong that it interferes a lot with ones life and activities. Sleeping and eating are the most common activities that are affected sometimes with serious repercussions. Cases of depression in women are very common even more common in pregnant women. Still women should pay a lot of attention to this things if the health of both her and the baby are not to be compromised in any way or at any time during and after the pregnancy.

Recent test and studies have shown that depression are actually very common in pregnant women much to the surprise of a lot of people. Till not some long time ago certain health and care professionals thought that actually women couldn't suffer from depressions during pregnancy because of certain hormones that are active at this time of their lives. Hormones like these were thought to have the power to actually protect the women from this kind of mood swings during this 9 month period of their lives.

Actually the case in pregnant woman is the other way around. Because the levels of hormones increase at such a high rate it was found that this was the actual trigger of the depressions. Numbers in researches done are quite worrying if we sit and look at them carefully: while some 20 % of pregnant women develop some type of depressions during the time of labor another 10 % may develop very serious cases of depressions that might actually require special treatment.

More than one factor has been found responsible for triggering depressions in pregnant women. The case is that because of both chemical changes and hormone changes differences in the mood of the women are very possible to happen and also common.


Pregnancy Massage

The birth of a child is eagerly looked forward but the discomfort that the mother to be faces is not really anticipated. Just as regular massage routines can provide relief for us when we are tired or have some type of muscular pain, a pregnancy massage has the ability to provide relief and benefits to the pregnant mother to be.

While a pregnancy massage can be very beneficial there is no absolute necessity to go through with a massage if you feel uncomfortable with the idea. You may want to talk with your doctor if you are unsure about the benefits of having a pregnancy massage.

The best time for the expectant mother to have this massage treatment is after the first trimester has finished. At this point you can visit a trained therapist have enjoy being pampered. For the pregnancy massage the mother to be can lie down on her side. This position is considered to be the most comfortable position during pregnancy.

You can use the various pillows that have been provided to help support you and make you feel comfortable. The massage will begin with the therapist using a neutral smelling lotion or gel. If you don't like this lotions' smell or how it feels you can ask the therapist to stop using the lotion.

The therapist will work on all of the areas that have been giving you pain but they will avoid working for too long on the areas near the heel and the ankle. The reason for this is because it is known that these areas are supposed to be connected to the uterus and the vagina. By having a sustained pregnancy massage in these areas there is a possibility of an early pregnancy being brought forward.

There are wonderful benefits that the pregnant mother can experience with a good pregnancy massage. These various benefits include assistance in maintaining a proper posture during the pregnancy, swelling in the hands and feet being reduced. The pregnancy massage can help to prepare the uterus muscles for childbirth.

By indulging in a pregnancy massage the mother to be will be able to relax and there is found to be a lessening of insomnia. The other benefit is that the massage will be felt by the unborn baby as the mother's body begins to feel better as a result of the pregnancy massage.

For the new mother having a massage is one of the best ways to relax and prepare the body for the birth of the child. A pregnancy massage is known to be wonderful for both the mother and unborn child. The effects of the massage will allow the mother to enjoy her pregnancy time until she can hold her child in her arms.


The Physical Signs Of Pregnancy

Many women seem to know when they are pregnant before taking a pregnancy test. They may tell you that they just know, without really understanding why.

How do they know? After becoming pregnant, the body will begin to change in subtle, yet noticeable ways. If you are in tune with your body, you will notice these changes immediately.

But what are some of the most common changes? You can learn what some of these signs are and how women use them to tell if they are pregnant. It is a genetic gift to women, that affects an important part of their life.


This is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy because it happens so quickly. Even if you are tired after a long day of work, you will feel even more exhausted each day. This could mean you are pregnant. If the fatigue continues for more than a week, then you will need to see your doctor.

Missed periods

If you miss more than two monthly periods, then you could be pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test to be sure, but chances are you are expecting. Keeping track of when you periods occur will give you the best indication of when you are late and when you miss your period completely.


If you experience dizziness during the day, it may mean that your blood sugar is low. This can happen due to malnutrition, or sometimes if you are pregnant. You should visit a doctor to be sure.

There are many other signs that can tell you if you are expecting. Physical signs are not the only signs that you should pay attention to. Emotional signs will be present as well. Knowing what is to come will help you be more able to deal with the changes and be more comfortable with the growing life within you.


Aches and pains a pregnant woman complains about

One of the most irritating problems of pregnancy is morning sickness and nausea. About 80% of the pregnant ladies complain of these symptoms at least at the beginning of the pregnancy or at least from time to time, it is the most common tribulation of pregnancy. Best tips for struggling against morning sickness is keeping your blood sugar level constant; you can do this by eating regular meals and not drink and eat at the same time during the day. Try to keep away from strong smells, eat stomach- friendly meals and wear only comfortable clothing. Some wristbands for pregnancy nausea might also be helpful.

Another bothersome problem is tiredness all the time. You need to get used sleeping more often, slowing down at least until the second semester when a part of your strength will come back to you.

Especially at the beginning of the pregnancy period you might feel breast pains, it may seem to you aching and swollen. Lucky this symptom goes away quickly; but by that time your partner should know he must stay away from this area for a while.

The increasing level of progesterone slows down your intestinal activity. That is why constipation appears during pregnancy. To avoid this problems try exercising more, drink more water and eat fiber-rich food.

A pressure exercised by the baby's head on your anal region makes the hemorrhoid veins distend. You can fight these symptoms by using prescribed balms, keep the area clean and use ice-packs. Also try not to sit and not to stand very long.

During pregnancy abdominal muscles overstretch, hormones lead to relaxation of your back ligaments and your new posture makes the curvature of the spine stronger. Make sure you have the best position of the body, avoid sitting or standing a large period of time, don't run to much and be careful when you bend. Also sleep with a pillow between your knees.

The hormonal changes in your body can also cause heartaches. Eat regular and more meals, don't consume spicy and fried foods. Drink a glass of milk before your meals and try skipping dinner; if the burns in your chest continue, ask your doctor for a medication you can use during pregnancy.

As your pregnancy progresses climbing a few stairs will make you feel more and more tired. You can experience breathlessness that gets worse every day and the symptom culminates when you get into labor. Pray that your delivery date comes sooner, there's not much you can do.

The fear of soon giving birth and the physical discomfort can both lead to insomnia during pregnancy. Try to exercise more, drink a glass of worm milk in the evening and sleep with more pillows.

During the last half of pregnancy your body starts to prepare for labor and irregular contractions called Braxton-Hicks appear. Although contractions can often be painful and create uncomforting try to prepare for labor and remind yourself pregnancy won't last forever.


Depressed while pregnant- Why is that?(part one)

As amazing as bringing a new life into this world may be, the price to pay is very big. Almost any woman want' s at one point in her life to have children, and are willing do almost anything in their powers to make their dream come true.
What most of them do not now is what the sacrifices are, even when pregnant. Serious changes take place in their bodies and being pregnant is sometimes overwhelming. That is the reason why, must of them suffer from heavy depressions while they are expecting.
This can be very dangerous for both mother and child. To better understand to consequences and what is to do about this, we must first see what depression is.

The first thing to know about depression is that this a mood disorder, and it' s direct effect on people in see through sadness. Be careful though, cause depression is something far much grater than a simple blue one in a while. This mood problem can afect almost
every aspect of our lives, from eating to sleeping. Nowadays, depression is very common and is due to stress at work, relationships and many ordinary things. But a pregnant woman is more at risk than any other person, for her ilness can also affect the unborn child.

There was a time when specialists thought that pregnant women could not be affected by mood disorders, especially depression. This was believed because the pregnancy hormones produced by the woman could definitely prevent that. With time, this situation has proven to be wrong.
More pregnant women suffer from depressions than we can even imagine. And guess why? Because the increase of hormone level while pregnant. Figures show that al least twenty percent of the pregnant women suffer from depressions, of have symptoms. But only half of these women
have to be committed into hospital for treatment. Is it as important as this, and should not be taken easily into consideration.

So if it is as common as this, one must wonder what is the thing that triggers depression. Well, there are many factors. The first cause is believed to be a change of chemical levels in one' s brain. As we all know, this chemicals are responsible with mood changes, so here comes
depression! Another cause may be the hormonal level, which we have talked earlier. This are the most important factors, but smaller ones like problems in the family may also be a reason.

Be sure to read part two, to find out where depression in pregnant women can lead.


Pregnancy and Acne Treatment

Do you ever see all those Clearasil or Oxy 10 commercials with the completely blemish free teenagers smiling broadly and telling you about how their perfect complexions were a result of the use of that product? It doesn't seem like these over-the-counter and massively available acne solutions could be of any threat to anybody, but if you're a pregnant woman, you should be aware of a few things. There are many acne treatments that are available and safe to use during pregnancy, many of them natural and available right in the home. On the other hand, many manufactured products should be avoided during pregnancy.

It should be noted first that some acne during pregnancy is fairly common among women. During the first trimester, as the body prepares itself to provide for two, hormone levels increase and cause a rise in the body's oil production. The result is acne flare-ups. The good news is that this usually clears up by the second trimester as the body begins to plateau in hormone levels.

The two most common ingredients found in the majority of most acne treatments are Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. It has been tested and determined that benzoyl peroxide is safe for women to use during pregnancy. However, it has also been determined that salicylic acid that is taken orally, such as a pill, has been known to cause some birth defects and may complicate pregnancy. Women must be careful when selecting a product to use, as a product that contains benzoyl peroxide will often contain salicylic acid as well.

So what about a topical application of salicylic acid? It has not been proven that it will cause birth defects or pregnancy complications, but as a pregnant woman that knows now that salicylic acid taken orally is potentially harmful, do you really want to run that risk? Some acne treatment products that doctors have recommended pregnant women should avoid are retinoid, oral retinoid, and Accutane. Retinoid is a form of Vitamin A that can cause birth defects in unborn children. There is no evidence that retinoid taken topically is harmful, but again, why run that risk?

For the desperate new mother that is trying to treat her skin, there are a variety of safe and natural ways to fight off acne. Of course, before women begin any new treatment they should consult their physician or obstetrician. Some products that mothers can safely use topically are Echinacea, lavender essential oil, and tea tree oil. But there are also even easier things one can do to control their outbreaks. Keeping your skin clean by washing with soap and rinsing with warm water to rinse off any remaining soap that may stay and cause block-ups or break-outs is one of the easiest things to do for extra care. After your face is washed and rinsed, avoid picking or popping blemishes to prevent scarring. It should also be mentioned that diet plays an important part in controlling acne. A high fruit and vegetable ratio in a woman's diet should be maintained throughout pregnancy to not only help keep acne more clear, but also for the baby's proper growth and development. Apples and blueberries are both rich in antioxidants, making them very good fruits to consume for the prevention of future outbreaks.

There are also a number of "household" treatments available. A mask of warm oatmeal cooked without additional ingredients in it and applied to the face for about 15-20 minutes may begin to clear up blemishes in as little as a few days. A lemon that has been cut in half and put on acne is another possibility. Uncooked natural oatmeal, garlic, olive oil, mashed potatoes, and even warm sugar water are ways to fight blemishes and prevent new ones from forming again.

So mothers, if you find yourself going through those frustrating outbreaks during your pregnancy period, have a little patience, try to go natural, eat a healthy diet of low-fat and preservative-free foods, and stay away from all those manufactured products that claim to clear your face up in five days or less.