After reading the first part of this article, you should be familiar by now with how home pregnancy tests work. So after knowing how they can detect a pregnancy and how accurate are they, one should wonder how do you know which are more sensitive and which are not.
well, unfortunately this is not an easy question to answer. There are not many tests that can determine a pregnancy when hormone levels are very low. Some home pregnancy tests come with some information on their sensitivity. They tell you what is the lowest concentration of the hormone that the test can measure. This is found in ml of hormone per ml of urine.
So if one test claims to detect the pregnancy hormone at 30 ml/ ml an one 60, then the first one should be more sensitive. But this is only in theory. There are different kinds of telltale hormones, for different stages of pregnancy and the test does not say what kind of hormone it can detect that is the most relevant at the begining of the pregnancy.
Another thing to know about home pregnancy tests and maybe the most important is how to use it. First of all one must definitely look at the expiration date. It is critical that this test is valid. Another important aspect before using is the place where you kept the test. If the test gets worm or moist, it can deteriorate. If things are looking well until this point, the next thing to do is read the instructions. They may vary from a brand to another.
In some pregnancy tests it is only necessary to pee onto the pregnancy detecting stick, in other to pee in a recipient and then take a sample from there and use it, others can use both ways.
The second thing that can be different from one test to another is how they show the result. Some show plus or minus colored in red, others blue or pink. There is also the matter of how much time one must wait. This is why it is recommended to read the instructions very carefully.
If the first pregnancy test comes back negative, do not be hasty. Wait a day or two and take it again, in the morning for better results. If this two show negative, but you still don' t have your period, visit a doctor right away.
On the other hand, a test may show a positive result, and then your period could come a few days later. This happens because there was actually a fertilized egg that started to produce the hormone, but afterwards did not survive for some reason. This is a common this, that happens to almost a half of the fertilized eggs. This type of pregnancies are called chemical pregnancies.
well, unfortunately this is not an easy question to answer. There are not many tests that can determine a pregnancy when hormone levels are very low. Some home pregnancy tests come with some information on their sensitivity. They tell you what is the lowest concentration of the hormone that the test can measure. This is found in ml of hormone per ml of urine.
So if one test claims to detect the pregnancy hormone at 30 ml/ ml an one 60, then the first one should be more sensitive. But this is only in theory. There are different kinds of telltale hormones, for different stages of pregnancy and the test does not say what kind of hormone it can detect that is the most relevant at the begining of the pregnancy.
Another thing to know about home pregnancy tests and maybe the most important is how to use it. First of all one must definitely look at the expiration date. It is critical that this test is valid. Another important aspect before using is the place where you kept the test. If the test gets worm or moist, it can deteriorate. If things are looking well until this point, the next thing to do is read the instructions. They may vary from a brand to another.
In some pregnancy tests it is only necessary to pee onto the pregnancy detecting stick, in other to pee in a recipient and then take a sample from there and use it, others can use both ways.
The second thing that can be different from one test to another is how they show the result. Some show plus or minus colored in red, others blue or pink. There is also the matter of how much time one must wait. This is why it is recommended to read the instructions very carefully.
If the first pregnancy test comes back negative, do not be hasty. Wait a day or two and take it again, in the morning for better results. If this two show negative, but you still don' t have your period, visit a doctor right away.
On the other hand, a test may show a positive result, and then your period could come a few days later. This happens because there was actually a fertilized egg that started to produce the hormone, but afterwards did not survive for some reason. This is a common this, that happens to almost a half of the fertilized eggs. This type of pregnancies are called chemical pregnancies.
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