
Baby Shower Gift Ideas That Won't Put A Strain On Your Busy Schedule Or Your Budget

Is there anything more exciting than the arrival of a new baby? The instant the parents-to-be find out that they're expecting, every moment in life takes on an added layer of meaning. Whether it's thinking of names, planning a nursery or breaking the news to an older brother or sister, it seems that everything is suddenly a special event.

Of course the one thing new babies need the most is love, but the list of supplies and equipment that new parents need to outfit and care for their new arrival is mind-boggling! When trying to decide on a gift it's easy to get overwhelmed � especially if it's a couple's first child. Should you chip in with other friends or family members to get one of those big tickets items like a crib or a deluxe stroller? And if you get clothes, should you get stuff they can use right away, or those great toddler options that are out there?

Here are six other fun and functional baby gift ideas that won't put a strain on your busy schedule OR your budget:

Baby Album of Firsts

While the pregnancy itself may seem to take an eternity, once the baby is born, time flies by at warp speed! As new parents, they're going to feel a longing to capture as many of the "firsts" as possible -- the baby's first smile, laugh, roll over, solid food, crawl, word, step, tooth, etc. The list of events is endless, and so will the memories with a baby photo album of firsts. That's why, as Founder of Adesso Albums I am passionate about helping parents capture the "Now" of their children's most precious moments.


Okay, we know that once babies start eating "real" food it's more like a bib-a-minute, but don't you think that new parents would appreciate a week's worth of bibs? Check out the choices at your local baby or department or discount store. You can get the same bib in a variety of colors, go for a cute animal theme or get seven bibs that are completely different from one another. Does Dad or Mom have a favorite sport? Check online and you're sure to have an instant winner with an "official" team bib.

Bundle of Basics

Many essential baby products are small and inexpensive, and combining a whole bunch of them can make a terrific and useful gift. Baby lotion, shampoo, mild soap, diaper rash ointment, Vaseline, washcloths, itsy-bitsy fingernail clippers, a brush and comb set, tub toys, a teething ring � the list goes on and on! You can put the goodies in a pretty basket, a small hamper, or just wrap it all up in a receiving blanket and you're good to go!

A Heap o' Wipes

Any experienced parent knows that you can never have too many diaper wipes. So go to your local club/warehouse store and buy the biggest package of baby wipes you can find. (Go ahead, splurge, buy two!) Throw in an economy-sized box or two of diapers, wrap it all up with a big bow, and just like that you'll have made things easier for harried new parents. It may not be the prettiest present they get, but it's for sure the most practical!

Baby's First Book

What was your favorite book when you were growing up? Odds are it was a classic that is still delighting youngsters today. If you still have that book and it's in good condition you can add a handwritten inscription and you'll have an instant heirloom. Or pick up a nice, new hardcover edition and add an inscription about what this book has meant to you. Since it will be a while before the baby will be able to appreciate the special book, consider adding a few inexpensive toddler board books that can be enjoyed sooner.

Gift Card

In a rush? Out of ideas? How about getting a gift card that the new parents can use at their local baby or department or discount store? That way you'll know for sure that they're getting what they want and need. Or for a sure-to-be-appreciated change of pace, buy a gift certificate for a nice local restaurant and offer to baby-sit one evening so that Mom and Dad can get some quality time for themselves� and make SURE they go!


Characteristics in the physiology of female athletes

Not many personal trainers and female trainees as well are aware of the difference between women's and men's physiology. It's important, however, for professionals to know them. This way they will be able to design training programs that suit better the female athletes's needs and requrements. Here are the most important characteristics:Women store body fat more readilyThe nature has not created things in favor of women as it comes to body fat accumulation. Women are prone to store fat more easily than men. The main reason for that is the female sex hormone estrogen.Both men and women produce estrogen but in men this hormone is much less than in women. Estrogen possess fat accumulating properties, which, due to the larger quantities in women are a lot stronger pronounced. Also due to the specific fat receptor distribution women tend to store fat mainly in the lower body.Women produce very little testosteroneAnother physiological difference of great importance is the fact that women produce very little of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone, which means it promotes muscle mass gain. Why is this important? It's important because muscle mass is the primary tissue that uses fat for fuel. With other words more muscle mass means more calories burned during the day.Also as opposed to estrogen testosterone is known to suppress body fat accumulation.Women undergo physiological changes caused by their menstrual cycleYet another factor in the female athlete's phisiology is the fact that women experience hormonal fluctuations due to their menstrual cycle.That is the reason why sometimes female athlete may not be able to train with the necessary intensity. It's because of some or all of the following: abdominal cramps, nausea, bloating, irritability, depression. Women go through significant body-altering changes during pregnancyWomen experience major biological alterations during pregnancy. This is the period when the female body produces large amounts of the hormone progesterone. One of the main properties of this hormone is increased appetite, which is the main reason for the increased weight gain.Another characteristic of that period is the impaired thyroid function. Attenuated thyroid function means slowed metabolism.These two effects of pregnancy usually continue to exhibit their properties even postpartum, which makes it difficult for some women to get back in the shape they were beforehand.These were the major differences between women and men. As I said earlier being aware of the characteristics in the female's physiology is essential for proper training administration. So long as these important facts are taken in consideration everything else is equally valid for both genders.


Common Causes of Hair Loss

It is very natural for a person to loss 50 to 100 hairs each day under the body's hair renewal process. But most of the people at least once in their lifetime suffer with heavy hair loss. There may be various reason behind this; like medication, chemotherapy, exposure to radiations and certain chemicals, nutritional and hormonal factors, thyroid disease, skin disease or stress, etc.

In most of the cases hair loss is temporary but in certain cases it may be permanent depending on the severity of disease. Some of the most common causes of hair loss are explained here.


Hormones are stimulant to hair growth and causes hair loss problems. Hormones affect heavily our hair growth. These affect both male as well as female hair health.

Hair thinning is one of the hormonal problems and affects both men and women. Hair thinning in male is specific and follows a pattern from the front through to the crown. Hair thinning in female does not follow any specific pattern.

Hair thinning is caused by androgen DHT or Dihydrotesterone. Everyone has DHT but only some suffers with hair problem, are you wandering, why? This owes to the hair follicles, which have a greater number of androgen receptors for the DHT to attach with. Till date the most effective treatment for the problems of hair thinning is; anti androgens. Anti androgens are preventive drugs that prevent the creation of DHT. In future we may get genes therapy for hair thinning problems.


Many of the females experience hair loss after labor. In such a situation many of the hair enters the telogen or resting phase. Some of the females experiences hair loss within two to three months after giving childbirth.

Hair problem due to pregnancy is temporary and in many of the cases eradicate within time, say 1 to 6 months. This occurs because of diverse hormonal changes that take place within the body during pregnancy.

Birth control pills

The females who are genetically programmed with Androgenic Alopecia, if takes birth control pills at much younger age encounters hair loss. Androgenic Alopecia is caused due to various hormonal changes.

The females who have history of hair loss in their family must consult doctor before taking any birth control pills. This type of hair loss is temporary and may stop in 1 to 6 months. But in some of the cases, it has been noticed that a female cannot regrow some of her hair that was lost due to Androgenic Alopecia.

Deficient diet

A good balanced diet rich in varied variety of nutrients is equally important to your hair health. The person who eats less of proteins or has irregular eating habits suffers with hair loss. Generally to save protein our body pushes growing hair into resting phase. If your hair can be pulled out by the root very easily, then this may be due to lack of a well balanced diet. This condition can be prevailed by eating a diet rich in proteins and other necessary nutrients.

Low serum iron

If some person either may not have access to iron rich food or his / her body may not absorb enough of iron then this may cause hair problems. Women during menstrual period are more prone to be iron deficient. Low iron in the body can be detected by laboratory test and can be corrected by taking a diet rich in iron and iron pills.

Disease Or Illness

Hair loss due to some disease or illness is very common, but this type of hair loss is temporary and lost hair may grow again. Diseases like sever infection or flu and high fever, thyroid disease etc may lead to hair loss.

Certain medications, cancer treatments, and chronic illnesses also cause hair loss. A person who receives surgery also faces hair loss problems.

However, hair loss problems of any sort are generally temporary and can be solved by taking good nutritious diet and professional help.


Morning Sickness : Causes and Cures

Morning sickness is often the first sign of pregnancy, as it can start as early as 2 weeks after conception. Despite the name, the sufferer can feel ill at any time of the day, although as an empty stomach is thought to be one of the triggers then mornings are a common time for it to appear.Not every pregnant woman will experience morning sickness, although most do to some degree, and it can vary from a feeling of mild nausea or queasiness ranging up to feeling truly dreadful and unable to keep any food or liquids down. The severity of the effects seems to be greatest in women with a history of migraine or travel sickness.It's not known exactly what causes it, but most doctors agree that the changes in hormone levels that pregnancy triggers are the most major factor. One of the effects of these hormones is to change the way your digestive system works, which can lead to higher levels of acid.Another possible cause is that many women experience a heightened sense of taste and smell while pregnant, which can make nausea feel worse when unpleasant or strong odours are around.Finally, tiredness and stress play a part, and most pregnant women are tired and stressed a lot of the time!Morning sickness can occur over the full range of your pregnancy, but most women find that it more or less disappears by around 14 weeks as hormone levels in the body stabilise.There are dozens and dozens of traditional 'cures' for the feelings of nausea, with every mother having an opinion on the subject! The fact is that every woman's body is different and so no single thing will work for everyone. However, there are some simple things to try which can help most feel better.As previously mentioned, an empty stomach can be a cause, so snack little and often to keep hunger at bay, and keep a couple of biscuits by your bed for if you wake up during the night.Sucking on an ice cube can help, as can fizzy drinks. Fresh ginger is reputed to calm the stomach, so making a tea from crushed root ginger or even chewing on a piece can be worth a try.Remedies for travel sickness can also help, so it might be worth trying the magnetic wristbands you can buy, but you should never take any medication while pregnant without consulting your doctor.Morning sickness is a natural part of pregnancy and will not harm your baby in any way, but in severe cases you may be unable to keep any food or fluids down and if this continues you could become dehydrated, which is very dangerous for your baby. If your urine starts to become very dark in colour this is a sign that your fluid levels are too low, and you should speak to your midwife or doctor.Finally, when you're in a bout of morning sickness, don't worry too much about what you're eating - getting enough energy is more important than a balanced diet at that moment, so if chocolate makes you feel better then go for it! You can always stock up on healthier foods when the sickness has abated a little.


Choosing the Right Pediatrician for You and Your Baby

Congratulations, you're pregnant. As the count-down to the birth of your new child approaches, you should consider finding a pediatrician who will work the best with your soon to be expanding family. Having a pediatrician on-hand though the formative weeks and years of your child's life is in the best interests of both you and your child. Waiting until your child gets sick or needs a check-up is absolutely not the time to be going through the selection process, which can be stressful even when everything is going according to plan.

Beginning Your Search

There are several sources you can tap into to locate qualified pediatricians in your community.

* A good place to start is the "American Board of Pediatrics (ABP)". A pediatrician who is certified by them will have will have graduated from four years of medical school, received three years of resident training, and passed their written examination. They provide pediatrician search service on-line.

* Another source is the "American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)". They also provide a referral database of participating members.

* Certain health plans require you to choose a pediatrician from their approved network.

* You can also ask is your obstetrician. Obstetricians and pediatricians often interact to oversee the care of both mother and baby.

* Ask other moms in your neighborhood including friends, family or co-workers. They may be able to relate their personal experiences about specific individuals.

Vetting the Field

You'll want to find a doctor who fits with your goals and expectations. It's usually best to first meet the candidates to assess their qualifications, personality, approach and experience before arriving at a decision. The kinds of questions you might consider asking your prospective pediatrician and other considerations include:

* What type of pediatric qualifications do they have? Are they certified by the ABP and/or a member of the AAP?

* If you are aware of certain health concerns in your family or with your pregnancy, you may want to ask about qualifications in pediatric subspecialty areas?

* How can they be contacted after hours or during an emergency? Are they available by phone? Who covers for them when they are not available?

* If you have minor questions what is the best time and method to reach them?

* Does the pediatrician talk with and care about the children, and not just the parents?

* Does the pediatrician seem to know about current issues and advances in pediatric medicine?

* Does the pediatrician have "chemistry" with the children as well as the parents?

* Does the pediatrician appear knowledgeable about current issues and advances in pediatric medicine?

In addition, you'll probably want to know about availability and cost of services. Areas of investigation include:

* Office and Location � What are the office hours? What hospital is he/she affiliated with? Is the location conveniently close to your residence or work place?

* Costs and insurance coverage � What are the costs of services? Do they work with your insurance plan? What services are covered and which ones are not? What are the co-pays and other billing practices?

* What are the routine child-care check-ups? The AAP recommends checkups at one, two, four, six, nine, twelve, fifteen, and twenty-four months.

Finding the right pediatrician for your family can be a daunting challenge. However, there are several good sources that can help you in your quest. In most cases you'll have a choice about your child's doctor so try to find a doctor who is just right for you. Evaluate you'll health care provider based on the criteria that are most important to you and your family.


Diet Patches - The Big Diet Rip-Off Of 2006

I'm sure most of us can admit to having received spam mail detailing the wonders of diet patches. And, yes, most of us delete ads like that for good reason. We realize that spam mail is often sensationalized, exaggerated, or simply false. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as permanent fat loss that can be achieved with a patch. Manufacturers saw the success of other transdermal patches for hormonal replacement and nicotine patches, so some believed that effective weight loss could be achieved by the same means as well.

Luckily, many of these diet patch companies that we have all heard about at one point or another are tied up in lawsuits due to their false and unsubstantiated weight loss claims. One site that I came across doesn't even provide information as to what is in their patch, while others state that algae is the secret ingredient which can possibly aid in weight loss, as well as inhibit vitamin B12 absorption. As of yet, I still don't know what the "active ingredient " is in many of these patches. At most, I read something about vague "herbal properties" not really knowing what that means. And, people, just because something is herbal doesn't mean that it won't elicit any unwanted side effects in certain scenarios. You've been forewarned.

Many diet patches claim to do various things. They claim to control appetite, stimulate the metabolism, nourish the muscular system, eliminate toxins, reduce water retention, and reduce fatigue, just to name a few. Quite frankly, it almost sounds like they are selling these patches as if to serve as a panacea and cure all ailments. Everyone wants a quick fix for every sort of problem. No one is immune to it. It comes with the territory with being an American. Everything thing we own has to be the best, the fastest, the strongest, and the prettiest. Waiting is an abomination and expediency is king. So, it comes as no surprise as to why these "cure-all" products exist. Just don't buy them.

There is no better way to lose weight than to eat right and exercise regularly. All of these patches state that their product is 100% safe and can be used in conjunction with any kind of prescribed medication. To me, that seems like a dangerous claim. Now some patches claim that the fat loss is permanent, while others properly claim that overeating is what leads to obesity and that this is a factor that needs to be addressed in order for the fat loss to be permanent.

Unfortunately, the claims for one of the patches that falls into the latter category also contradict themselves on the same page. While they assert that their patch stops hunger and curbs the appetite, which results in a smaller stomach over time, they also make the irrational claim that their users don't have to be conscious of their diet while they are on the patch. Thus, you can eat whatever foods you like, but once you get off of the patch, you will quickly come to realize that you have no sense of self-control and will ultimately gain every pound back.

Another problem with these patches is the projected weight loss. No fitness professional would ever advocate losing as much as 10 lbs of fat per week as some of these companies do. Most agree that 1-3 pounds is probably about as much as one could safely lose within a week, unless, of course, you are being strictly monitored by a doctor.

Amazingly, one patch even advocates use during pregnancy. Now, I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure that a woman needs to gain weight during pregnancy and not aim to lose weight. That recommendation alone illustrates the fallacy of these products and the foolhardiness of the companies that boast these claims, which are unhealthy at best and a blatant lie at worst. Keep your distance from diet patches.


Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a condition that is primarily seen in women who have just given birth. While it may also be present in men, it is not as extensive. This disorder is considered to be a type of major depression, and there are a number of ways it can be treated. Postpartum depression is experienced by over 70% of women who have recently given birth. The symptoms for this condition may last for hours or days, and patients will be irritable, unable to concentrate, and may also experience a loss of sleep or headaches.

The diagnosis for postpartum depression is similar to other forms of major depression. However, the difference between PPD and other forms of depression is that those who are suffering from PPD will typically begin having symptoms a month after they have given birth. In addition to this, the condition may also develop during the pregnancy as well. Many of the causes of PPD are not well understood. However, there are a few factors that are believed to cause the disorder. One cause is the prenatal depression that may be experienced during pregnancy. A woman who has a low self esteem is also at a higher risk for developing PPD.

Women who are not receiving social support, or who are in a bad relationship with their spouse will also have higher chances of developing PPD. In addition to this, women who have previously suffered from depression are also likely to develop postpartum depression after they have given birth. Many women who given birth do not have the support of the father, and this person may not be present. In situations like this, the development of PPD is likely. Some studies also indicate that hormone changes in the body of a woman who has just given birth may cause PPD, but there are currently no concrete facts to support this.

When a child is born, both parents will be responsible for altering their lifestyle in a way that will benefit the child. In a situation like this, some believe that the radical changes that may need to be made to support the infant may play a role in the development of PPD, but there have been now studies which have found that this theory is accurate. While it is rare, some women can develop extreme forms of PPD, and this can lead to delusions or other severe mental health problems. It should be noted that only about 0.1% of women experience this, and most women only have moderate forms of the disorder. However, a women who has a mental illness before you gives birth is very likely to develop an extreme form of this condition.

Studies which have been conducted on animals indicate that a parent will not invest in the well being of their young when costs involved are higher than the benefits. Some animals have even been observed killing or abandoning their offspring. Because human babies require so much care, a mother who is forced to care for the child on her own may not have the necessary tools to care for the child, and may risk harming herself. Many of these women may begin to have negative fews of their children, and may not be responsive to the needs of the child.


Breastfeeding 101: Find The Perfect Breast Pump For You

Breast feeding is said to be the best nutritional choice for feeding your new newborn baby, but it also has proven health benefits for moms as well. You can lose that pregnancy weight quicker by breastfeeding because it burns extra calories and lowers your body fat content � without exercise! Breastfeeding also releases a hormone called oxytocin which will cause your uterus to contract and return to its normal size more rapidly. It reduces the amount of postpartum bleeding and also improves the storage of minerals in your bones which lowers the risk of osteoporosis. Breast feeding can also help in preventing ovarian and breast cancers. And of course, it's a wonderful way to bond with your new baby.

So if you are a new mom, or mom-to-be who has chosen breast feeding instead of the prepared formula method, you are probably interested in using a breast pump. Breast pumps are especially great for moms who work outside the home or who can't be available at every feeding time for their newborn. They come in several designs and the two options for usage are either manual or electric.

As in most situations, there are pros and cons each method. Following are some details on these two types of breast pumps to help you make an informed decision and prepare before you buy � or rent.

Manual pumps are preferred by lots of new moms who say that they appreciate the convenient size. They are simple to use because you control the suction manually. Hand pumps are also more affordable, lighter and quieter than electric pumps, and many new mothers say it is a more natural feeling � closer to how it feels when the baby is feeding directly from your breast.

For busier and working moms, an electric pump might be a better choice than the manual kind because they are much faster at pumping and some models even have the option to pump both breasts at the same time.

Breast pumps are widely available for purchase and you might also like to know that many hospitals offer the option of renting a top-of-line model directly from them. You'll have to estimate the cost per day in comparison to the price you would pay if you purchased your own though to make sure that it will work out for you financially.

Being a new mom can have its share of challenges, so be nice to yourself and look for a breast pump that best suits your lifestyle. By comparison shopping online or polling some moms who have been though the experience, you'll save yourself both time and effort that you'll be able to share instead with your new bundle of joy.


Pregnancy and Skin Care

During pregnancy the body goes through a lot of changes. One very common complaint during this time is of pregnancy skin problems. These changes are however normal and should not be termed as skin disorders. They are the marks of motherhood and are no risk to the mother or unborn baby.

You should protect your skin from the sun by staying out of it when it is hot and also by using a sunscreen of at least SPF15. Some moms-to-be develop a pregnancy mask which is a darkening of the skin around the mouth, nose and forehead which worsens when exposed to the sun.

Dry skin and pregnancy are another common combination that calls for extra moisturizing to get rid of the dryness and the accompanying itch. The moisturizing cream will help with the dry skin, however, you should seek your doctor's advice regarding anti-itch lotions which may be required to alleviate itchy skin during pregnancy.

Using a water- based moisturizer will help pregnant women who suffer from greasy skin. As there is no treatment, it is best to keep the skin moisturized with cocoa butter as it helps minimize the development of stretch marks.

It is advisable to perform the following skin care routines during pregnancy in order to avoid pregnancy skin problems:

Cleanse your face twice daily in order to keep pores unclogged and to help with acne. However, regular acne medication should not be used during pregnancy.

Do not use soaps, which will remove oils and make the skin even drier. Due to the sensitivity of the skin, use products labeled as being non-comedogenic. Don't forget your feet, which are often neglected, especially if you suffer from gestational diabetes. Don't forget to drink adequate amounts of water. Taking long baths should be avoided, as they will make dry skin even drier.

Most importantly, make sure you rest as much as possible as sleep restores the skin. While it is very important to maintain the skin care routine during pregnancy, expectant mothers must always ensure that the products being used will not harm the unborn baby.

Pregnancies can be very stressful and this is mostly shown on the skin of the woman. She can have dark circles under the eyes, varicose veins, acne, brown patches on the skin and also loss of collagen and elastin.

While pregnant, be aware of the special needs and requirements of your body and skin. Special care should be taken of your condition. Listen to your body. One of the most common skin problems faced by expectant mothers is stretch marks. Most women worry about stretch marks, which become visible during the latter part of the pregnancy or after birth. Almost all expectant mothers have stretch marks which are mostly visible on the lower abdomen, hips, thighs, breasts and arms.

Stretch marks appear on the body in different colors depending on the race of the expectant mother. For example if women have a light skin color the stretch mark is pinkish and in dark skinned women they seem to be lighter than the surrounding areas of the stretch marks. Unfortunately, there is no remedy for stretch marks other than to apply some medicated lotions on the effected areas.

It is unfortunately very likely that you will suffer from some form of pregnancy skin problem but a good skin care routine with safe and tested products will help you keep your skin in the best condition that is possible.


When Early Signs of Menopause Strike Women

Signs of menopause could strike women with as early as in their late 30's. And although the average onset of menopause would normally occur when a woman has reached 51 years, there are women of 40's and 50's who were already confronting early signs of menopause process.
Menopause signs � How do they afflict women?
Menopause occurs when the ovary of the woman has ceased functioning. Female hormones are the active glands when female body characteristics are developing. These hormones are sourced from the ovary. When the ovary has stopped functioning, this means that there will be no more hormones that could regulate the development of the body and as well as regulating menstrual cycle or pregnancy, thus, the onset of menopause - with which a gradual process of body transition would be experienced.
What are the early signs that a woman is entering her menopausal stage?
The very common sign that a woman is already undergoing the first phase of her menopause is when she is already experiencing irregularity in her menstruation cycle, without appearances of other medical reasons for this experience. It should not be confused, however, that women who have fluctuations with their hormone level production are undergoing menopausal transition. By medical definition, menopause process is attributed to the absence of menstrual cycle in 12 months period.
Before your last menstrual period, you will start experiencing the very first sign of menstruation transition: varying menstrual cycle lengths. This is called "perimenopause". At this point, you will already be experiencing different early signs of menopausal symptoms. These signs could be distributed to your physical, psychological, and sexual aspects.
The fluctuation and falling of your hormone production may last for several years, depending on the ovarian function or activity that women may go through. Signs leading to menopause symptoms may procure intermittent changes in the woman's daily and nightly activities.
The following signs are manifestations of menopausal symptoms:
Physical signs of your menopausal cycle are hot flashes, palpitations, insomnia, night sweats, headaches, and joint aches. These signs are often the results of your body's temperature control.
Psychological signs, on the other hand, are the results of the hormonal changes, in which different levels of emotional stress are experienced. You may encounter mood swings, from irritability to anxiety; from the difficulty in concentrating or forgetfulness; and from the difficulty of coping to easy feeling of stress and pressured moments.
You will also experience a gradual change with your sexual habit. You may have discomforting moments during your intercourse. This is the cause of vaginal dryness � an occurrence because of low estrogen level. Your interest in sexual activities may gradually decrease.
After the last month of your menstruation period comes your "postmenopausal" stage. During this time, in which it encompasses all of the period after perimenopause, you will be experiencing severity of the discomfort you earlier have gone through. These can include urine infection (may lead to discomfort on your passing urine), frequent passing urine whether at daytime and nighttime, leakage of your urine, vaginal dryness and even itching or burning, and vaginal discharge.
As your estrogen level gets affected by the fall of collagen production, the protein needed in maintaining your skin, tendons, hair and nails, you may also see marking changes from those body parts. Skin dryness, hair thinning, and growth of unwanted hair may occur although some of these occurrences can be attributed to ageing.


Breast Enlargement Surgery

Like a child who has discovered a new toy, this information will open up a whole new world of awe and wonder for you.

This interesting item addresses some of the key issues regarding Breast Enlargement. A assiduous reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about Breast Enlargement.

Breast enlargement is the third most general cosmetic surgery performed in the United States. Clinically known as augmentation mamoplasty, surgical breast implants have seen an multiply of more than 20% over the elapsed four years.

Mostly, all breast surgery nowadays is performed with salt full implants that consist of a silicone shell full with sterile saltwater. salty full implants are secure because the body absorbs the salt solution in situation the insert ruptures or leaks. At present, the FDA does not consent silicone gel breast implants because they are not proven to be safe.

From here on out, we will give you tips on what can make this subject a little more helpful to you.

Women looking for breast enlargement should have realistic expectation of the outcome. however the implantation can expand an individuals appearance and self-esteem, the compel to meet the looks of ones ideal wont necessarily materialize. The outcome will depend ahead individual factors such as health, the chest structure and the influence of the body, the form of surgical procedure and the extent of implant, previous breast surgery, and the ability and experience of the surgical team.

Prior to the surgery, it is important to determine whether the American Board of synthetic Surgery certifies the surgeon. In addition to this, an individual should question the physician regarding the imperil or complications hard in breast augmentation, the size, mold and feel of implant, the filling of implant, the curative measures if something go injustice with the surgery, and the time of recovery. The synthetic doctor must also be learned about the individuals remedial records. Any influence reduction instruct or potential planning of pregnancy should be told to the doctor because this can change the long-term product of breast enlargement.

Once you arise to move beyond critical background information, you arise to apprehend that there's more to Breast Enlargement than you may have first thought.

A breast enlargement surgery takes 1-2 hours or more depending on the form of surgery and is generally done under local anesthesia. The embed is located either under the breast tissue or the chest muscle beneath the breast. The surgery is generally performed on an outpatient basis, but sometimes hospitalization may be essential for some individuals.

Complications may strike with this surgery. The ordinary complications are breast pain, breast hardness and deadness in the nipples that may last for years. Some individuals may also develop an infection that may need the deduction of the implants for numerous months awaiting the infection clears. Implants may also occasionally leak, rupture, wrinkle, or change model necessitating a support surgery to swap the injured implants. Differences in model and extent of the breast after the surgery may also strike in some cases.

While there is no scientific mark that breast augmentation causes breast cancer, the spirit of breast implants can make it technically hard to reveal breast disease on a mammogram.

Most women may have to go through curative surgery depending ahead their age. Individuals under the age of 18 are not allowed to undergo breast enlargement surgery.

Hopefully the sections above have contributed to your understanding of Breast Enlargement. divide your new understanding about Breast Enlargement with others. They'll thank you for it.

As they say, knowledge equals power, so continue to read information on this topic until you feel you are adequately educated on the subject.


How to Predict the Future using Spinning Objects

Throughout history people have sort ways of finding spiritual or mystical guidance in their every day lives. Consulting the Oracle, Soothsayer or village wise person who had the gift of seeing into the future was common practice in ancient times. However, you don't have to be a psychic to predict the future. In the simple system of Cyclomancy, a revolving device, such as a wheel or revolving circle can be very effective tool for divination (ability to foretell the future by intuitive rather than scientific or rational means). The practice of Cyclomamcy may have been the origin of the roulette wheel as a game of chance. The "wheel-of-fortune" found at fair grounds which stops on prize-winning numbers or the TV "Wheel of Fortune" are also based on this concept. Cyclomancy has survived as the popular party kissing game "spin the bottle", or in a combination of �Truth or Dare'. In this variation, the spinner gets to ask the person whom the bottle points to an intimate, personal question, which must be answered truthfully. In all these methods, the decision of the wheel is automatically fulfilled, so it is not surprising that many people believe that questions concerning their future can be answered by a similar contrivance.

CYCLOMANCY dates from time immemorial, and takes its name from the Latin word �Cyclomantia' and from ancient Greek �Kyklos' meaning a circle. Spinning arrows may be used instead of revolving wheels for telling fortunes. In occult practices the wheel will have astrological signs, numbers, letters, words or mystical symbolic makings around it. The powerful archetypal symbol of the �Wheel of fortune' in the tarot deck reminds us of how random and unpredictable life can be. And that we are all subject to the workings of fate and Karma, in that what ever he/she sows he/she shall reap.

One form of divinational consultation is in finding geographical direction. When at a crossroad, take a bottle and lay it horizontally on the ground, and spin it. When it stops spinning, the neck of the bottle will point to the road where your destiny lies. Alternatively, before spinning the bottle ask a question with regards to the different directions, for example in which direction will I have the most fun, view the best sights or meet a new friends. Variations of the method use knifes or spinning tops.

In order to get started, first you're going to have to check your logic mind behind. It's a bit like visiting the cinema and as you walk in the door agreeing with yourself that for the next 90 minutes or so you will suspend your sense of reality. Trusting your intuition is a lot like that, once you begin to �trust' that your question will be answered, somehow the cosmic wheels begin to turn and you will receive the answer to your question.

This handy do-it-yourself divination tool can be used when seeking advice or answers to questions regarding past, present or future events. To make your own Cyclomancy fortune telling wheel, first cut a piece of card to the size of a dinner plate. Using a pen, divide the wheel into ten equal sections so that it looks similar to the spokes of a cycle wheel. Next pierce a hole in the centre with a skewer. Take three deep breaths and relax, as you do this gently begin to focus on the question that you would like to ask. When you feel ready spin the wheel and see where it stops. In a similar way an arrow could be secured to the centre by a pivot so that it freely revolves when given a sharp spin, the number that the arrow stops on being the significant one.

The analysis of the number is based on the ancient system of Numerology also known as Arithmomancy. The system was popular amongst early mathematicians such as Pythagoras who believed that each of the numbers one to nine had it's own psychic or spiritual significance.

The interpretation of the numbers is as follows :

One - New beginnings, ideas and inspiration. Exciting new changes ahead in love, business, education.
Two - A need for tact and diplomacy. Two's denote balance and harmony and fair play. Hidden things that need to be revealed. A period of waiting.
Three - Birth, pregnancy and marriage. A reason to celebrate or to go out and have fun. Your ships are coming in. Successful teamwork.
Four - Security, home, property, DIY around the house, time to take a break go on holiday.
Five - Problems to overcome, a time to be assertive, excess energy at your disposal. Watch out for jealousy and conflict amongst friends..
Six - Time to give and receive in many ways, money, time, support. A time of success, meeting old friends, compassion, travel. A time for making choices.
Seven - Staying in control via understanding, time for clear thinking, beware of deception, need to check security, time for evaluating a situation.
Eight - Determination to achieve goals, on-the-job study, dissatisfaction with an aspect of your life, feeling trapped, time to move on, end of delays.
Nine - Light at the end of the tunnel, preparation for a new beginning, smugness, and success, unnecessary worries.
Ten - Change, the end of a journey, success, family gatherings, support of others, idealism, a sense of community.


Massage Therapy School: A Lucrative Career for The 21st Century

Around the United States and Canada are hundreds of accredited massage therapy schools that issue out hands on training programs and education massage training to health care experts.

There is a difference between massage therapy and sensual massage as used in massage parlors. The health professionals of today are licensed, insured and well trained at massage therapy schools so they are able to give massage therapy in relaxing, clinical settings.

At massage therapy school, you discover that massage is part science and part art. A massage therapist applies lotion to the exposed area he/she is working on and manipulates the joints, tendons and ligaments, soft tissues and skin by using therapeutic strokes, pressing, tapping and squeezes. A session usually lasts approximately one hour.

Massage therapy is fantastic for soothing muscles, jolting the lymphatic system, improving circulation and quieting the nerves. Often massage will benefit people suffering with physical as well as mental disorders.

For anyone that has ever had a muscle spasm and knows just how uncomfortable it is, massage can reduce the pain along with pain from cramps and tension. Stress can play havoc with your body and relaxation massages are a wonderful and beneficial way to treat stress.

At massage therapy school, you learn a variety of massages. Some of the different types of massages are:

1. Pregnancy prenatal massage

2. Swedish massage

3. Shiatsu

4. Neuromuscular therapy

5. Aromatherapy

6. Sports massage

7. Acupressure

Massage therapy schools not only inculcate therapists theory but also sensible hands on massage. A therapist must pass a board examine and certification standards vary by state.

With the fast paced, modern lifestyles of people today, everyone needs a way to reduce stress, and relax not only their mind but also body. Massage is a viable way to do this.

Massage therapy school might be the career you are looking for.

Discover more about exciting and lucrative careers by going to our massage therapy school section and Panasonic massage chair site.


Diet for Babies

When your baby can sit with support, hold his head steady, and can take food off with his mouth from the spoon and swallow it easily, this is the right time to move to the next diet stage. This usually occurs when baby is 4 to 6 months old.

The first food your baby can eat is baby cereals. After baby cereals, you can give your baby rice, then oatmeal. Later on, when he knows how to drink from a babies small cup, you can give him a freshly squeeze fruit juice for his vitamin C supplement.

Once your baby reached 6 to 8 months old, he can now hold and grab onto things. He can sit without support and he can begin to chew foods. The best foods that you can give him on his stage are pureed, mashed, and strained foods. You can try to boil a potato or a carrot and then mashed it. You can also give soft fruits for him to eat.

Later on, you can give him strained meat; cooked and mashed dry beans, and boned and cooked fish.

At the age of 8 to 10 months old, your baby can take a full bite of foods. He can pick up small pieces and he can feed himself. You can move to the next food level, which are cooked and mashed egg yolks, and Cottage cheese and yogurt. You can also give him crackers, small pieces of cooked vegetables and peeled soft fruits.

When your baby reaches age 10 to 12 months old, he can now chew and swallow mash food. You can give him soft foods that the rest of the family can eat like crackers, cereals, cooked meat, peas and lentils, and cooked egg yolks.

It is best to offer your baby 3 small amounts of foods everyday. Older babies can eat larger amount of solid foods in a day. It is best to allow your baby to choose how much he will eat. Never force nor encourage your baby to eat more than he wishes to eat.


Can Pregnancy Occur Even After You Have Had A Vasectomy?

There are many guys who believe that once they have had a vasectomy they have no concerns regarding pregnancy. Though a vasectomy is one of the most effective methods of birth control, care still needs to be taken if you want to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. One of the main reasons for an unwanted pregnancy after a vasectomy is because an alternative method of birth control wasn't used in the first few months following the actual vasectomy. It's important that you realize that once you have had your vasectomy, it is still possible for you to father a child in the first few months following your operation. This is because your body will continue to hold a small amount of sperm for a short period. It is for this reason that you must continue to use another form of birth control until your doctor gives you the all-clear.

Of course, another reason for a pregnancy after a vasectomy operation is basically because the vasectomy has not been a success. It is possible that your vas deferens could have grown together. This happens very rarely, but nevertheless, it is known to happen and is know as recanalization.

There was a report carried out by a medical journal that questioned some 500 women whose husbands had previously had a vasectomy. Of those questioned, six women had gone on to be pregnant within the following six years of their husband's vasectomy. Of these six pregnancies, three of them took place inside the opening three months. It is thought that this happened because the couples failed to use an alternative method of birth control as directed by their doctors. Two further pregnancies arose inside the opening year; these were thought to be due to the fact that the vasectomies had failed and recanalization had occurred.

You can improve your chances of avoiding pregnancy by following you're doctor's advice. Many, many men do not bother to attend appointments set by their physicians once they have had their vasectomies. If you attend these meetings, you can get a regular sperm count and find out when the sperm within your semen as finally departed.


Advices for Travelling Overseas

Are you going to live overseas? Are you an exchange student? Are you travelling overseas for less than twelve months? Are you teaching overseas? Are you working overseas?

Have you thought about your health cover?

Of course, we'd all like to think we'll be alright, however it is wise to expect the unexpected. Unfortunately, when you travel abroad you do face increased risks to your health and safety. We do tend to think that we will be able to receive adequate medical care in Public or Government Hospitals, free of charge, and for a quick one-off visit this may well be the case. Public hospitals can be very good and the quality of medical and surgical care may well be excellent but the other services offered may not be up to the standard that you have come to expect. What if something develops that takes longer to cure? The bills can mount up alarmingly. How much will it all end up costing? Have you thought about pregnancy, and the pre and post natal care that you would want to receive for yourself, or wife and newborn baby? Would you want your sick child to spend several days or maybe even weeks in a Government hospital in a crowded public ward where most of the staff may not be able to speak English very well?

This is where we come in. Our company Globalsurance offers the best possible advice about international health insurance and international medical insurance.

We are an international health insurance advisor who specializes in global medical and health insurance for expatriates and world travellers. We are able to offer excellent service to our clients anywhere in the world. Our extensive network and communications now extend far beyond Hong Kong where we were founded, into USA, the UK and Europe and the Middle East. Therefore GlobalSurance worldwide health insurance will make your stay overseas more secure and free from worry.

All our consultants have global experience, and are able to offer expert advice on the full range of international plans available. We understand the difficulty of finding comprehensive information from one independent source. Therefore to assist you we have thorough knowledge of all the international medical plans available. To put your mind at rest about our credentials, we are regulated by the Insurance Authority of Hong Kong and therefore we are required to meet the very highest operating and fiscal standards.

We have Individual Plans, Group Plans, Travel Plans and Teacher Plans, all of which are quoted free and supported by the most responsive and professional administration service in the global health and medical insurance market. We are an independent advisor and work with all the major insurance companies. We can give you independent advice or a range of free International Health Insurance Quotes. Please visit our website at www.globalsurance.com to answer all your questions. This is a comprehensive, clear and easily navigated website sure to give you the best possible online access to services and advice.


How Diet affects the Hair

There's more to healthy hair than putting products on your head; you also have to watch what you put in your mouth. You need a nutritious diet so that your body can create healthy cells and tissue�exactly the stuff that hair is made of. Poor nutrition, erratic meals, even crash diets can all lead to thinning, dullness, and dryness.

First of all, you need to have the right amounts of proteins. Proteins build cells, and they also contain amino acids that are particularly crucial to hair growth. These include cystine, cysteine, methionine, arginine and lysine. These can be found in meats, fish, poultry dairy and eggs. If you are vegetarian, you can also get it from soy, nuts, grains and seeds (although you may need a protein supplement). Dieticians believe that at least 15% of your calories must come from food that is rich in protein.

Many of today's low-carb diets may lead to steady weight loss, but it may come at the price of the health of your hair. Carbs help in the growth of body tissues, and they are also the body's primary source of B vitamins, which your body needs. That's why it's not recommended to stay on carb-free diets for long periods of time; even South Beach recommends that the First Phase be limited to three weeks. Instead, opt for smart carbs, meaning you cut out sugars and white flour, and get healthy carbs from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, brown rice and potatoes.

Too much fat is bad for you, but you need a little fat in your diet to stay healthy�and to keep your hair healthy, too. To avoid health risks associated with a fat-heavy diet, get it from lean meat that is grilled or braised rather than fried. Needless to say, eating that hamburger is not a healthy option.

Why does diet play such a role in healthy hair? For one thing, your body will need the right amounts of vitamins and minerals to be able to create strong cells. People who go on crash diets will often report hair loss. Strands may be brittle and easily damaged, and will look dull despite all efforts to condition and style. This means your body is unable to replace cell properly, or that the cells it manufactures is unable to withstand the damage it takes from daily environmental abuse: brushing, hair drying, or even the UV rays in the sun. It's the same principle why skipping meals can cause your face to look blotchy and pale. If it can affect the color in your cheeks, it will also affect whether your hair is thick and shiny, or limp and lifeless.

Crash dieting can also affect the body's chemical balance. Many people will go through natural hair loss cycles, such as during pregnancy or right after childbirth, as the body adjusts to shifts in hormones. A lack of nutrition can set off a hormonal nightmare, sending wrong signals to the hair glands like a fuse gone wrong. Severe stress can also do this.

Thus, for healthy hair, you need to invest in good hair care products and a good lifestyle. Eat right, and find ways to relax after a long day at work to minimize the effects of stress. Of course, a good shampoo never hurt.


Natural hemorrhoid treatment

Hemorrhoids or piles are very common today. Although it may be quite embarrassing this problem must be treated immediately. Do not delay treatment because it could lead to further pain and discomfort for you. When the veins in the rectum or anus swell, a hemorrhoid develops. Symptoms could include swelling, redness and severe itching. There are different types of hemorrhoids. Your condition could be an internal or external hemorrhoid or a prolapsed or strangulated hemorrhoid. It is mostly seen in people over the age of fifty. There are several factors that you increase your chances of getting a hemorrhoid. Some of these factors are bad posture, strain during bowel movement, pregnancy, sever cough, lifting heavy objects, constipation and obesity.

If you want to get rid of hemorrhoids there are certain steps you can take such as drinking lots of liquids, exercising and eating fiber rich food. You must also reduce the time spent straining during bowel movements. It is also important to wash the area with cold water and soap. This reduces the irritation and you will feel better. After you wash you must dry the area completely and maybe use a hemorrhoid cream to soothe the skin. Warm sitz baths and using a cold compress will also help reduce the pain. Your posture is very important both for prevention and cure. Good posture will improve your muscle tone.

For hemorrhoid patients it is important to try and strenghten the vein walls. There are a variety of herbs that can be consumed in order to do this. Butcher's broom, horse chestnut and bromelain are known to work wonders. Extracts from the Japanese pagoda tree is also a famous natural remedy for hemorrhoids. Anti-inflammatory treatments are best suited because they are not invasive and they offer relaxation for the affected muscles and veins. Natural astringents are also available such as Witch hazel and aloe vera. If you have hemorrhoids be sure to reduce your intake or coffee and cola. Avoiding cheese and other milk products will also reduce the irritation.

Instead of taking laxatives, try plantain and Psyllium seed husks to reduce the hardness of the stool. Bioflavonoids and other natural botanicals can give you much needed relief. To reduce pain and itching, there is a natural remedy called Mentha Piperita or peppermint. To reduce inflammation and to begin the healing process there is Aloe Vera which contains gibberlin and polysaccharides. Any natural treatment should first soothe the affected area. This will reduce the pain and inflammation thus bringing you some comfort. It must then heal the skin and bring the area back to its earlier condition. Choose a treatment that has astringent and antiseptic qualities to it. Finally it must repair the area by increasing blood flow and enhancing new tissue growth.


Creating a Pregnancy Scrapbook

"Mommy, tell me again about when I was born". Any one who is a mother has heard this phrase countless times. Our children love to hear the story of how they were born. For those that are not yet mothers, I promise your kids will ask this many many times in the years to come.

Creating a scrapbook of your pregnancy helps you tell your child the story of their birth.

Here are several ideas for creating this very special scrapbook:

1. Take photos the day you find out you're pregnant. Take a photo of mom and dad. Take photos of any siblings and take photos of any grandparents who might live locally.

2. Kids want to know "were you excited?" and "were you happy?" They also want to know "who did you tell first?" Journal the answers to these questions, for inclusion in the scrapbook. If this is your first pregnancy, it's hard to guess what your child might ask you in 5 years. Think of yourself as a child. What did you want to know about your mother's pregnancy? If you have other children, you know the questions you are going to be asked.

3. Take photos of mom and dad as the pregnancy progresses. Both my kids love seeing the photos of me being pregnant. We took side views, back views and front views.

4. Both my kids wanted to know what their names would've been had they been boys. (I have two girls). My own mom tells me about the name discussions she and my dad had before I was born. Again, journal these answers for your child to read when they are older.

5. Keep any reports and ultrasound photos that you receive from the doctor. I have ultrasound photos from both of my kids and they love seeing them.

6. Take a picture of the hospital where the child was born. Both of my kids were born at different hospitals and they both want to know about the hospital they were born at. They both have asked about the hospital stay as well. Did I stay overnight? Did I receive any medication? As the kids get older their questions become more detailed. Writing out the experience and putting this into the scrapbook allows the older child to have more information.

7. Take a picture of the delivering doctor if possible.

8. If there is baby naming, bris, or christening, take photos. Children want to see this. This is part of their birth.

9. Keep a list of who visits you in the hospital. Take photos if possible. Again, these are all questions I've been asked by my own kids.

10. Take a photo of their bedroom the night they come home. They want to know what it looked like.

Kids love knowing the story of their birth. It's a book they'll look at over and over again. It's truly the story of them!!


Finding a Friend to Share Your Fertility Experience

Many women are dealing with fertility and conception problems, one suggestion to help relieve the stresses faced when failing to become pregnant is to find a friend to share in your experiences. Bonding with another person in the same situation can help both of you, and perhaps one or both of you will successfully become pregnant.

The friend who you turn to during this time can be another woman who relates to the challenges of apparent infertility (or a couple if your partner is involved).Someone who has never been in this position, experiencing failure to conceive, can't be as supportive as someone who has had this life experience.

One suggestion of a highly suitable friend for your fertility support is someone who has overcome their own conception and fertility issues. They can be a great source of advice, moral support for the times when failure occurs, and a person to share your dreams.

As with everything, there are advantages and disadvantages, it can be heart breaking if only one of you becomes pregnant while the other continues to face the uncertainty. This is perhaps the biggest reason to choose a supportive person who has already overcome their own fertility problems.

If you don't know anyone close by, or live in less populated areas, don't forget to turn to the internet for support. Online discussion groups and chat rooms dealing with fertility problems may be better suited. They are also great for men who may not be able to access similar services aimed toward women in their own local area. Of course, in larger cities, there are support groups where you can share your experiences, strengths and dreams as well as discuss new research and treatments. Often in these groups, you could meet a person to develop a friendship bond with to share your successes and sorrows.

We all need love and support from friends, especially in times of stress. A close relationship allows a healthy outlet for venting, mentoring and discussion. It also encourages the feeling that you are not going through this with only your partner, or completely alone if you do not have a partner.

Having a healthy outlet to share you experience, gives you perspective on your situation, you will be less likely to obsess over the failures. Sometimes, just this stress release outlet can be all that is needed for a couple to have a happy, healthy and successful pregnancy.


Breast Augmentation: What You Should Know

Self-confidence and satisfaction about your physical appearance affect the way you perceive yourself and how you interact with others. You may feel self-conscious of your size, shape or how you look in clothing.

Have you ever considered breast augmentation? Would changing your bust size give you a boost? Many women have found that by restoring or creating fullness and shape in their breasts, enhancement of self-esteem, sense of well being and femininity can be achieved.

In 2000, over 150,000 women had breast augmentation in the United States. If you are considering having this procedure done, you need to understand the various options regarding the type of implant, the incision site and the placement of the implant.

Most women have breast augmentation because they desire enlargement of their breasts. After pregnancy, some women feel their breast size is too small; they may request a breast lift or balancing the different sizes of their breasts. Regardless of why you want the procedure done, your choice to have breast augmentation is a personal one. It is a choice that only you can make. Get the facts and see if breast augmentation is tight for you.

Choose an experienced plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. The number of breast augmentation surgeries that the plastic surgeon has performed should be considered. If you have friends or colleagues who have had breast augmentation, they might recommend a qualified physician. Contacting the American Society of Plastic Surgeons at their website at www.plasticsurgery.org will provide you with information on qualified surgeons in your area.

At your consultation, your surgeon will provide you with various surgical suggestions on what current techniques are available. Your body profile will be reviewed and discussed, as well as the present size and shape of your breasts and what size you wish to have, in order to select the best enhancement for you.

There are several specific questions you may wish to ask your plastic surgeon concerning: incision sites; whether you are a candidate for saline or silicone implants, and whether implant placement should be above or below the muscle.

The three most common incision areas are; (1) Periareolar - around the dark skin surrounding the nipple; (2) Transaxillary - the armpit area; and (3) Inframammary - where the breast meets the chest.

Saline implants are filled by injecting salt water (saline) from a syringe into tubing connected to the implant. The tubing is disconnected after it is filled to the appropriate size, sealing the implant and then removed from your body Determining the correct implant size before surgery is very important. "Trying on" implants filled with various amounts of saline and observing the result with the implants under clothing is very effective. This is an excellent way for the patient to communicate her desired size to her surgeon.

Breast augmentation can be a very rewarding experience physically and emotionally. Be in absolute agreement with your surgeon on what look and size you expect.

To contact our office call 760-753-6411. Dr. Flynn is a Harvard trained Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who specializes in Botox and other cosmetic procedures. He has been conveniently located in Encinitas for over ten years.


Reproductive Health issues of Women

Women are prone to many problems and experience more health issues because of the menstrual troubles or troubles related to reproductive systems. Depression and women issues during menses require careful analysis.

Menstrual Problems
� Dysmenorrhoea is related to extreme pain during and around the time of their periods. The pain can be debilitating, and in some circumstances it is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, exhaustion, fainting, head aches and even constipation or diarrhoea. Constant low back ache is a congestive dysmenorrhoea where as cramping constricting pains is spasmodic dysmenorrhoea.
� Menstrual cycles can vary from 23 days to 35 days. It is regular if your periods occur at regular intervals. Minor irregularities like a the period for a menstrual cycle varying from 25 days to 35 days the next cycle occurs are common. Large gaps and no periods, spotting as well as continuous bleeding for a few weeks when periods occur, warrant a visit to the doctor. This can find out if you have other complication like polycystic ovary syndrome.
� Menorrhagia is excessive flow during periods. The average amount is usually around 35 ml over the course of the entire period. The easiest way to gauge for excessive flow is if you need to change your tampon or pad more frequently during the day.
� Periods do not occur during pregnancy and breast feeding this is a natural reason. If the absence of periods for more than six months without natural causes then it is diagnosed as Amenorrhoea. Missed periods also occur at the beginning of puberty or toward menopause. Drugs too can be the cause of missed periods. Consult a doctor as amenorrhoea increases the risk of osteoporosis.
� PMS or Premenstrual symptoms describe the symptoms that occur after ovulation and are absent during menses. There is an enormous list of symptoms nearly over 150 that cause confusion in its diagnosis. Depression, mood swings, food cravings, weight gain, headaches, constipation, bloating etc. are a few common symptoms. To make it easier PMS is categorized under types (type A, Type C etc.)

Womb and Uterine troubles
� Fibroids are non cancerous growths in or on the walls of the uterus. They are also called myomas. These vary in size from a small pea to the size of a seven month old foetus. Depending on where they grow (inside or outside the womb or within the uterine wall) they are classified as submucosal, intramural, subserol and penduculated fibroids. These are the cause of heavy periods and intense pain in some cases. Many menstrual troubles are related to growth of fibroids.
� Endometriosis is a condition where the lining of the womb grows outside of the womb. It can grow in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, pelvis, bowels or bladder. The endometrium is sensitive to hormonal changes and bleeds during the menses. Since there is not outlet it causes scars, cysts inflammation etc. This condition can result in extremely painful periods and painful sex.
� Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus and is rarely performed except to save lives. The most common being heavy periods. It may also be suggested in cases of fibroids, endometriosis, prolapse, cancer or other pelvic inflammatory diseases.
� Infertility or barrenness from a medical point of vies is caused by many factors. Ovulatory failure (may be due to polycystic ovary syndrome), Damage to fallopian tube, endometriosis as well as other problems cause infertility. Lifestyle factors, nutrition deficiencies and emotional elements may also be causes for infertility.

Though Hair Loss is less in women other issues like Anorexia Symptoms, Seasonal Affective Disorder and Ovarian Cancer Symptoms do occur in some case. Identification and timely treatment of these lead to a healthier life.