
Can Hypnosis Help with Pregnancy and Childbirth?

Many of you might be familiar with how hypnosis can help with weight loss and smoking cessation. But, did you know that hypnosis can also be used during pregnancy to help relieve anxiety and aid in calm, natural birth?

Hypnosis has been used for quite some time to help in numerous health-related issues, from relieving IBS symptoms to preparing for surgery to alleviating fear of dental procedures. Many pregnant women are now enjoying the benefits of hypnosis, allowing them to experience natural births with minimal pain.

In order to better understand how hypnosis can help pregnant women, it helps to gain a better understanding of hypnosis itself. To put it in simple terms, hypnosis is intense focus and concentration. Many people have likened the concentration with getting lost in a good book or television program. Utilizing that intense focus, hypnosis can actually slow down your brain waves.

Right now you're probably in your waking state, which is Beta consciousness. But, by altering your conscious state through hypnosis, you are able to enter Alpha consciousness, where your brain waves actually slow down. And, when you slow down your brain waves you lose the "critical chatter" of the conscious mind and are able to slip in positive suggestions to the subconscious mind. These positive suggestions can be about any behavior you'd like to change, or any outcome you'd like to see take effect, such as having a natural, easy birth.

In addition, when you're in a relaxed stated and imagining a desired outcome, the brain can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy, and reacts as if the desired outcome was a reality. This phenomenon can be seen in pain management, when hypnotherapists use hypnosis and imagery on pain sufferers to help them lessen the intensity of their pain.

Hypnosis can aid pregnant women in so many different ways and in so many different stages of their pregnancies.

Hypnosis Can Aid in Fertility

Where inability to become pregnant is not due to a medical condition, many women have found relief with hypnosis. There are many who believe that if you can imagine it you can create it, and hypnosis is often paired with imagery to "visualize" oneself becoming pregnant and imagining a baby coming into one's life. Hypnosis is also used to alleviate stress, which may be inhibiting a woman from becoming pregnant. Of course, women aren't the only ones whose stress and anxiety may be inhibiting pregnancy. Many men feel the pressure to help their partners conceive. This stress can affect men's sperm quality.

Hypnosis Can Aid in Helping a Woman Become More Comfortable

Many women experience discomfort from being pregnant, such as morning sickness, the intensity of which can be lessened through hypnosis. In women with high blood pressure, hypnosis can be helpful in helping them to relax, which in turn can help control the symptoms.

Hypnosis Can Help in the Actual Birth Process

Many women are now using hypnosis to help them have their baby naturally with no drugs. Utilizing hypnosis, women can help themselves relax during the baby's birth. Since pain responses are greatly enhanced with fear and anxiety, creating a sense of calm helps in reducing the sensation of pain. The women will be awake and aware of everything that's happening, including the contractions, but will be able to dictate to a great extent the intensity of the sensations she feels.

There are numerous hypnosis tapes and CDs available which can help reduce the fears and anxieties associated with pregnancy and the birthing process. If at all possible, it's preferable to meet face to face with a hypnotherapist who can tailor the hypnosis to your specific fears, anxieties or needs.

How to Find a Hypnotherapist

The first place to look is your own doctor. (It's always good to have your doctor's input before beginning any treatment programs). Ask him or her for a recommendation to a good hypnotherapist. If your doctor does not have a recommendation you can utilize internet hypnotist referral networks to find one in your area. One good referral website is www.registeredhypnotist.com, where you can look up hypnotherapists in your area.

Another good internet resource is www.hypnobirthing.com, which lists practitioners across the country who've gone through the HypnoBirthing� The Mongan Method, a program specifically tailored to natural birthing.

Whether you plan on a natural birth or not, hypnosis can still help you relax more about the entire birthing process. Becoming more relaxed can help you gain control over your pregnancy, rather than have your pregnancy gain control over you.


Online Pregnancy Test

Are you pregnant? How do you know? When should you test? These questions go through thousands of women's minds daily yet few have the correct answers. The easiest way to test if you're pregnant is through a home pregnancy test. You'll receive fast quick answers in the privacy of your own home.
There are numerous signs that you may be pregnant. The most often and most noticeable is missing a period. If you've been planning to get pregnant, the first day of your expected period is the day you can start taking a home pregnancy test. Morning sickness is another sign you're pregnant. Only about 50% of pregnant women will get morning sickness. Other signs that you may be pregnant include breast soreness, headaches, bloating, and vaginal discharge. Each will have a varying degree and don't always accompany pregnancy in all women.
Home pregnancy tests are designed to detect the chemical hCG, a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy. Taking the tests is simple. For more, simply hold the strip (or cup) in your urine stream for 5 to 10 seconds. Also for more tests, you'll need to hold your urine for up to 4 hours to receive the most accurate reading of hCG in your system. Blood tests are the most accurate way to determine if you are pregnant. Contrary to popular belief, urine tests at the doctor's office is not anymore accurate than one purchased at a store although the chance of receiving an error during the test from user mistakes is less frequent.
There are many places to purchase home pregnancy tests. Wal-Mart, Target, or any other major retail chain usually carries a full line of discount pregnancy tests. Discount drug store chains such as CVS and Wal-Green's or a local pharmacy are other alternatives for local purchases. The benefits of ordering locally are fairly obvious. The purchase will be quick and easy while allowing you to take the test the same day you buy it. You can also order home pregnancy tests online at DrugStore.com, Amazon, or Pink Apple. Ordering online has several benefits as well. You will normally save money via an online purchase via no sales tax, lower prices, etc. Online ordering also allows for more privacy if you live in a smaller town where "everyone knows your name."
Essentially, home pregnancy tests are no more accurate than those provided by your physician. Listen to the symptoms, take a home test, and then speak to a qualified professional to plan out the remaining steps.


37 Weeks Pregnant - It's Nearly Time To Give Birth

37 weeks pregnant and you're almost to your due date. In most cases you've reached the point that if labor does begin, it won't be stopped. Let's take a closer look at what is going on with you and your baby at 37 weeks pregnant.


By 37 weeks pregnant your baby weighs approximately 6 - 6.5 pounds and is around 21 inches long. Your baby is continuing to gain weight, generally around 1 ounce per day.

At this stage of pregnancy your baby may now have a full head of hair that has grown to around an inch long. If your baby is born without hair, don't worry, there is nothing wrong. Some babies simply just don't have hair at birth.

The position of your baby changes at 37 weeks pregnant. You will notice that your baby is now dropping down from your tummy to your pelvis. This is another sign that labor is just around the corner.


At 37 weeks pregnant the average woman has gained an extra 20 - 30 pounds, most in her belly. The good news though is that at this stage of pregnancy your weight gain is over. Don't be surprised if you even lose a pound or two before delivery.

Most likely, you've also noticed that your uterus has stopped growing. Again, at 37 weeks pregnant this is normal. It should measure around 6 inches from your navel, and will remain there until you give birth.

By this time in your pregnancy I'm sure you are anxiously counting the days left until your due date. Remember to keep in mind that you could go earlier or later than your actual due date. Be sure that daddy is ready.

Well, you've made it to 37 weeks pregnant and the blessed day is nearly here. Keep trying to get some rest and take care of yourself. The excitement of the future is almost here.

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Pregnancy is not a disease

Pregnancy is a natural state that most women will experience at least once in their life. Modern society seams to have parted from considering pregnancy like the beautiful, natural phenomenon it is. One can sincerely ask if the medical community in an attempt to make pregnancy and delivery a safe state has given into the tendency to make them more complicated than they really are.

Too often pregnant women are exposed to stressing messages about the risks of pregnancy and delivery. In reality, North America has one of the lowest neonatal mortality rates in the world.

There are certain proven facts to aim at a healthier pregnancy and delivery. It is suggested that pregnant women have the proper medical care and follow-up. It is also recommended that pregnant women have a healthy diet generous in fruits and vegetables and dairy products. A pre-natal supplement is also recommended to ensure the proper amount of folic acid and iron.

A pregnant woman should stay away from foods rich in sugar (like deserts) and fat (the so-called junk food). Her weight gain will be more harmonious and her baby will not be fed second class foods.

Pregnancy is the ideal time to get rid of unhealthy habits like smoking, marijuana smoking or regular alcohol consumption. All these substances have proven harmful to the future mother and her baby to be born.

A serious word of caution is almost needed when considering drugs whether they are prescribed or bought off the shelves at the pharmacy. History is filled with painful lessons of drugs being deleterious to babies. Any pregnant women should consult her doctor and pharmacist before using drugs during her pregnancy and even before conceiving.

Natural health products are being used freely and in considerable amounts nowadays. Pregnant women have to know that most of these substances have not been profoundly tested and their effects on themselves and their unborn baby are yet to be determined. There is a serious need for control and studies of the so-called natural products in pregnancy. While awaiting for serious studies proving that these substances are completely safe to use during pregnancy, one should ask her pharmacist and doctor and in doubt, refrain from using them.

Some people might argue that these substances are “natural” and per se can be used freely. One small example that this is far from the truth is that researchers have found substances sold as Chinese remedies without any prescriptions that were way more potent than morphine. In doubt, pregnant women should stick with eating healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle.

Although many pregnant women may feel a boosted sense of energy during their pregnancy, others will feel like they need more rest or sleep. Again, good common sense dictates to listen to one’s feeling and rest appropriately.

Upon getting ready for the delivery, the expectant couple has to know that the proper preparation will help them live the birth they are aspiring to.


Important Information About First Trimester Pregnancy

You may have recently heard the words from your doctor, "Congratulations, you are pregnant!". Or perhaps you have seen positive results from your pregnancy test this morning. You are now ready to embark on your first trimester of pregnancy no matter how the results came to light. Since you will be seeing a host of changes in your body over the next few months you will probably have many questions and even more concerns.

What Can You Expect During First Trimester Pregnancy?
The advantage is the fact that there are many resources available to help educate yourself about what is coming. Because of the risk of complications and the uncomfortable symptoms you may experience the first trimester of a pregnancy can be the most difficult. However, you can take heart since the first trimester pregnancy only lasts about twelve weeks and the second trimester often has less symptoms. During these first weeks of adjusting to being pregnant it can be a good idea if possible to take it a little easier on yourself and your body.

Fatigue, nausea, light-headedness and breast tenderness are some of the symptoms that come with a first trimester pregnancy. If possible this is a good time to squeeze in a little extra sleep. Some extra rest right now will definitely benefit your body.

To help you throughout the pregnancy it is also a good time to start developing some good nutrition habits. You will probably start feeling better in a few short weeks even if nausea curbs your appetite right now and you can get through the rest of your nine months with a good diet.

You may only see your doctor every four weeks during the first trimester of your pregnancy.Using an Early Pregnancy Test You doctor will make sure the early development of your baby goes smoothly by screening you for potential risks and complications. You will probably be scheduled for many other routine tests to ensure that both you and your baby progress normally after the first trimester pregnancy. It will usually be early enough if problems are detected to alleviate the risk to mother and child.

There are things you can begin to do during the first trimester of your pregnancy to prepare for the birth of your baby even if nine months seems like a long time. You can begin by reading any of the many pregnancy books to inform yourself of what is coming. You can start window shopping for maternity clothes, plan a budget for a larger family and work on travel plans around your pregnancy.

This is the time to enjoy your life most of all. While symptoms and anxiety may fill the first trimester it is also a great time for anticipation and excitement Pregnancy Diary.


Congratulations, You're 24 Weeks Pregnant!

You're now 24 weeks pregnant and time is going by quickly. Can you believe you're almost two thirds of the way through pregnancy?

Changes are occurring rapidly now with you and your baby. Let's take a look at what is going on at the moment, and what you can expect in the future.


Currently, your baby is approximately 1 pound to 1 1/4 pounds in weight and is 8"-11" in length. Of course, baby is letting you know its presence by moving all around now. It may even feel like they've taken up gymnastics at times, but this is perfectly normal.

At 24 weeks pregnant, your baby's brain is really beginning to mature at a faster pace. Lungs are forming and will be producing sufacant in the near future.


Since you are really starting to show signs of being pregnant, you may notice yourself rubbing your belly at times during the day.

Something else you may also begin to notice is stretch marks. It's a common occurrence for women to see signs of stretch marks at this point in pregnancy. Rubbing lotion on your skin can help in reducing these stretch marks, but having them is a normal aspect of being pregnant.

Be sure you drink plenty of water and stay hydrated during your pregnancy. It really is easy to become dehydrated during pregnancy, especially during the summer months.

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7 Weeks Pregnant - What Can You Expect?

So, you're now 7 weeks pregnant. What are some of the things you should expect and be aware of?


Your baby is approximately 1/3 of an inch length at this point and time. So many different and wonderful things are happening with your baby right now.

1. Your baby's appendix and intestines will generally be formed now.

2. Baby's arms and legs are growing, but no fingers or toes have formed yet.

3. Nasal passages are now beginning to form.

4. Teeth are also beginning to develop on the inside of your baby's mouth.

5. The liver is working and trying to make red blood cells.

At 7 weeks pregnant, it's not yet possible for an ultrasound to determine whether your baby is a boy or girl yet.


Unfortunately, depending on how you want to look at it, morning sickness is still in high gear. While this is certainly not a fun period of your pregnancy, the good news is that it will pass in a few weeks time. A good tip to help with morning sickness is to keep some crackers near your bedside so that when you first wake up you can eat a couple. Having something in your stomach before getting up can definitely help.

Another issue that many women face at 7 weeks pregnant is migraine headaches. What can be strange about this issue is that it can work in either direction. Meaning, if you've suffered from migraines in the past, then pregnancy may make them go away completely. On the other hand, if you've never had one before now, you may very well find yourself beginning to experience them.

Having migraine headaches during your pregnancy is not generally a major concern. It's quite common. The best way to try and prevent them is to:

Reduce stress

Get plenty of sleep

Stop smoking

Reduce or eliminate caffeine intake

Avoid alcohol consumption

Keep in mind that at 7 weeks pregnant, everything you eat or drink can have a positive or negative effect on your baby. Watch your diet and cravings during pregnancy. While cravings are perfectly normal, they can also lead to a lot of excess weight gain which can be difficult for many to take off after giving birth.

There's certainly a lot going on while you're 7 weeks pregnant.


The Danger Signs Of Ectopic Pregnancy

If this is your first pregnancy, you may or may not, know about the signs of ectopic pregnancy, or tubal pregnancy. Here's a quick review on the dangers of a ectopic pregnancy.

During the process of a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg will go through your fallopian tube into your uterus, which of course is where your baby grows.

With ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg never makes it inside the uterus. It begins to develop outside of the uterus, mostly developing in the fallopian tube.

Unfortunately, an ectopic pregnancy will not support life for a long length of time. Usually, a miscarriage occurs fairly quickly, but if this fails, the doctor will give medicine to end the pregnancy.

What is the danger of an ectopic pregnancy?

Left to itself, a tubal pregnancy can cause severe damage to the fallopian tube. This can create circumstances that make it difficult to get pregnant in the future.

Ectopic pregnancy can also cause life threatening internal bleeding if it ruptures. It would require emergency surgery. Once the fallopian tube is damaged, the chances of a future pregnancy being ectopic increase substantially.

What are ectopic pregnancy symptoms?

Ectopic pregnancy symptoms can include vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and severe abdominal pain. Other ectopic pregnancy symptoms are quite similar to the normal signs of being pregnant. These include nausea or morning sickness, tiredness, a missed menstrual period, and breast tenderness. This can make diagnosis somewhat difficult.

If you have symptoms of bleeding and stomach pain, be sure to see your doctor immediately. They can determine if you have tubal pregnancy from a simple blood test or an ultrasound. The key is early detection. If it can be treated early on, then the risks to your health and future pregnancies are greatly reduced. By keeping yourself aware of the signs of ectopic pregnancy you can eliminate potential health risks.

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Pregnancy Nutrition

Hello New Mom! It's you and Baby now, so you'll want to eat what's best for both of you. Keep in mind that while you are eating for two, only one of you is a full grown adult so you will probably only need to take in an extra 200-300 calories per day while pregnant. The bottom line? Do eat for two, but don't overeat.

In general, you should eat a healthy, well-balanced diet full of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, foods rich in vitamin C, iron and calcium plus plenty of water. While you don't need to eliminate salt and fat from your diet, you should take care to eat salty foods and high-fat foods only sparingly.

Also, as an expectant mom, you'll want to make sure to take the prenatal vitamins prescribed by your physician and pay attention to your intake of folic acid in particular. Folic acid is a member of the B vitamin family and occurs naturally in orange juice, green leafy vegetables, beans and lentils. The synthetic form of folic acid, which is more easily absorbed by your body, can be found in fortified breakfast cereals, enriched grain products and vitamins. Folic acid helps prevent and decrease the risk of several common birth defects and supports rapid growth of the placenta and fetus.

There are several things you should avoid during your pregnancy due to the possibilities of bacterial contamination, birth defects, decreased attention and decreased memory. While pregnant, you should steer clear of:

1. alcohol
2. caffeine and artificial coloring
3. cigarette smoke
4. over-the-counter meds and herbal remedies ( unless otherwise directed by your physician)
5. raw meat
6. raw eggs and food containing raw eggs
7. soft cheese
8. fish with accumulated mercury levels or high levels of an industrial pollutant called polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

As you avoid what's bad and consume adequate amounts of what's good, you will increase your baby's chances of being born at a normal birth weight and having good fetal brain development. You will also decrease your risk of having pregnancy complications and severe mood swings and you will help ensure a good post-pregnancy recovery. So eat up!


17 Weeks Pregnant - What You Can Expect

Congratulations, you're now 17 weeks pregnant. You're getting closer to being halfway through your pregnancy. So, let's take a look at what is happening with you and your baby, and what you can expect in the future.


Currently, at 17 weeks pregnant, your baby is approximately 4.5" - 5.5" long, and weighs in at 4-5 ounces. Doesn't seem like much right now does it? Well, your baby is big enough to let you know its there on occasion. Of course, it will be a couple of more weeks before you feel a lot of movement, but right now you may notice a small movement here and there. With a stethoscope you will sure know they're there. You can actively hear that heartbeat pumping back and forth.

At 17 weeks pregnant your baby is about the size of the palm of your hand. They are now also beginning to hear sounds as their ears are starting to stand out. This is a time when many women will begin talking to their baby and singing songs even more than they have done before because your baby is recognizing your voice.


As your uterus is now growing more and more, it is also shifting your center of gravity. You may feel like your losing your balance at times. Don't be concerned though, this is completely normal at 17 weeks pregnant.

Have you had an amniocentisis yet? Between 16 and 17 weeks pregnant is when the first ultrasound is generally done. This is a very special time for both mother and father. The first ultrasound is one of the joys of pregnancy.

You may now begin to start showing signs of pregnancy at this stage, although if you're not, it's nothing to worry about. Some women show signs earlier than others.

Keep in mind that at 17 weeks pregnant and beyond, you'll need to reduce your stress level. While it's impossible to eliminate all stress in your life, you should try to be mindful of it. Avoid situations that you know will only create additional stress.

Being 17 weeks pregnant is an interesting time since you can now begin feeling a small movement here and there from your baby. It's only one of the many great things that lie just ahead.


Why Use a Home Pregnancy Test

The first place a woman will go if they suspect they are pregnant is a home pregnancy test to get a confirmation. Before making an appointment with the doctor this is a much more private and convenient way to obtain results. Almost all home pregnancy tests work on the same principle even though they come in a variety of packages and price ranges.

Human chorionic gonadotropin or more commonly known as HCG is the key to the home pregnancy test. At the time that an embryo implants into the uterine wall HCG will make an appearance. Anywhere from six to twelve days after ovulation takes place this process occurs. HCG levels will multiply in a woman's body at a rapid rate during the first few days and weeks of pregnancy. It is easier for the home pregnancy test to detect the hormone in a woman's urine when it is at higher levels in a woman's system Pregnancy Diary.

It is usually recommended that a woman waits to take a home pregnancy test until the time that her menstrual period would normally be due since the time frame involved before HCG becomes easy to read. This is the best way to ensure the most accurate reading of the home pregnancy test.

Some home pregnancy tests can be performed earlier because they are developed to be even more sensitive to detecting HCG. As early as seven days after ovulation some tests will advertise a detection of HCG. The earlier in the pregnancy that the test is performed you should keep in mind that the results are less accurate.

How to Use a Home Pregnancy Test

Manufacturers will recommend following the package instructions very carefully in order to ensure the most effective testing process. Some tests will work best if the stick is held under the urine stream while other advise a woman to get better results by hold the stick in a cup of urine for a few minutes.

Since HCG levels are higher in the morning, many tests advise women to perform the tests first thing in the morning. As quickly as two minutes after the test is done a woman using a home pregnancy test can have results. The user will know the test has been completed properly by a test window on most sticks.

A woman should confirm the results with her doctor once a positive result is read on a home pregnancy test. This no only allows a woman to ensure the accuracy, but a woman is also able to start prenatal care as soon as possible Free Pregnancy Test


Gestational Diabetes - What It Can Mean To Your Baby

Gestational diabetes, while only affecting 5% of pregnancies, can have serious effects on your baby. Here's a quick rundown on some of the possible complications.

During the 24th - 28th week of pregnancy, your doctor will give you a simple blood test for diabetes. Blood glucose levels, or blood sugar levels, that are elevated may be a sign of gestational diabetes. Left unchecked, this can cause:


Jaundice is fairly common after 5-7 days of birth. Generally, this is not a serious health issue, but needs medical attention nonetheless.

Death or baby being stillborn

The risk of death or stillbirth rises significantly with gestational diabetes that is left untreated.


There are times when babies will develop low blood sugar after birth due to gestational diabetes in their mother. Their own insulin production has been extremely high in countering the increased levels of blood sugar, but is now needing some time to go down to a regular level.


There are times when a baby will grow to a much larger size due to untreated gestational diabetes. This condition is known as macrosmia. It happens when the baby is exposed to far greater amounts of blood sugar.

Shoulder Dsytocia

Although rare, due to the increase in size of the baby it is unable to come through the birth canal.

Although gestational diabetes affects fewer than 1 in 10 women who are pregnant, it is a serious condition that must be treated.

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The Many Benefits Of Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy has so many great benefits for both your and your new baby. Normally, exercise should be light, especially during your first few weeks of pregnancy while your body adjusts to the changes. Any type of heavy exercise can divert the blood flow from crucial areas, and most women that exercise on a regular basis should tone down their workout regimen during pregnancy.

Swimming, walking, and yoga are two very popular exercise activities that are suitable for pregnant women. There are other forms of exercise such as weight lifting that are acceptable as long as it isn't too strenuous. Most specialists recommend exercise during pregnancy at 3 - 4 times a week, unless you have a medical condition that prevents it. If you are ever in doubt, you should consult a physician first.

Below, you'll find some of the best reasons as to why you should exercise during pregnancy.

1. Exercise can help to reduce the length of labor and recovery time. The right exercise routines will also increase stamina that is needed for delivery.

2. Improved mental health. Exercise can lower stress and improve your emotional health, making it easier for you to get through the new experience of becoming a mother.

3. Exercise can also help with weight management after the child has been born. A common concern with most mothers is the weight they lose after pregnancy. During pregnancy, exercise can make postpartum weight loss easier.

4. Exercise is very good for your unborn baby. By keeping your body healthy, you are also looking out for your baby as well.

5. Exercise can help reduce the side effects of pregnancy. Symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, swelling, and constipation are all common with pregnant women. Studies have shown exercise to reduce the occurrence of these symptoms.

6. Exercise can also decrease the risk of premature birth. Exercise has been proven to decrease the risk of premature birth by at least 50%.

You should always make sure that you drink plenty of fluids before you exercise, follow a nutritious diet, and avoid over exertion. You should also listen to your body, and if you start feeling sick you should immediately stop and rest.

If you exercise during your pregnancy, you'll find it a lot easier to deliver when the time comes. Exercise will help your body strengthen up, which will make it very easy on you when you go into the delivery room. Women who don't exercise find it much harder when the time comes to give birth. Exercising during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and for your unborn baby. Your baby will reap some of the benefits, which is reason enough to exercise.

Always be safe when you work out and don't hesitate to ask a doctor for advice if you have any questions at all. As long as you exercise safe and use good common sense, you'll do a world of good by getting some exercise during pregnancy.


The Secret Tips In Getting Pregnant

Have you ever found yourself wondering how it seems like those people who want to desperately get pregnant, can't, but those who really aren't looking to get pregnant often times find themselves in that very position? I've seen folks think that all it takes is a few intimate moments of unprotected sexual intercourse, and bang, here comes the baby! Unfortunately, things don't always work that way, although it sometimes can. So, what are the secret tips on getting pregnant?

The secret tips on getting pregnant really revolve around the ovulation period of a woman. As I'm sure most of you already know, a woman ovulates once a month, and the ovum lasts for approximately twelve hours. During this period it has to be fertilized or it dries up and becomes almost impossible to fertilize. You can see how that simply having unprotected sex during any other time of the month will do no good at all. It most likely will not lead you to becoming pregnant. It's only when you are intimate during this period that it is possible to become pregnant. It's really quite miraculous that a woman can even get pregnant at all with a time frame such as this.

By taking this information you now have, you can take it a step further in trying to get pregnant. By knowing how to increase the potency of the male sperm can further help in making you pregnant. In fact, with all of this information there is a lower chance of you falling into depression, thinking that you are not able to conceive a baby. This itself fosters a renewed interest in getting pregnant, and thus helps in the conception process. That's correct, even your attitude can help with pregnancy.

It may come as quite a surprise to some, and upsetting to others, but repeated ejaculation only lowers the male sperm count. In order to make sure you maintain a healthy sperm count, cut this down to no more than once every 2 or 3 days. That may not be what you want to hear, but in trying to become pregnant, this is what you'll need to do. Also, be sure he isn't wearing any tight underwear because this can also reduce the production of sperms in the testicles.

So, if you're discouraged about not being able to get pregnant, even while have a lot of unprotected sex, try these tips and see if they don't help. Another important point to keep in mind is that you both need a healthy mind and body. Have healthy eating habits. Lay off the alcohol and cigarettes. Smoking can cause damage to any new fetus during the first few days of existence.

Your best chances in becoming pregnant is to figure out when you ovulate. Then, have sex a couple of hours before ovulation actually begins and you should be fine. Even having sex the day before and day after can dramatically increase your chances. By following the methods laid out here I believe you'll find getting pregnant just a little easier.


10 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Is So Much Better For Your Baby

You've most likely heard every doctor and health care professional say that breastfeeding new babies is the best nutrition there is. Not only is it the natural way to feed your baby, but the health benefits are enormous. Here are a few great reasons to breastfeed your newborn baby.

1. Fat is vital to your newborn. Why? Because most all of the essential vitamins and nutrients that your baby needs, comes from fat. It gives vitamin A - D and E, and at the same time provides the necessary calories your baby requires. Breastfeeding gives your baby these vital nutrients to keep them healthy.

2. Milk from a cow can often times create an allergic reaction in a newborn infant. Breastfeeding reactions are extremely rare.

3. Milk from breastfeeding has many hormones and growth factors in it that assist your baby in growing and keeping healthy.

4. It's a fact that breastfeeding babies are healthier. They have lower risks of getting infections, illnesses and meningitis. Another important aspect is that a breast fed baby is 5-6 times less likely of getting childhood lymphoma. They are also much less likely to get ear infections than their bottle fed counterparts.

5. Another important reason for breastfeeding your baby has to do with staying fit. Research has been done and shows that breast fed babies are more fit and have a lower risk of becoming obese when they grow up. Why? It has been determined that bottle fed infants have much more insulin in their system which causes the fat cells to increase. We all know that obese children are more likely to develop diabetes, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular diseases as they grow older.

6. Breast fed babies have also shown to be healthier than formula fed babies. They have reduced rates of sickness, ear infections, allergies, and even hospital visits.

7. Breastfeeding also creates a sense of security and bonding with their mother. No bottle fed baby gets this added sense of security. A baby gets a sense of comfort, safety and joy by being nursed from their mother.

8. A breastfeeding mother gets an added plus by being able to lose the extra pre-birth weight and regain their pre-pregnancy size. It's also great for fighting off the postpartum depression that can easily strike a new mom.

9. Breast milk is free. You can save your money by not having to buy formula. And it is readily available.

10. When breastfeeding your newborn, colostrum is what your baby will first feed on. It's gives your baby all the nutrients and vitamins an infant needs. In addition, colostrum has the necessary amounts of immunoglobulins which keeps your baby from getting bacterial and viral infections.

Only you can determine is breastfeeding is right for you. I encourage you to take the time to seriously consider it. Learn all that you can and make a well informed decision that is in the best interests of you and your baby.


Early Pregnancy and Prenatal Vitamins

If you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant, you probably know that it is important for you to get plenty of folic acid. Folic acid helps to reduce brain and spinal defects in your baby, especially in early pregnancy. What you may not know is how important it is to take multivitamins, as well.

A study, recently published in the medical journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, noted the importance of taking multivitamins if trying to conceive or newly pregnant. Their research concluded that women who take multivitamins in early pregnancy reduced their child's risk of developing certain brain tumors.

Researchers found that women taking multivitamins close to the time they conceived had babies who were less likely to develop medulloblastoma and primitive neuroectodermal brain tumors. Brain tumors are fairly rare in children, occurring in 1 in 20,000 kids under the age of six. Medulloblastoma is the second most common brain tumor in children.

The study at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia compared 315 children with brain tumors to 315 randomly chosen healthy children. Researchers called each mother and asked if they had been taking multivitamins before or after conception. The findings were slightly significant , yet they were comparable to a study conducted in 1993 by a different group.

Interestingly, taking a multivitamin during the later stages of pregnancy did not significantly reduce the infant's risk of developing brain tumors. This makes it all too clear that if you are trying to get pregnant, you should begin taking your multivitamins right away. Then continue with the approval of your physician at least through the early stages of your pregnancy.

Women are strongly urged to choose a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid. Reproductive women should eat healthy foods with plenty of vitamins and folic acid.

When choosing your vitamin, check its vitamin A content. Never take more than 770 micrograms of Vitamin A. Too much can cause birth defects in babies.

You should also look on the label for the letters USP. This means the vitamin has been evaluated and meets certain criteria by the U.S. Pharmacopeia Organization. Vitamins with a USP stamp have certain standardized levels of purity, safety, quality and content.

Your OB/GYN will help you choose a pre-natal vitamin before you even get pregnant. So good luck if you are trying to conceive, and take that multivitamin for both you and your baby!


Reduce Stress During Pregnancy

Many mothers during pregnancy face extremely stressful circumstances. Pregnancy is a nine month journey for both you and your baby. Pregnancy typically lasts 40 weeks (about 9 months). Stress-related changes in a pregnant woman's heart rate and blood pressure, along with chronic anxiety, can affect the heart rate of her developing fetus, a new study concludes. Maternal stress during pregnancy is also found to cause of asymmetry in coordination of ears, fingers, feet, elbows, etc. Maternal stress is also linked with imperfections in the developing nervous system which can lead to problems of perception, thinking, and memory. These mothers experience constant stress, shame, loneliness and, sometimes, clinical depression during pregnancy or after giving birth. Their partners or families may not encourage them to seek help because the problem it is not seen as a medical one. There are many negative side effects of stress during pregnancy. Very high levels of stress may contribute to an increased risk of premature delivery or low birth weight babies. Still other studies suggest that overly high stress levels can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and produce chronic anxiety.

Maternal stress during pregnancy is also found to cause of asymmetry in coordination of ears, fingers, feet, elbows, etc. Stress doesn't have to be bad especially when you take care to manage the stress you experience during your pregnancy. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet. Eating well will provide you the energy you need to get through the day, especially when you feel tired or overworked. Exercise has huge stress reducing qualities. Walking is another activity you can do in order to keep fit and reduce stress. Shortness of breath is pretty common among pregnant women, so if you feel like you've pushed yourself too far, take a rest then move at a slower pace. Water is highly important for more reasons than keeping your body hydrated. A common reason for headaches is a lack of water in the system. Try not to drink beverages in excessive amounts right before bed. Try some natural stress reduction techniques including biofeedback, yoga or meditation. Reduce your workload. If you find you are doing too much in a day find ways to delegate certain tasks to others.

Reduce Stress During Pregnancy Tips

1. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet.

2. Drinking lots of water.

3. Regular exercise makes you feel great and is a wonderful way to limit anxiety in your life.

4. Relaxing by meditating, listening to music or writing in a journal.

5. Resisting any urges to drink alcohol, smoke or take herbal products or drugs.

6. Staying away from stressful people and stressful situations, when possible.

7. Try some natural stress reduction techniques including biofeedback, yoga or meditation.

8. Reduce your workload.


Tips to Reduce the Stress of Being Pregnant

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby is to keep a healthy and positive physical, mental and spiritual state. There are many things that can impact your health and the stress of being pregnant is one of the problems many women face. Usually minor stress is not always a bad thing to experience but prolonged stress can have a damaging effect to your pregnancy.

Here are tips that you can do to help relieve some of the stress of being pregnant that you may be feeling:

I feel the most important thing you can do to relieve any type of stress you are feeling is to exercise on a regular basis. Anything you choose to do is a benefit and you should feel better about things by the end of your workout. This will also help you at night since your mind will be able to relax enough for you to fall asleep. You can swim, practice yoga or participate in a low-impact aerobics class to name just a few things that you can do.

If you are the type of person that likes to be in control then keep in mind that there are many things during your pregnancy that will be out of your control. When you feel stressed out and you can recognize that it is because the situation is not in your control then take a moment to inhale a few large breaths or you can stop and count slowly to five or ten. Doing this will help your mind take a step back from the situation and you can approach it from a fresh perspective.

Do not feel that you are imposing on others when you need help. People want to help you so you should not feel afraid to let them know you can use a hand. You do not have to manage everything alone during pregnancy and if people offer to help you out and relieve some of the burden you are facing, accept it as you would a gift. You receive something of value and the person giving it to you feels a sense of enjoyment from helping out a person that they love.

Maintain close ties and open lines of communication with your friends and family. Since this is an emotional time for you, do not hesitate to reach out to someone for support, comfort and guidance. The more you seek the support of the people around you, the more secure you will feel and this will help you manage your stress.

Take some time to pamper yourself as much as possible and give yourself some extra time for rest and relaxation during the week. You can go for a walk, take a long, soothing bath, spend time on your hobby or do whatever it is that you like to do that makes you feel happy. When you are happy, your baby is happy!

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Exercise for Pregnant Women

No one, not your doctor, midwife, or even your mother can reliably predict how your labor well progress. Fortunately, there are few exercises you can do during your pregnancy period to help prepare your body for what's to come. Pregnancy can weaken your energy, but regular bouts exercise will help you get through your daily task or cope with a demanding schedule: Exercise can strengthen your cardiovascular system, so you don't tire as easily. With muscles that are strong and toned, you need less effort to engage in any activity, whether that means grocery shopping or sitting through meetings at the office.

Now that you're pregnant, you'll want to know how to avoid those unwanted pounds by discovering the secrets to looking and feeling great during your pregnancy. We all know how important exercise is for our bodies, even if we're not pregnant, all the more reason to exercise during pregnancy. If you were active before, then by all means keep it up, and if you have been fairly sedentary, then all hope is not lost. If exercise has always been an important part of your life, then all you have to do is limit strenuous activities that involve bouncing, weight lifting, or are hazardous by nature, like down hill skiing or scuba diving. It is important to consult your obstetrician first, of course, especially if complications may limit your ability to exercise.

There are very few people who realize the importance of exercise during pregnancy. People either go one way or the other. Either they do not exercise at all during pregnancy, which can lead to back problems, weight gain, and a decline in cardiovascular health, or else they exercise too much. Exercising too much is even worse than not exercising at all. Some experts think that you can strain your body, hinder the baby's development, and even induce a miscarriage with exercises during pregnancy. Exercising during pregnancy should be done, but it should be done with caution.

If you're experiencing morning sickness during your first trimester, you may not feel up to exercise, but the benefits are many, so get going as soon as you can. Exercise during pregnancy helps you feel better because it increases energy levels, its good for your baby, it relieves backaches, reduces constipation, relieves stress and anxiety, helps you sleep better, and it gives your skin a healthy glow. It also prepares you and your body for an easier and shorter labor and delivery, and helps you regain your pre-pregnancy body more quickly after birth. Examples of appropriate exercise during pregnancy are swimming, water aerobics, yoga, Pilates, biking, or walking, which all combine cardio, strength, and flexibility. Exercise should be limited if you have pregnancy induced hypertension, early contractions, vaginal bleeding, or premature rupture of the amniotic membranes. Avoid outside exercise during pregnancy on hot and humid days, drink plenty of water, and keep your maximum heart rate below 140 beats per minute. If you can't talk during exercise, slow down, and stop if you feel fatigued, dizzy, experience heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or unusual pain in your back or pelvis.

Of course, you can continue to exercise during early pregnancy. In most respects, you can actually keep up your normal exercise routine. If you are accustomed to pushing yourself very hard, however, you may want to slow down on your routine just a bit. You will not have as much energy, and your body will have more to do, after all. Nonetheless, for the majority of us, exercise during pregnancy can continue as normal for the first trimester. Exercise during the second trimester; however get a little bit trickier.

Some exercise during pregnancy can be continued for the whole duration. For example, moderate walking can be continued almost until you are ready to deliver. There are some exercises designed to actually help pregnant women. For example, there are special yoga routines that can be done during pregnancy. Most exercise during pregnancy, however, is off-limits once the second trimester begins. Serious running, martial arts, and gymnastics are all strongly cautioned against. Even weight lifting machines can be dangerous during pregnancy. The bottom line is you should ask a qualified health care practitioner about exercise during pregnancy before trying anything. Most of the time, you can trust your body, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

In my opinion, the best exercise during pregnancy is light walking and stretches. Walking is one of the best cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women because it keeps you fit without harsh your knees and ankles. It is also a safe activity to continue through out all nine months of pregnancy and one of the easier ways to start exercising if you haven't previously been active. Stretching is especially important. Because your center of gravity will shift dramatically during pregnancy, it can put strain on your back and throw your muscles out of alignment. Stretching will enhance your flexibility, prevent our muscles from tightening, and make you feel looser and more relaxed. Through stretching and light strength building activities, you can prevent the back problems that are so common among pregnant women. Exercise during pregnancy is essential, because if you do not start doing an exercise routine during the early months you are likely to have serious aches and pains at the end of the pregnancy. It is always better to start early than to wait until it is too late.

Most of us have heard, time and time again, about the benefits of exercise for women. Exercise can make you feel better, look better and live longer. Well, pregnancy exercise actually gives you all the benefits of regular exercise plus a little bit more. It can help you to manage all those things that come along with pregnancy like nausea, weight gain, and stiff muscles. It can also increase your stamina, helping to prepare you for labor and delivery.

It was once thought that pregnant women should spend nine months prone on the couch, resting comfortable, but that's no longer true. Visit the American Academy of Family Physicians at
www.familydoctor.org, or a number of other sites like www.americanpregnancy.org, www.childbirth.org, or www.exercise.about.com, for more information on exercise during pregnancy. Listen to your body, and feel healthy during your pregnancy by enjoying safe physical activity. Overall, regular exercise stretches and strengthens your muscles, which helps your body cope better with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Your body and your baby will benefit greatly from it, and you will have a healthy and happy pregnancy, which is just what it should be!

Exercise for Women


About Women's Health and Pregnancy

There is no normal, healthy condition as stressful and dangerous as pregnancy. Many parts of a woman's normal lifestyle can become a health risk when a woman is pregnant. Every woman should see her doctor as soon as possible when she suspects she may be pregnant and she should follow the doctor's suggestions; maintain good nutrition and much more.

The good thing is that usually, the things a pregnant woman gives up are bad for her and the things she needs to do are good for her. Usually, women's health and pregnancy go hand in hand.

Health Times Two

A woman who expects to become pregnant should already be living a healthy lifestyle. Smoking is possibly the worst thing for women's health and pregnancy. Smoking increases a woman's risk of heart disease, lung disease and can adversely affect just about every physical system in the body. Don't wait until you are pregnant to quit. You wouldn't invite a stranger into a smoke-filled home, don't do it to your child. Begin your prenatal vitamin regimen as soon as possible including folic acid and iron.

And remember, the vitamins are all the "eating for two" you need to do for quite a while. Avoid toxic substances. Even paint fumes can be harmful to women's health and pregnancy. Don't eat undercooked meats or clean up after your cat while pregnant. Toxoplasmosis is very dangerous to an unborn baby. Increase your hand washing, too.

Weight gain is normal during pregnancy. If you are over- or underweight normally, you may need to consult a nutritionist during your pregnancy to monitor your weight gain and diet. If morning sickness is a problem, try eating six small meals instead of three large ones. Don't let the queasy feelings make you skip too many meals.

Medication can be a problem during pregnancy. If you have a chronic disorder that requires medication, consult your doctor as soon as possible � even before becoming pregnant if possible. Sometimes women's health and pregnancy become a tradeoff temporarily. That goes for over the counter medications, too. Check with your doctor before taking pain killers or cold medication. Cold medication can contain alcohol which is harmful to the baby. That also means cutting out alcoholic beverages while pregnant and nursing. Consult your doctor about physical activity.

Usually, the amount and type of exercise that was normal prior to pregnancy will be safe during at least most of the pregnancy. New types of exercise should be monitored by your doctor. By taking the sensible precautions, women's health and pregnancy can get along just fine.


Pregnancy : 1st Trimester - Tests and Procedures

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services your spouse may need other lab tests, like blood or urine tests, cultures for infections, or ultrasound exams in the first trimester, for special genetic or medical reasons. The doctor will discuss them with you and your spouse during your visits. The most common tests recommended in the first trimester include:

Nuchal translucency screening (NTS)
This new type of screening can be done between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. It uses an ultrasound and blood test to calculate the risk of some birth defects. Doctors use the ultrasound exam to check the thickness of the back of the fetus' neck. They also test your spouse's blood for levels of a protein called pregnancy-associated plasma protein and a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Doctors use this information to tell if the fetus has a normal or greater than normal chance of having some birth defects.

In an important recent study, NTS found 87% of cases of Down syndrome when done at 11 weeks of pregnancy. When NTS was followed by another blood test done in the second trimester (maternal serum screening test), 95% of fetuses with Down syndrome were identified. Like all screening tests, the results are sometimes misleading. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, in 5% of women who have NTS, results show that their babies have a high risk of having a birth defect when they are actually healthy. This is called a false positive.

To find out for sure if the fetus has a birth defect, NTS must be followed by a diagnostic test like chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. NTS is not yet widely used. If you and your spouse are interested in NTS, talk to your doctor. If she is unable to do the test, she can refer you to someone who can. Your spouse should also call her insurance company to find out if they cover the cost of this procedure.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, NTS allows women to find out early if there are potential health problems with the fetus. This may help them decide whether to have follow-up tests.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
CVS is performed between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. In CVS, the doctor inserts a needle through the abdomen or inserts a catheter through the cervix to reach the placenta. The doctor then takes a sample of cells from the placenta. Experts use this sample to look for problems with the baby's chromosomes. This test cannot find out whether your baby has open neural tube defects.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, about 1 in 200 women have a miscarriage as a result of this test.

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Why Exercise During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be a challenging phase for your spouse. Maintaining a healthy posture will help her keep back problems away. An exercise routine will especially help her to keep fit. Your spouse can begin an exercise routine even if she has never really exercised before. Walking, swimming, pre-natal yoga, and simple aerobics are ideal forms of exercise during pregnancy.

These are some of the things your spouse may need to remember if she is starting an exercise routine:

� All exercise programs should be begun gradually. Starting with about 15 minutes, three to four days a week is sufficient.
� She should resist the temptation to overdo it.
� She should avoid jogging, unless she used to jog regularly before her pregnancy.
� She should avoid doing sit-ups and other exercises, which involve lying on the back as they may decrease blood flow to the uterus.
� Exercises that involve standing in the same place for long periods can also decrease blood flow to the baby. It is better to keep moving or changing positions frequently.
� She should avoid strenuous forms of exercise, such as riding a bike.
� She should wear loose comfortable clothing and avoid overheating.
� She must drink adequate amounts of water to avoid dehydration.
� She should eat healthy foods to make up for calories lost during exercise.
� If, after exercise, she notices symptoms such as fatigue, pain, nausea, vaginal bleeding or discharge, or pelvic contractions, she should contact her doctor immediately.

Whether your spouse is pregnant or not, exercise is one of the best things she can do for her physical and emotional health. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women without health problems or pregnancy complications exercise moderately for 30 minutes or more on most, if not all, days of the week.

Pregnant or not, exercise helps keep the heart, bones, and mind healthy. Staying active also seems to give some special added paybacks for pregnant women.

Here are some really good reasons for your spouse to get regular exercise during pregnancy:

� It can ease and prevent aches and pains of pregnancy including constipation, varicose veins, backaches, and exhaustion
� Active women seem to be better prepared for labor and delivery and recover more quickly
� Exercise may lower the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy
� Fit women have an easier time getting back to a healthy weight after delivery
� Regular exercise may improve sleep during pregnancy.

Staying active can protect your spouse's emotional health. Pregnant women who exercise seem to have better self-esteem and a lower risk of depression and anxiety. Get more information for pregnancy exercise


Exercises During Pregnancy - 3 Safe Things You Can Do

Do you feel as though you do not know what types of exercise are right for you now that you are pregnant? When I was pregnant with my child, I was uncertain about what exercises I should do and there was so much conflicting information on the Internet that I wasn't certain where to begin. I would like to share five simple exercises that are beneficial for you as well as your baby.

Walking is one of the greatest forms of exercise available that you can do at any time and anywhere that you choose. It is the safest way to exercise and you can start by simply walking around the block and increase the distance as you go. While you are walking you can enjoy nature and also get away from the house for a little while to give you time to think while providing you with quality time that you can enjoy by yourself or with a friend.

Swimming is another great form of low impact exercise that works out your entire body and also increases your stamina. Another great benefit is that the buoyancy will help you feel lighter which will help ease the pressure on your back and legs. You can start by swimming a few laps and increase the distance as you go.

Another great exercise is low-impact aerobics. You can look for a class that specializes in helping expecting mothers so that the instructor will gear the exercises accordingly while watching to make sure that you are not hurting yourself or your baby. These exercises will help improve your stamina as well as help you keep your weight down while feeling fit and healthy.

There are many forms of exercise and these are just three that you can begin during your pregnancy to increase your strength, stamina and flexibility as you get ready to deliver your baby. Before beginning any of these exercises, be sure to consult your doctor to see if any limitations will be placed upon your chosen exercise routine. Always drink plenty of water and stop exercising whenever you feel it is necessary. Have fun and I wish you and your baby the best of health during and after your pregnancy.

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Can the old saying that the biological clock is ticking be true? In fact, there is truth in that adage. In the early childbearing years, women have a better chance of conceiving. There are many reasons for this.

A woman begins life with a finite amount of eggs. Even though these eggs may number close to one million, only a few of them are actually in perfect condition for creating a baby. Unfortunately, once a woman begins her period, that group of eggs in her ovaries begin to die off. As she grows older, her eggs continue to decrease. Sometimes, a woman may produce more than one egg during ovulation possibly increasing the chances of pregnancy and in fact, a multiples pregnancy however those eggs aren't always of ideal quality.

Another reason why it is more difficult for women to get pregnant as they age is because their egg quality diminishes. Eggs must be strong to achieve fertilization and become a healthy embryo. Egg quality is always best in a woman at a young age and as she gets older, the eggs become weaker.

Egg quality is measured by a FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) test on day 3 of the menstrual cycle. This test is conducted by taking a blood sample. Levels of ten or lower are considered normal. Anything above 25 is an abnormal level. Doctors say that levels from ten to twenty-five are borderline women that fall within this range may have problems conceiving, but pregnancy is still a good possibility.

Does this mean that women in their early 40's will never get pregnant? That is not always the case. Several women in their 40's will become pregnant and have a healthy baby, but chances are that there will be problems in conceiving. A woman at 40 will probably have more problems becoming pregnant she would have had at age twenty. Her eggs won't be as tough and healthy and there she will have fewer of them. However, with a doctors care and fertility medications, it is possible to get pregnant.


Pregnancy- Diabetes

While you are pregnant, you need to make more insulin to breakdown the sugar (glucose) in your blood and convert it to energy. When your pancreas cannot create sufficient amounts of insulin to keep up with the level of glucose in your blood you get Gestational Diabetes. This condition occurs in about four percent of pregnancies. The warning signs of gestational diabetes are similar to pregnancy symptoms, therefore, your doctor will need to give you a glucose test to find out whether or not you have gestational diabetes. This test is typically administered sometime between your 24-28th week.

If you have gestational diabetes, your doctor might have you counsel with a nutritionist who will help you control your blood sugar. You should also get plenty of exercise and test your blood sugar level each day. If you're not able to control your diabetes with diet and exercise, you'll need to use insulin injections.

Gestational Diabetes will produce some dangers for you and your baby. Your diabetes will typically go away a few weeks after you have the baby. Your doctor will monitor your blood sugar levels after giving birth to ensure that your levels are returning to normal. From that point on you will have higher chances of getting diabetes in subsequent pregnancies as well as Type Two diabetes later on in life.

Glucose crosses the placenta and goes into your babys blood stream. If you have gestational diabetes, your baby's blood sugar level will also rise. His or her pancreas will create more insulin to assist in breaking down the extra sugar. Because the breakdown of glucose provides the body with energy, the higher level of glucose caused by diabetes will cause your baby to keep the extra energy as fat. This could cause you to have a higher than normal birth weight baby which may require you to have a cesarean section.

After birth, your baby may still be producing the excess insulin required to breakdown the extra glucose collected from you. Because your child isn't getting the extra glucose from you, he/she may have low blood sugar. A blood sample will be taken from your babys heel to check the blood sugar level. If your child's blood sugar level is low, you'll want to breast feed as quickly as possible or give give the baby formula. Babies whose moms had gestational diabetes have increased risks of being obese or of developing diabetes in childhood or as an adult.


Shopping advice during pregnancy

What you ware during pregnancy is very important for you, because despite all changes that your body suffers from during pregnancy, you still feel the need to look good and thus feel good. Then the most obvious change that you can make is to buy new, fancy clothes. Well, this is also a necessity, but let us leave this reason behind and concentrate only on the more beautiful part.

Information is the key in pregnancy when you want to go shopping. Knowing all the great stores with maternity clothes and those with baby clothes is crucial. However, if you feel the need to shop and shop because you believe that your body is already starting to change during pregnancy, it is best to see if the clothes that you have actually fit you even during pregnancy. This need to shop and buy a lot of maternity clothes usually happens after the twentieth week of pregnancy, when your body will also start to suffer from drastic changes.

Furthermore, besides all the clothes that they will want to buy for them during pregnancy, women will also feel a desperate need to buy their unborn child all the clothes that they see. This happens mostly in the first trimester of pregnancy and it is quite a common stage. However, every soon to be mother should keep in mind that buying things at the right time and most of all buying the right things is very important. Ask your mother or anyone who has experience with pregnancy to find out more. Now, this being said, let us return to you, the soon to be mother.

If during pregnancy you can understand how your body changes you can know what clothes to look for and shopping during pregnancy will not be as clueless. After a hundred and forty days of pregnancy your body, especially the abdomen, will go through major changes. The usual clothes that you wear before start to squeeze your abdomen. The breast area will also become much wider during this period of pregnancy and all clothes that you used to wear will make you fell uncomfortable.

Moreover, not only new clothes will make you feel better during pregnancy but they can also influence your child' s health. How is that possible? Well the fabric that is used, the cut of the cloths are very important during pregnancy. You also have to be very careful what clothes you buy. The choices that you make should also depend on where you will wear them.


Postpartum Alopecia: Treating Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Childbirth can be a stressful time and for some women it can result in a temporary hair loss condition called postpartum alopecia (also known as postnatal alopecia). The condition usually starts around two to three months after childbirth, gradually worsening for up to three months then recovering over the next three months until hair starts to re-grow. Postpartum alopecia is characterized as a general thinning (also known as diffuse thinning) over the whole scalp. This is unlike male pattern hair loss where the hairline recedes and a completely bald patch appears on the top of the scalp. Postpartum Alopecia can affect up to 90% of all mothers and the extent of hair loss can vary considerably from mild to excessive shedding.

Why does it occur?

The exact cause of postpartum alopecia is still not fully understood but it is linked to the hormonal changes that occur during childbirth. During pregnancy there are increased levels of estrogen in the body which keeps the hair in the anagen growing phase resulting in temporarily thicker hair. After childbirth a withdrawal of estrogen switches off the extended growing phase and switches the hair to the catagen shedding phase resulting in the sudden excessive hair loss. It has been suggested that modern lifestyles and poor nutrition are a major factor for postpartum alopecia, but research has shown that these factors do not play a part in this condition.

Can it be treated?

Since postpartum alopecia is a temporary condition where the hair fully recovers there are few effective treatments available. You can consult with you local GP for advice but you will probably be advised that there is nothing to worry about due to it being part of the natural postpartum process. The best that can be done is to try not to exacerbate the condition so that no more hair loss than necessary occurs. To help maintain your hair during this period you should try and avoid hair styles with plaits, pigtails, braids and using tight hair rollers that tend to pull the hair. Also avoid using hot blow dryers and heated hair strengtheners as these can also put excessive stress on the hair. After washing always try to pat the hair dry with a good quality bath towel, hair is always more fragile when wet so try not to rub the hair vigorously.

Eating a healthy diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables can also play an important part in trying to maintain the hair. Fruit and vegetables contain flavonoids which are thought to encourage stronger hair growth by strengthening the small blood vessels supplying the hair follicles. Diet supplements are also known to help with hair growth and these can be used to help treat postpartum alopecia. The most effective vitamin supplements are Biotin, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Zinc and these are readily available in multivitamin capsules. Finally there are a range of hair loss shampoos that may help to reduce hair loss in some cases but these are not generally guaranteed to help with postpartum alopecia.

The most important thing to remember about postpartum alopecia is try not to worry too much, it is only a temporary condition and it will eventually stop.

Please visit our web site for more information about the causes of alopecia.


Throwing A Baby Shower : What You Need To Know

Throwing baby showers is a time-honored way to celebrate the impending addition of a new member to a loved one's family. Traditionally, a baby shower is a "girls only" event, often hosted by the baby's godmother, but today baby showers can be hosted by any friend or relative of the mother-to-be, and can be attended by whomever the host wishes to invite. The general purpose of a baby shower is to give useful gifts to the expectant mother, such as layette items, baby toys and clothes, and often gift certificates for useful things. It is not untoward for the expectant parents to draw up a "wish list" of items they especially need but may be having difficulty affording.

Baby showers are a relatively recent tradition, generally credited as having their start in the US. A baby shower is usually a relatively casual event, held in the afternoon or early evening, often with refreshments provided and sometimes party games held as well. It is not uncommon to have a potluck shower, where guests each bring a food item along with a gift, although fully catered showers are also quite common. Party games, if the host chooses to have them, generally center around the general theme of the baby and pregnancy, ranging from themed versions traditional games like charades to activities such as guessing the circumference of the pregnant guest-of-honor.

While many parents-to-be look forward to having a baby shower, some social groups feel such celebrations are best left as family affairs, or believe that it is bad luck to celebrate a birth before it happens. If you offer to host a shower for an expectant friend, don't be hurt if she politely declines. In other cases, the mother-to-be may have multiple showers! Perhaps one for co-workers and casual friends, and one for close friends and family. Some women have a baby shower only for their first child, while others may choose to have one for every pregnancy.

Baby showers are not bound by rigid traditions to the same extent as weddings and other life events, so don't be surprised if a new friend's baby shower is nothing like the last one you attended. There is really no "wrong" way to throw a baby shower, so if you have been charged with hosting a shower for a friend or relative, it's an "anything goes" affair (so long as you have the guest of honor's stamp of approval for your plans!).


Pregnancy and advises for labor stages

At the end of the 40 weeks of pregnancy, during the last period of the three trimesters, the future mothers enter the labor period. Labor is divided into three stages which are the dilation of the cervix, the delivery of the baby and the delivery of the placenta. In women that are giving birth for the first time labor takes around 12 to 24 hours. This period is shorter for women that had already delivered once. In their case labor takes about six to seven hours.

Contractions are the first symptoms of the labor. Sometimes Braxton-Hicks contractions are confused with labor. The difference between them is that the false contractions which are the Braxton-Hicks contraction usually start halfway through the pregnancy and continue until delivery. Labor is believed to be the cause of a hormone called oxytocin which is responsible for uterine contractions. Labor involves different symptoms that cause discomfort to the pregnant women. Among these symptoms we mention periodic cramps, backache, contractions, a small bloodstained discharge as their cervix thins and the mucus plug drop out.

As we said before labor includes three stages. The first stage is resumed at the dilation of cervix up to 10 centimeters. This first stage also includes different phases. The longest and the least painful phase of the labor is the latent phase. The cervix can thin out and mild contractions can occur. After this latent phase it is to follow an active phase. This phase involves strong and painful contractions that occur from about four to four minutes and last almost a minute. During this phase the cervix dilates around 7 centimeters. The final phase of the first stage is called the transition phase. The contractions occur more and more often and become more intense. Their frequency increases and the cervix get to the 10 centimeters size.

The second stage of the labor consists of the pushing of the baby. When the cervix gets dilated enough this stage may begin. The contractions are regular so the woman can relax between them. This stage lasts around 15 minutes to an hour, depending on each women and the number of deliveries.

The third and last stage of the labor is the delivery of the placenta. This stage does not last more than 30 minutes. For some women this stage could last only 5 minutes. The uterus contracts and pushes the placenta out.

Some advises for women that approach labor are to relax as much as possible at home and only when the contractions get regular and painful to go to a hospital, if they start bleeding from the vagina or their water breaks to go to the hospital. In hospital it is recommended to resist any urge to push before a complete dilation.


Some facts about the man infertility

It is known that usually conception is achieved within twelve months in 80-85% of couples who use no contraceptive measures. When couples are not able to achieve a pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse, they should be regarded as possible infertile, and should be evaluated. Statistics say that in approximately 30% of cases pathology is found in the man alone, and in 20% of cases, both man and woman are abnormal.

We can say that in the evaluation of infertility, it is important that the couple to be considered as a unit in evaluation and treatment, and to proceed in parallel investigations, until the problem is found. When the patient complains of infertility, initial screening of the man must be considered, and an interesting fact is that pregnancy rates of up to 50% have been reported when only the woman has been investigated and treated even if the man was discovered to have abnormalities of semen quality.

The hypothalamus regulates the production and secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone. It receives messages from both the central nervous system and the testes, and it is the integrative center of the reproductive axis. The hypothalamus releases gonadotropin releasing hormone in a pulsatile nature, and it seems that this is essential for stimulating the production and release of both luteinizing hormone and follicule stimulating hormone. An interesting fact is that after the initial stimulation of these gonadotropins, the exposure to constant gonadotropin releasing hormone determines the inhibition of their release. In response to the pulsatile release of gonadotropin releasing hormone, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone are produced in the anterior pituitary and are secreted episodically, and they bind to specific receptors on the Leydig cells and Sertoli cells within the testis.
The tests produce testosterone, which is a primary inhibitor of luteinizing hormone in males. Testosterone may be metabolized in peripheral tissue to the potent androgen dihydrotestosterone or the potent estrogen estradiol. Inhibin, which is produced by a Sertoli cell, regulates the mechanism of feedback control of the follicle stimulating hormone.It was seen that decreases in spermatogenesis are accompanied by decreased production of inhibin, and this is associated with reciprocal elevation of follicle stimulating hormone levels.It is known that also prolactin has a complex inter-relationship with the gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone and follicule stimulating hormone. In males with hyperprolactinemia, the prolactin tends to inhibit the production of gonadotropin releasing hormone, and also elevated prolactin levels may have a direct effect on the central nervous system.

There are a lot of misconceptions in the world of infertility. A very popular myth is that a couple will be able to conceive after the woman will be treated of infertility.Some time ago, treatment for a severe male factor consisted in inseminations or IVF using donor sperm, but today, there appeared innovative therapeutic options that offer a greatly improved chance to conceive their own biological offspring even to those with no sperm in their ejaculate due to genetic conditions.