Interesting Facts About Pregnancy
In medical jargon, pregnancy represents the nourishing of one or more embryos inside the bodies of female mammals. In human beings, it usually takes about 9 months for an embryo to develop fully into a baby.
What Are Trimester Periods?
For the sake of simplicity, the pregnancy period is divided into three trimesters. In the first trimester, the likelihood of miscarriage, which means the natural death of the embryo, is very high. In the second trimester, one can follow the progress made by the embryo in a right direction. During the third and the third trimester, the fetus learns how to survive and also gets ready to face the external world.
How Does A Woman Get pregnant?
Pregnancy is the result of fertilization or the union of the female egg (oocyte) with the male sperm. This merger of the two takes place when a male ejaculates, releases the sperms inside a female through sexual intercourse. Though conception begins right since implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine lining, for the sake of convenience, the first day of the last menstrual cycle is used to determine the due date or delivery date of baby. Following the implantation, human chorionic gonadotropinhormone is released. This activates the corpus luteum in the ovary to shoot up the level of progesterone. As a result, the body undergoes changes and symptoms of pregnancy become visible.
What Is A Due Date?
The date when the pregnant woman is expected to deliver her baby is known as due date. According to the Merck Medical Manual, human pregnancy lasts for 266 days, i.e, 38 weeks. However, if one counts from the first day of the last menstrual cycle, it comes to 40 weeks. But these are average figures. The real duration of the gestation period depends on various factors. For example, the first pregnancy period is usually longer than the subsequent ones.
What Is A Premature Baby?
A baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, is considered a premature baby. And if the baby is born after 43 weeks, it is called the post-mature baby. About 90 per cent of babies are born within a couple of weeks after the due date. Only 10 per cent of babies are born exactly on the due date!
Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy: Signs To Watch
As soon as a woman gets pregnant, there is a surge in her blood hormone levels, which is a sign of pregnancy. Urine and blood tests can further confirm the pregnancy .
Discussing Some Common Symptoms Of Pregnancy:
Missed periods: It is the commonest sign that a woman is pregnant but it is not conclusive as the missed period could be due to hormonal imbalance, poor diet, increase in weight, and irregularity in taking oral pills, stress, illness or disease of the ovaries.
Changes in Breast: The breasts appear swollen and feel tender and sore. The color of areola starts darkening within 8-10 of conception. Again this could be due to other reasons too like PMS.
Nausea with or without vomiting: This is the most common and most uncomfortable sign and symptom of pregnancy. Nausea or morning sickness might start from the 2nd week onwards and might taper off at the end of 3rd month. In some women, some amount of nausea occurs throughout pregnancy.
Tiredness and unusual fatigue: Many women experience excessive fatigue and tiredness, this because the body is working overtime to accommodate the drastic changes taking place in it. But this may due to some other reasons and medical conditions too.
Constipation, Heartburn and Frequent Urination: This occurs due to higher progesterone hormone levels as well as the uterus expanding during this time and putting pressure on other organs. Again, you must be cautioned that this may be due to other disorders too like food poisoning, spicy food and stomach disorders.
Increased sensitivity: Women become more sensitive to certain odors, smells and develop uncontrollable craving towards certain foods. They may suddenly start disliking certain other foods and get nauseated by strong smells including perfume. This sign and symptom of pregnancy is also due to rise in hormone levels.
Other signs and symptoms of Pregnancy: Some other symptoms are headache, back pain, cramping, spotting etc. Any unusual happening must be checked and diagnosed; if ignored, it could be dangerous for you and your baby.
The Positive Signs And Symptoms Of Pregnancy
The various sign and symptoms of pregnancy occur due to hormonal changes in the body. Since the pregnancy symptoms can also be caused by stress or illness, the blood test is a definite method for conforming pregnancy.
Some Of The Early Signs Of Pregnancy Are As Follows
Pregnancy Problems: Common Critical Conditions Of Pregnancy
What Are The Common Pregnancy Problems?
Morning sickness is the most common form of pregnancy problem to be experienced in the first trimester of pregnancy. One more symptom, that is nausea, can accompany this early pregnancy symptom. This morning sickness symptom along with nausea during pregnancy can surface anytime of the day, no matter if it is most commonly known as ‘morning sickness’.
There are many factors that influence morning sickness. The most common factor is increased level of hormones. Among the many things that you can do to beat this symptom is through morning sickness medication. Medication can lessen nausea, vomiting and can bring relief from morning sickness. Ask your doctors to prescribe you some medications which are effective in this regard. You may use referrals from your friends who have been pregnant and have found relief through medication.
Weight gain is one of the most obvious and inevitable pregnancy problems. The putting on of weight during pregnancy leads to other problems like expansion of waistline, appearance of stretch marks. Many women complain of some pregnancy complications like acute heartburn. If you are experiencing some forms of digestive problems and constipation, blame your increase of weight on these. Well, no more complaints, you can bear all these pregnancy problems now with our guided tips on how to resist.
How To Get Relief From Pregnancy Problems
If you are willing to find the keys to reduce stretch marks, you will be smiling at yourself while reading this article. The breast and the stomach including abdomen are the areas, which are susceptible to pregnancy problems like stretch marks. You may use lotions, available in markets in plenty, and these have been proved to be effective in dealing with stretch marks. Or else, you may consult your mother for homemade recipes to get rid of stretch marks.
False pregnancy, pregnancy miscarriage are drastic pregnancy problems. Some women experience some degree of pregnancy spotting but this may be normal and not signal pregnancy complications. To avoid high blood pressure, the expectant mother is advised rest and regular medical check ups. Try to feel as relaxed as possible and take medication to control your stress level. Feel happy and think positive to enrich the experience of pregnancy and mentally say goodbye to pregnancy problems.
Pregnancy - Experiencing Motherhood
Complacency Has No Place Here
According to a survey, most American women become pregnant within a month of unprotected sex. Only in 15% cases, there is a need to consult a physician in this regard. In such cases, it is necessary to monitor pregnancy week by week. Therefore, it is very important to understand the meaning of pregnancy. Moreover, one should understand how one becomes pregnant.
During unprotected sex, the X and Y-chromosomes present in the semen of the male travel through the vagina of the woman to meet the Y- chromosomes present there. Once united, they develop the fetus, which grows in the uterus of the woman and eventually becomes a baby. Usually, this process gets underway as soon as you have unprotected sex even once; in some cases, it may take longer. The snag occurs only when there is some problem with the fallopian tubes or uterus of the woman or in semen of the male. If you cannot develop early sign of pregnancy even after two months of unprotected sex it is advisable to consult a physician.
Then there is also the doubt whether you are pregnant or not when you are trying to conceive. Nature has provided certain telltale signs, which indicate that you are pregnant. Some of these signs are physical while others are conditional. One of the very first signs of pregnancy is a slight bleeding you spot on the days of your menstrual cycle as you miss a period. This is the result of implantation of the egg which is formed by the unison of the chromosomes, to the uterus.
Another physical sign of pregnancy is the tenderness in the breasts and the softness of the nipples, which indicate that the mother's body is getting ready for the role of motherhood i.e. breastfeeding.
In addition to the physical symptoms, there are certain other symptoms as well, that indicate a pregnancy. Well, your frequent visit to the toilet is one clear cut symptom of pregnancy. Then there also may be a feeling of nausea or vomiting along with constipation that you might experience if you are pregnant. All these signs indicate that you should consult your doctor and take a formal test to confirm a pregnancy.
Early Pregnancy Symptom - Every Reason To Be Happy
Women have always been confused about early pregnancy symptom. Confusion can lead to complacency, which in turn can lead to a miscarriage. It is a well-known fact that 75% of fetus loss at an early stage of pregnancy occurs, as women do not recognize early pregnancy symptom. Pregnancy can be confirmed at an early stage in many ways. Here are some of them.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Fatigue - Owing to hormonal changes in the body of a woman, most women experience fatigue during the first few weeks of pregnancy. It is very difficult to distinguish between fatigue that takes place due to a change in hormone levels and tiredness that is associated with physical exertion. However, one can understand that one is pregnant if fatigue occurs without exertion or too much travel. This is early pregnancy symptom.
Missing A Period - Missing a period is another sign of pregnancy. All women have a period every month if they are not pregnant. If in a particular month a woman misses a period, then it is an obvious early pregnancy symptom. In most cases, this is a sure indication of pregnancy. Missing a period is also sometimes associated with cramping in the legs with a feeling that periods may start anytime. Back pain accompanies cramping in most cases.
Nausea and vomiting - Also known as 'morning sickness', nausea is considered as one of the earliest early pregnancy symptom. Women usually fear it as a bout of food poisoning or an attack of cold! It is also the most annoying symptom of pregnancy. Most women start to experience this very common complaint, after a month of pregnancy. However, morning sickness can attack as early as the first week of conception in some women too.
Frequent Urination - Frequent urination is another annoying early pregnancy symptom. It usually starts soon after conception, due to the reducing size of the urinary bladder, as the uterus grows larger to accommodate the baby. It can also be the result of the release of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, which stimulates the bladder muscles to give a feeling of fullness, which in turn prompts one to urinate more often.
Constipation - This is an irritating sign of pregnancy. Constipation is usually followed with an urge to eat large quantities of sour and spicy food.
Even though you might experience one or all of the early pregnancy symptoms as given above, it is advisable to consult a doctor and take a few pregnancy tests to confirm a pregnancy. One of the first tests to confirm pregnancy is the HCG test of your urine. This test not only confirms pregnancy but is also a signal to remind you that you need to take an appointment with your health care consultant soon. You can take this test conveniently at your office or you can take it at any other time during the day too. Moreover, this test is usually 100% accurate and hence quite dependable to confirm good news.