
The benefits of stopping smoking

There are many benefits for a person who chooses to give up smoking, which are first and foremost to do with health. The chemicals within a cigarette are extremely harmful to the body, and as well as lung, smoking can lead to other kidney, pancreas and bladder cancer as well. By giving up cigarettes a person also greatly reduces the threat of heart disease and strokes in later life, therefore enhancing their overall life expectancy.

It is the nicotine within a cigarette which provides the addiction, which is why they are so hard to give up. It is as much a battle of willpower as it is the body craving another fix, and this is where so many people fail in their attempts to quit. However, once you succeed, the confidence level of that person can rocket skywards, as they are able to believe in themselves, and believe that they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. This is something which can then be adapted into all areas of their life.

Smokers find exercise more difficult than others, because their lung capacity is smaller and they can quickly run out of breath. Exercise benefits soon stop to have as great an effect, because if you smoke afterwards you are polluting your body when you have just been exercising to try and cleanse it.

Many people choose to stop smoking because of the harm it does to their children around them, and fact that children whose parents smoke are more likely to pick up the habit themselves. It is also necessary to highlight the dangers of smoking during pregnancy - those who do run a greater risk of their unborn child dying at birth, being born prematurely and even increases the chances of cot death early on. Even smoking before pregnancy can harm the chances of conception and increase the possibility of miscarriages. Equally with men, who are more likely to suffer from impotency and harm their own sperm by being long term smokers.

Smoking can affect a person's appearance dramatically, and make someone look a lot older than they actually are. Yellow fingers, bad teeth and wrinkles are all visible symptoms smokers often possess, and they are not attractive traits. A person who smokes 20 cigarettes a day spends around �35 a week on cigarettes, which equates to �1,820 a year. Imagine the savings you could make by giving up! Especially for those people who are not earning a huge amount in the first place, this could be treated like a pay rise - and all just by giving up smoking! There is an unpleasant smell associated with cigarettes and smokers, which is not appreciated by those who do not smoke, and even for the partners of those people who do. It can be a very unsociable habit, so much so that the government is introducing a ban in all public places. There has never been a great incentive to quit! Not only will you look better, be healthier and save money, soon the only place you will be able to smoke is in the confines of your own house anyway!

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