
Using Acupuncture For Female And Male Infertility

Some people wait their entire lives to have children and to be told that you can't make you feel worthless or inferior. A lot of factors that are involved in the natural conception all have to be in the correct place and balance for it to be successful. The organs of the female and the sperm of the male need to in the right order. The environment needs to be in proper order. When anything is out of place in either man or woman, you have female and male infertility. If you feel that there is a problem with you and your spouse having a baby, you need to read on to understand what may be going on.

When a couple finds out that they can't have children, the woman often blames herself first. It's a woman's worst fear, in most cases, to be told that they can't have children.

However, a woman shouldn't jump to conclusions without getting tested by a doctor because it may be the man that is the cause of their inability to become pregnant. If the man is the cause of the couple's inability to conceive. The doctor will ask the man to provide a sperm sample for testing. A urine and blood test may be necessary as well to determine if there are any other internal causes for infertility

Female infertility can be caused by genetics, smoking, a poor diet, lack of exercise, a hormone imbalance and more. Female can also suffer from ovulation disorder. Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the more known problems in female. The common problem that male face is known as azoospermia and oligospermnia. The first causes are no sperm to be produced and the causes of oligospermnia are the sperm to be reduced to a point where it is not useful. The problem might also be from sperm that is not formed correctly or they die before they can reach the egg to fertilize it. A disorder that is genetic, in nature, can also become a problem. Male and Female infertility are about the same percentage when you are looking into the causes.

Acupuncture, the Traditional treatments

Acupuncture has been used for centuries in some cultures as an effective means of treating a variety of illnesses. The function of acupuncture is that it regulates blood pressure by stimulating the central nervous system. This process also causes the release of neurotransmitters and neurohormones, which assist the body in healing itself. Finally, acupuncture releases endorphins which will inhibit pain and give the body an overall feeling of wellness.

When to Use Acupuncture

Most medical experts will agree that acupuncture and infertility are generally and effective combination when used to treat issues like hormonal imbalances, rather than structural abnormalities like blocked fallopian tubes. Since acupuncture can help to regulate your body's system, blood flow is increased to the vital organs and hormone levels are better regulated. This will allow your body to heal itself from issues regarding an imbalance of hormones in some cases. It has been found that acupuncture and infertility work best together when acupuncture is done after conventional methods of treatment have been tried, or in conjunction with these treatment.

Sometimes during acupuncture sessions, herbs will be recommended to enhance the acupuncture experience and aid in healing the infertility issues. Keep in mind that some of these herbs can actually counter the effects of some of the fertility drugs that you might also be taking, so talk to your doctor before taking any kind of supplement. It has been shown that acupuncture and infertility are particularly effective when acupuncture is used while a woman is going through an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle. This may be because acupuncture also serves as an aid to relaxing the body and reducing tension, which may contribute to the success of the IVF cycle.

To see Result

If you are stressed with an inability to conceive, perhaps you should look into the link between acupuncture and infertility. At the very least, these sessions may help you to handle the other infertility treatments a bit better. Keep in mind that you will most likely scheduling one or two sessions of acupuncture a week for a number of weeks at a time in order to see results. However, it may be your key to success - and a health baby.

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